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When will indyref2 happen?



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8 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

1. I'd use an apostrophe.
2. We donated our sovereignty to wur big English pals in both a magnificent and prescient gesture in 1603.  Said act propelled Scotland from a medieval backwater on to the world stage.  We then formally made our unbreakable bond in 1707.

Really, the history of Scotland for (almost)  half a millennium has been the story of the Scottish tail wagging the English dog so I haven't a fucking clue what you're on about.

1) On this minor point over the aesthetic of the grammar, you are completely correct. Hats off to you.

2) On this, the rather more important second part of your statement, you are obviously talking complete pish.

Scotland pre 1707 had no public debt, was as wealthy as most similar sized nations and had a dam sight better educated populace than almost all in Western Europe.

This all changed post 1707, when our nation was turned into a provincial backwater after being sold off by our own aristos, against the wishes of the vast majority of the populace. 

The aristocrats certainly prospered out if it. Most of the rest of the nation did not for the best part of 100 years. Economic growth in Scotland fell away sharply in comparison with England and other similar sized European nations.

In fairness, the union did have a wee purple patch in Scotland between about 1850 and 1950. 

However the rest of the time, the union has brought nothing but f@ckin misery to most in Scotland.

Without doubt,  for the majority of the last half century, Scotland has been terribly hindered by being tied to a deid duck. That is where we are at now. 



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7 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Scotland pre 1707 had no public debt, was as wealthy as most similar sized nations

I stopped reading at this point.  Is stating that Jockland had no public debt before 1707 now one of the Natter myths?  Are you really rewriting history to this extent?  Are you eliding Darien from the public conscience?

1707 happened for two major reasons:  Protestantism and debt.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

I stopped reading at this point.  I stating that Jockland had no public debt before 1707 now one of the Natter myths?  Are you really rewriting history to this extent?

1707 happened for two major reasons:  Protestantism and debt.

Scotland had no public debt. We had to agree to take on a share of England's debt.

I thought you knew your history?

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11 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Scotland had no public debt. We had to agree to take on a share of England's debt.

I thought you knew your history?

Our unsustainable debt in 1707 is what drove us in to Union  - hence the almost became a slave master Bard's - 'parcel of rogues' schtick - allied to our joint Reformed cause which we affirmed with England in 1560.

I can see why The Murrells like fuckwits like you.  You're so in to Scotchland that you've taken leave of your senses.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Our unsustainable debt in 1707 is what drove us in to Union - allied to our joint Reformed cause which we affirmed with England in 1560.

I can see why The Murrells like fuckwits like you.  You're so in to Scotchland that you've taken leave of your senses.

Oh dear.....🤣 

I think you maybe are confusing public debt (ie the national debt) with that of the debt of private individuals.

(There is a reason the aristocrats sold their nation much to the disgust of the vast majority)

For your education, Scotland in 1707 ran at a surplus. 

Scotland had to agree to take on a share of England's debt.



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11 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Our unsustainable debt in 1707 is what drove us in to Union  - hence the almost became a slave master Bard's - 'parcel of rogues' schtick*

*to quote the Bard, "English gold has been our bane" and still is to the tune of £15 billion per annum.

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4 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Oh dear.....🤣 

I think you maybe are confusing public debt (ie the national debt) with that of the debt of private individuals.

(There is a reason the aristocrats sold their nation much to the disgust of the vast majority)

For your education, Scotland in 1707 ran at a surplus. 

Scotland had to agree to take on a share of England's debt.

Natter revisionism at its finest - it was cash-rich Jockland that took on pauper England in 1707.

I know that the empty-headed Natters like to argue that black is white but this is endlessly entertaining.

Any more bon mots to share?

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Natter revisionism at its finest - it was cash-rich Jockland that took on pauper England in 1707.

I know that the empty-headed Natters like to argue that black is white but this is endlessly entertaining.

Any more bon mots to share?

I look forward to you posting details of Scotland's public debt in 1707.


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6 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

I look forward to you posting details of Scotland's public debt in 1707.

In 2020 the taxpayers of London and the SE sent money to finance the Scotch economy - as they did in 1707.  In the past year it has been to the tune of £15 billion.

All of which is to miss the point.  For almost 300 years we Jocks have shaped our delightful Union.  In the past few years the Scotch have been in the thrall of the nasty wee Murrells and, consequently, have become a shower of cosplaying grievance junkies.

This isn't the sort of Scotland that any sane person wants a part in.

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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

In 2020 the taxpayers of London and the SE sent money to finance the Scotch economy - as they did in 1707.  In the past year it has been to the tune of £15 billion.

All of which is to miss the point.  For almost 300 years we Jocks have shaped our delightful Union.  In the past few years the Scotch have been in the thrall of the nasty wee Murrells and, consequently, have become a shower of cosplaying grievance junkies.

This isn't the sort of Scotland that any sane person wants a part in.

What a load of shite.........

Goodnight kinky. Hope the heads no too sore in the morning.😉

Edited by git-intae-thum
Typo......Kinky is a grammar fiend after all.
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5 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

In 2020 the taxpayers of London and the SE sent money to finance the Scotch economy - as they did in 1707.  In the past year it has been to the tune of £15 billion.


Is it the thought of £15 billion that made you decide to start sucking off racists, Islamophobes, antisemites and extremists in your desperate bid to be liked?

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8 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

‘Jockland’ ‘Jocks’ 

-the type of shite patter Kincy uses down the pub to get a pat on the head from his EDL pals. 

He does love to stoke EDL grievance. It’s part of the whole “I hate them Scotch as much as you, me ol’ mucker. Please accept me” shtick.

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