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Yet another US shooting

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All trolls, apparently!

What is it, 6 months to go to the US election and your average leftie still refuses to try to understand pro-gun shit and especially the Trump phenomenon :lol:

I will happily admit I don't understand the 'pro-gun shit'.

I find it impossible to understand why so called rational adults can think that there should be effectively little no control over the ownership of assault rifles. I find it equally impossible to understand why folk can be so blasé about the various atrocities, including Sandy Hook, and fail to make some connection between such atrocities and gun ownership.

Maybe it's wrong or simplistic for me to dismiss 50%+ of the U.S. adult population as fucking morons but my lack of understanding leads me to that conclusion.

FWIW the attitude of U.S. Citizens to other issues reinforces my opinion of them.

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I will happily admit I don't understand the 'pro-gun shit'.

I find it impossible to understand why so called rational adults can think that there should be effectively little no control over the ownership of assault rifles. I find it equally impossible to understand why folk can be so blasé about the various atrocities, including Sandy Hook, and fail to make some connection between such atrocities and gun ownership.

Maybe it's wrong or simplistic for me to dismiss 50%+ of the U.S. adult population as fucking morons but my lack of understanding leads me to that conclusion.

FWIW the attitude of U.S. Citizens to other issues reinforces my opinion of them.

It's not so much about guns and more about lasting resentment from the civil war. If Obama promised every household in the US a free million dollars, 30% of the population would vote no. They despise government in any form.

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It's not so much about guns and more about lasting resentment from the civil war. If Obama promised every household in the US a free million dollars, 30% of the population would vote no. They despise government in any form.

So they're not rational adults then? More or less confirms my point.

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It's not so much about guns and more about lasting resentment from the civil war. If Obama promised every household in the US a free million dollars, 30% of the population would vote no. They despise government in any form.



There are a lot of elderly people in the US who get free prescriptions because of ObamaCare but still despise it and him.

It sounds daft to us, but Americans are totally different people with different principles.


Americans are generally sound as f**k though.

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After a 14 hour filibuster by Senator Chris Murphy, the GOP have agreed to allow a vote on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watchlist from obtaining gun licences and whether to extend background checks to gun shows and Internet sales.

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Despite studying American politics at Uni (for a semester), I have no idea why or how filibustering can be seen as effective or the best solution to any problem. One senator even took to reading out the phone book to prevent a bill going through. Madness. 

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It's not so much about guns and more about lasting resentment from the civil war. If Obama promised every household in the US a free million dollars, 30% of the population would vote no. They despise government in any form.

Somehow I think demographics and population movement between 1865 and today - 151 years later - might cast a wee pall of doubt on the Civil War resentment theory, though in fairness it may be found in small groups and loud individuals.

It might be easier 'crediting' the westward expansion for the gun nut mindset.

I admit to being baffled by the screaming and shouting of the gun crowd as 'protectors of the constitution' given they seem so at ease with other parts of it going through the Christian values grinder.

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Despite studying American politics at Uni (for a semester), I have no idea why or how filibustering can be seen as effective or the best solution to any problem. One senator even took to reading out the phone book to prevent a bill going through. Madness. 


I thought you had to stay on topic when you filibuster?

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Its open to interpretation, someone may say 'i wonder what the following people think about gun control' and then proceed to read the phone book.


There should be an immediate ban for filibustering on here. Wouldn't be too difficult.

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These filibusters must have strong bladders.

Or stink of piss.


Not far off. 




Thurmond had a few tricks up his sleeve to last so long. He took steam baths every day to prepare, so he could dehydrate his body and it would absorb fluids and prevent his having to leave to use the bathroom.But he did use the bathroom once, and this was by peeing in a bucket in the cloakroom, with one foot still on the Senate floor. He was also able to take a trip to the restroom once when another Senator asked him to temporarily yield the floor to make an insertion in the Congressional record. He passed the time by reading voting laws for all of the states, the federal criminal code, and the Declaration of Independence. 


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Really?  What you are saying is that organized crime in the United States is basically the same as it is here.  When someone is shot here you basically know the guy was a gangster because the people with guns (ie criminals) don't shot the people without guns (ie law abiding citizens).


If hardened criminals were deterred by gun ownership they wouldn't have become hardened criminals in the first place.


Gang members know that they have a 50/50 chance of entering a gun owning home. Our laws allow us to kill people who enter our homes.

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Wonder how many generations Yank Mike has to go back to find the first immigrant....


4 great grand parents born in Italy.

The rest of my ancestry is probably British.

Not that any of that matters since I identify as American.

Edited by Yank Mike
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