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What Nationalities have you been mistaken for?


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Have you been mistaken for anything else than your own?

French - an old Swedish guy started speaking French to me in Stockholm. A French woman in Germany, and tons of Lebanese people in Dubai.

Spanish - Greek gyros seller asked me if I was from Spain. And a drunken Norwegian in Amsterdam.

Russian - Once in NZ from a Greek guy again, and another time when I introduced myself speaking English with my Scottish east coast brogue to a Canadian.

'A white Greek' - from a Turkish man.

Polish - a couple of times too. Must be my big robust puss.

Yugoslavian - mostly from other foreigners in Sweden.

Chechen - from an actual 'Yugoslavian' in Sweden, and another said ''Moldova/Ukraine''

Georgian - another drunk Norwegian. TBH, very impressed ats the specifics of Georgian. but why no Ossetian ;).

Irish - a lot in America/Canada. And even strangely enough from three different Irish people too!

South African - Ja, braai, bru. Got this in America from a Puerto Rican lady.

'You maybe have a Japanese grandfather down the line' - from a very friendly Japanese tourist. Probably being nice, but it's on the list.

And that's it of the top of my head.

How about you?

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German nearly always German. In Portugal an elderly shopkeeper started speaking to me in German. Even when I told her I wasn't German and that I was Scottish(in German), she still insisted on speaking German to me. Must be my striking Ayran look. :lol:

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Irish (although technically I could have held an RoI passport if I wanted to), Northern Irish, Polish and Russian on several occasions, but most alarmingly and bizarrely Serbian while playing football against a Croatian team in Canada when Yugoslavia was in the process of breaking up. Lucky to not be in a wheelchair given some of the tackles that were flying in until they finally realised I was Scottish.

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When I was in Poland if I walked into a bar the barman would ask what I wanted in Polish. When I was in Germany and I went to buy a train ticket they would ask in German, etc. etc. Dunno if any of this counts as someone thinking I'm foreign or not tho'. Over half the folk I talk to when they come into work are clearly foreign but I still speak to them in English.

When I lived in Jersey a few of the English tourists at my bar kept thinking I was Polish and moaning about "bloody Poles". This was particularly amusing when the person he was moaning about the "Poles" to was a born/bred islander, who spoke Jersey French at home, and said that at least they're better than the fucking English. There was also a Polish girl who worked in the hotel there who was convinced I was Polish and refused to believe me. Since I started working in this hospital at least one visitor/caller a month thinks I'm Polish as well.

Also had a guy come round the house to fix the skirting boards and when I answered the door I telt him I'd go get the landlord on the phone for him and he said to me "Do. You. Have. Your. Landlord's. Number?" I was kinda taken aback as to why he was speaking loudly, and slowly, and asking me what I just told him I was about to do when he went onto his phone and, in a stupid cockney accent, said "Yeah. I'm here but the guy living here's bloody Romanian and can't speak English."

On the ferry to Aland from Sweden I got chatting to this wummin and was firing in when her two pals, a lesbian couple, came over and didn't believe I was Scottish and were certain I was a Dane, pretending to be Scottish, as a way of getting into Swedish girl's knickers.

Also the usual of folk thinking I'm Irish anytime I open my mouth.

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A Yank asked me for directions in Kaiserslautern in German and I couldn't be arsed speaking English to him so I just replied to him in German. I think I sent him the wrong way too...

....and Finnish. In Finland. By a Finn. Finns just ain't what they used to be.

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