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Scott Allan

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Almost none of this is based in any kind of reality.

An absolute waste of a reply.

Step away from the crack pipe son. Give yourself a chance.

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The emotive definitive public statements by the board and management, none of which needed to happen, achieves absolutely nothing apart from creating turmoil, talk about digging yourself into a hole.

What, like "we won't be taking no for an answer"?

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Bidding a pittance for the player and making sure the press were well informed of this, a couple of days before you play Hibs in the cup?

Not to mention getting your friends within the press to try and crank up the pressure and force the move through.

You probably should have kept the details of any bid private. That would have been the respectful thing to do. Instead it was well publicised, which forced Hibs into their statement, which has led to it all escalating.

Nailed it.

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that the same badge kissing, love Rangers, the only club for me, lifelong dream Naismith, is that the one?

Did he deserve death threats for refusing to sign for Charles Green's newco Rangers?

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that the same badge kissing, love Rangers, the only club for me, lifelong dream Naismith, is that the one?

Rangers were the only club for him

Sevco in the 4th tier of Scottish football weren't

He had a career to think of

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Yes but I think the point is about Houston claiming to have looked after him during his time in jail. Not sure how much support you can offer someone over a weekender. In my experience there's f**k all you can do really

Your mum could have brought your methadone

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(1) A pittance?

A championship player with less than a year to run on his contract.

Who else is bidding more?

(2) Paranoid ramblings

(3) Ha Ha nice try, Hibs made this public....not Rangers

1) A pittance. The original bid was £175k max. The guy was the division player of the year. 1 year on his contract or not, selling to the team you expect to be challenging for the division title means that if you are selling you are selling at a premium to make it worthwhile. 175k is far less than his value in those terms, a relative pittance.

2) An unhappy Allan wont win Hibs the Championship. Should take what they can get, use £ to strengthen & move on. Fighting a losing battle here Chris Jack (@Chris_Jack89) https://twitter.com/Chris_Jack89/status/626091774050717700

3) Hibs only released details of the offer after the press speculation. They reacted to the bid being widely publicised by providing explicit details.

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Haha love it.

Pretty sure it's been stolen by teams up and down the uk . Heard hearts sing it for definite about upto their knees in hibee blood. Killin sing it about somecunts blood aswell.

Never seems to be much greeting about it though

Just pointing out the hypocrisy in whinging about some tweets when they're fans sing worse.

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Which group were complaining about the tweets?

From what I can see , it has not just been Rangers fans condemning the tweets , I am not going to sit here and say Rangers fans are all angels on Twitter but that does not excuse the fact that what these hibs fans have said is also bang out of order

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You probably should have kept the details of any bid private. That would have been the respectful thing to do. Instead it was well publicised, which forced Hibs into their statement, which has led to it all escalating.

3) Hibs only released details of the offer after the press speculation. They reacted to the bid being widely publicised by providing explicit details.

Rangers never did anything wrong. They quietly made a bid which Hibs then released a statement about.

The only time Rangers mentioned Scott Allan previously was when Paul Murray answered a question about Scott Allan, saying he is the type of player Rangers should be signing. That didn't specifically mean Scott Allan though.

It seems any info the press have gained has been due to Hibs, people who know Scott Allan, and possibly his agent in an attempt to get other clubs to make their move.

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If it was a fair offer it would have been accepted, no ?

Hibs' main issue has been they don't want to weaken their team whilst strengthening their rivals.

Therefore they'd be reluctant to accept a fair offer.

For them to accept a Rangers bid, they'd probably want an offer than was massively in their favour rather than "fair".

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