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Yet another US shooting

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2 hours ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

The teenagers have shown remarkable class and dignity in the way they have went about their protests. The hysterical reactions on the other side from people who are supposed to be adults can only help the argument for gun control.

In a logical society I would agree with you, there is nothing logical about the USA and nothing portrays this more that the gun debate.

The second amendment only makes sense in context.  The time and circumstances that it was written for no longer exists, and the biggest defenders of the 2nd amendment are those who make billions of dollars from the gun industry.

That said I hope these kids and their generational peers can be the beginning of change.


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This statement from the police regarding the Austin bomber has been getting on my nerves since I heard it a few times on the radio the other day:

“The suspect is deceased and has significant injuries from a blast that occurred from detonating a bomb inside his vehicle,” Brian Manley, the Austin police chief, told reporters at the scene.

I've only heard the word injuries ever being used to apply to someone who is still alive. Apart from that, what was the point in putting it into the statement in the first place considering the boy was a bit dead? 

Eta: And more to the point, why has the font changed to the same size as my copy and paste of the statement?


Edited by Dee Man
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3 hours ago, Mark Connolly said:

It's quite clear that they want everyone to know he had significant injuries that they can't actually name.

ie, he's blown his cock off.


Which brings to mind that old story :

"Police in Texas have found a black man burnt to a crisp, hanging from a tree with 45 bullet shots to the head and torso, they say it's the most violent suicide they have ever come across."

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On 25/03/2018 at 20:47, Louis Litt said:

One of the major issues with those in power on the right is that a lot seem to tweet and speak about 'gun bans' instead of reform. You've then got a bunch of pro gun folk who'll quite simply not listen to any sort of discussion on the issue because they think the big bad left are wanting to take all their weapons all together instead of banning military assault weapons, lowering magazine capacities etc. 

Cue the nutter.

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2 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:

During the winter they could have a bag of snow under the table for quick counter attack of snowballs and rocks.

Nobody like a snowball with rocks. It's a game changer.


Edit , Yes, you think I'm crazy, however they do get snow in this state!!!

Edited by SlipperyP
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Fox News presenter goes after one of the prominent school kids on twitter.
School kid replies by posting a list of sponsors of the presenters show.
Presenter makes apology after sponsors start pulling their ads.

What a fucking place.

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