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Yet another US shooting

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Apparently a lot of people on a whatsapp group chat I'm in could've been caught up in this because (unusually) they've been to Vegas in the last decade.

I was staying in the Luxor in 2003 which is just next door

It could have been me if the gunman had arrived 14 years early and gone one price bracket down
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2 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Right, it's still saying 2 dead on my news feed

Just updated to 20. Horrific, again.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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I wonder how many of those killed or injured were/are in favour of gun control.
It is difficult to have sympathy given the general close minded attitude towards changes to the law on gun ownership.

Difficult to have sympathy for innocent people being slaughtered as they go about the business?? Only if you're an absolute sociopath.
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1 minute ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Difficult to have sympathy for innocent people being slaughtered as they go about the business?? Only if you're an absolute sociopath.

I must be an absolute sociopath then. 

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terrible but you expect it now  , americans are fuckin loons, not nice to tar everyone with the same brush but they must have the highest psychopath ratio in the world.



just waiting for the nutcases to argue "if everyone was armed.....>"



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Sociopaths / psychopaths (the terms are interchangeable) tend to be less intelligent than the general population.





Overall, the team found no evidence that psychopaths were more intelligent than people who don’t have psychopathic traits. In fact, the relationship went the other way. The psychopaths, on average, scored significantly lower on intelligence tests. “I think the results will surprise a lot of people,” says Boutwell.

Matt DeLisi at Iowa State University hopes that the findings will help put the Hannibal Lecter myth to rest. “The character promulgated the notion that psychopaths were highly intelligent, and there were real offenders that embodied this, like Ted Bundy,” says DeLisi. “But I have interviewed thousands of offenders, some of which are very psychopathic, and I have found that the opposite is true.”

In his experience, DeLisi says psychopaths tend to do poorly at school. “They are very sensation-seeking,” he says. “They don’t like to sit and read books – they end up engaging in substance abuse.” In his own interviews, he has found psychopaths to be rather inarticulate, and to swear a lot. “They talk over you in a brusque, aggressive style,” he says.



If the cap fits Granny...

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You're Clearly a warped and sick individual when your immediate thoughts weren't shock or sympathy but "I wonder what their political stance is..." and "if they differ from mine then they deserved to die"

Who the f**k would be shocked at a gun related atrocity in 'murica?

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15 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Sociopaths / psychopaths (the terms are interchangeable) tend to be less intelligent than the general population.




If the cap fits Granny...

Only some parts.  I always thought sociopaths and physcopaths were different.

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Gun lobby favourite Dan Bilzerian was caught up in the attack (no deed:()and didn’t think the right to bare arms was such a good idea once he had been shot at. The NRA won’t change and trump will call the attacker a loser and everyone will move on yet again. As far as I can make out there is no appetite for real change. The protests after school shootings are usually small and when the NRA went to Columbine after the school shooting which caused the biggest reaction I doubt there was more than 5000 people then which won’t be enough to force change.

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3 hours ago, GTG_03 said:

2 dead. 24 injured.
Waiting to find out the colour of skin before deciding if it's a lone wolf with mental problems or a terrorist.

^^^ ITK


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