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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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On 03/07/2024 at 12:15, Dunning1874 said:

It seems that a lot of the negativity about Delaney from Inverness fans was when he was playing at centre back, so hopefully with a proper run at left back he'll be fine and he's only at centre back in an emergency.

When Broadfoot's suspended.

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20 minutes ago, Cowshed said:

Dougie not happy with the pitch according to Telegraph take what they say with a pinch of salt though they’re muppets 

I thought the pitch looked fantastic in the 2 friendlies so far. It was noticeable that it was dry but surely we could invest in a few hoses or a *sprinkler system to address that?

Not undersoil sprinklers


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37 minutes ago, Cowshed said:

Dougie not happy with the pitch according to Telegraph take what they say with a pinch of salt though they’re muppets 

The article contains Dougie's concerns with the length of the grass. I've thought the same the last couple of season tbh. 

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2 hours ago, Mr.Blue said:

I thought the pitch looked fantastic in the 2 friendlies so far. It was noticeable that it was dry but surely we could invest in a few hoses or a *sprinkler system to address that?

Not undersoil sprinklers


To me it looked in good condition , but Dougie thought the grass was looking long something that can be easily sorted before the competitive stuff starts if it is an issue

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The pitch has been awful for years now. Mark does a decent job of making it look good to the eye but its so lumpy and full of sand. It’s so dry this summer too and grass is too long. I doubt 4 friendlies on it will help this pre season either.

It probably helped us with our direct and pressing style in the past but it’s hopefully not too much of a hindrance for our tiki taka total football this season.

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5 hours ago, port-ton said:

The pitch has been awful for years now. Mark does a decent job of making it look good to the eye but its so lumpy and full of sand. It’s so dry this summer too and grass is too long. I doubt 4 friendlies on it will help this pre season either.

It probably helped us with our direct and pressing style in the past but it’s hopefully not too much of a hindrance for our tiki taka total football this season.

Remember when cappielow was deemed one of the best pitches in Scotland what’s happened for it to deteriorate so much 

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37 minutes ago, Cowshed said:

Remember when cappielow was deemed one of the best pitches in Scotland what’s happened for it to deteriorate so much 

I imagine Dougie Rae used to give Mark pretty free rein to do what he wanted with it every summer with very little regards for the cost. 

I also wonder if his motivation for the job is the same after so long at the club and with his resources being reduced. 

I don’t think that we will ever get the pitch back to where it was at its best but in my opinion it should definitely be in a better state than it’s been the last few years. 

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2 hours ago, port-ton said:

I imagine Dougie Rae used to give Mark pretty free rein to do what he wanted with it every summer with very little regards for the cost. 

I also wonder if his motivation for the job is the same after so long at the club and with his resources being reduced. 

I don’t think that we will ever get the pitch back to where it was at its best but in my opinion it should definitely be in a better state than it’s been the last few years. 

Don't forget that there were 50+ games being played on the pitch for a few years, and then we decided to train on it for a while as well. We ran it into some state. 

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Impressed by Moffat today and think there’s a reasonable chance Davies will be a good player for us when match fit.

Lyall showed flashes, but looked heavy-legged; and big Lamar is no centre-forward (hopefully more effective out wide).

Also pleasantly surprised by how quickly we got Boyes in… left-sided centre-back who can also play left-back was priority no. 1.

From here, a back-up keeper, a Grimshaw, and another striker on loan… although I still get the feeling we might see one more wide player and Bearne moving on.

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Was in the sport writer's seats Tuesday.

We were saying the pitch looked poor and patchy.

Not the standard of past years.

But wet then dry weather has not helped. A bit of rain this week and some heat might just turn things around.

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