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Premier League 2015-16

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I'm giving my opinion on it, if people think otherwise then that's up to them.

It's certainly not indefensible, from what I've seen it seems like people are 50/50 on it. Just going out, to a club, is not justification for a manager to drop a player from the first team squad, in my opinion.

If he was behaving, and from what I've read it seems like he was, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. People can go out to clubs and not act like drunken arseholes ya know.

Theres footage of him in company of folk inhaling nitrous oxide again, a situation he was warned about in the past and told he'd face punishment for if caught again, and he was also witnessed partying on Sunday night, before having to train on the Monday morning.

Id agree just going out after a game doesnt warrant any discipline, christ Stevie May was at Loft off his nut every Saturday night, but the nitrous oxide happening again despite being warned and then partying within 12 hours of training warrants discipline IMO.

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Look at the nick of Grealish. Deserves never to play again for that alone.

The hair do is fucking horrendous.


Unsure if this hardline approach is going to work well though. You can pretty much see how it's going to play out. Doesn't get played, agent makes moves, off he pops to another team and possibly goes on to far bigger things. That or he moves on and continues to party like f**k and ruin his career.

At twenty years old though you have to give him a little leeway. If I was that loaded at twenty it'd been a miracle if I made training ever.

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Theres footage of him in company of folk inhaling nitrous oxide again, a situation he was warned about in the past and told he'd face punishment for if caught again, and he was also witnessed partying on Sunday night, before having to train on the Monday morning.

Id agree just going out after a game doesnt warrant any discipline, christ Stevie May was at Loft off his nut every Saturday night, but the nitrous oxide happening again despite being warned and then partying within 12 hours of training warrants discipline IMO.

Well that changes everything then. If he's back to doing that nonsense then he deserves the punishment.

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Unsure if this hardline approach is going to work well though. You can pretty much see how it's going to play out. Doesn't get played, agent makes moves, off he pops to another team and possibly goes on to far bigger things. That or he moves on and continues to party like f**k and ruin his career.

and in 2018 his agent phones the Irish FA, 'Er, em...'

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Who remembers Richard Wright? He's been a goalkeeper at Manchester City for 5 years. He last played in the Premier league 9! years ago.

mind raimond van der gouw? made 60 appearances in 6 years for man united and yet would likely have won numerous medals and cup with them not to mention getting paid a decent whack of cash

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