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When will indyref2 happen?



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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

No surprise - Wirez to the moon white knighting.

Pipe doon sunshine. Fair few of you on here find it difficult to be challenged on your views. Tough shit. It is a discussion forum. I'll agree with some points and disagree with others.

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10 minutes ago, HalfCutNinja said:

A false belief in what they perceive to be equality, when its nothing of the sort. But again, as you admit, its f**k all to do with you anyway. 

Why have John Mason and Fergus Ewing not been purged then?

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6 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

While the daft wee Natters have an endless debate over which flavour of Natterism is more Scotch - keech vs jobby - the real world is moving on.


And the hot take today on why Scotland shouldn't be independent?


Jesus wept.


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13 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

While the daft wee Natters have an endless debate over which flavour of Natterism is more Scotch - keech vs jobby - the real world is moving on.


Is this the sort of thing that cheers you ?

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4 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Depresses me.  It is, sadly, one consequence of a coterie of disaffected grievance junkies seeking to partition our nation state.

Did you actually read the article ?

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Just now, The_Kincardine said:

Decent-paying manufacturing jobs.

Not that that matters to the blood and soil Natters.

Are Mcvities making them now?

A wee packet of blood and soil Natters with a cuppa would go down a treat at tea break.

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Depresses me.  It is, sadly, one consequence of a coterie of disaffected grievance junkies seeking to partition our nation state.
The workers have asked for intervention by the Scottish government - pray tell us what is wrong about that?

McVities are not moving because of anything done by the Scottish government but because of overcapacity and reduced demand for branded biscuits.

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10 minutes ago, Avon Barksdale said:

Did you actually read the article ?

Of course he didn't. Let's just be thankful that just this once he wasn't promoting the Twitter views of confirmed racists, white supremacists, or out and out bigots. 

Baby steps and all that. 



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1 hour ago, strichener said:

Really, she told the hearing that she would never forget the day Alex Salmond came to her house to tell her of the allegations whilst "forgetting" that she had already been told about them previously.  

Fucksake, being told there were allegations by a lawyer is different from being told, by your mentor, that he was being charged with multiple sexual assaults.

1 hour ago, strichener said:

She told the enquiry that learning of "a potential issue" in April 2018 "would not in itself have been a massive shock".  

Because of the Edinburgh airport allegations, yes.

1 hour ago, strichener said:

"What happened in my house on April 2, in my dining room with a man that's been all these things to me for thirty years, was so significant, that that was the thing that will live with me forever. Did that, in my mind, slightly obliterate what came before that? Possibly."

Because a "potential issue" is a lot milder than outright sexaul assault charges, yes.

The problem with you is your sheer hatred of Sturgeon clouds your mind and your judgement.

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1 hour ago, HalfCutNinja said:

That's the way it is mate, your thinking and language is cult-like. You are a cultist now.  I can't help you if you can't see it. But that is what is going to cost us independence. 

It is a New SNP, it is now a cult. And you're a fully signed up member of it.

Straight out of the Alba playbook.  Like it or not. You're now one of the scientologists of the Independence movement, you claim other people are what you really are.

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36 minutes ago, Avon Barksdale said:

Did you actually read the article ?

Of course.  Good jobs are going from Scotland and some staff to follow.  Makes sense.  If you want to consolidate manufacturing you'd not do it in Nippy's Scotland.

If we do have IndyRef2 I;d want to encourage more of this stuff - and do it as part of UK Govt policy - because absolutely no one with an ounce of sense would want to continue employing people in The Scotland when limits to trade and free movement of people with England are imposed.

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I really hope that Alex Salmond abandons this Alba Party nonsense.  He was a powerful advocate for independence and fought Scotland's corner as well as anyone.  "was"..... "fought"... Past tense. His time has gone.  He is in danger of turning into another George Galloway. At least the Monster Raving Loony Party knew they were taking the p!ss when they submitted candidates - and so did the voters. Gubbed at one election? No problem! Just wait until the fair-minded people of Scotland come to their senses in the local authority elections... Eh? Pardon? 

I mean, seriously... this is a real question that needs answering - do Alba members or supporters think that winning a tiny percentage of votes and next to hee-haw (if any) seats in a couple of local authorities in 2022 will convince the SNP in Holyrood to push for a referendum even one day earlier than they want to?  Earlier than when they believe they can win it? Scotland already has 2 independence supporting political parties; in the PR systems used in Council and Holyrood elections we can't have the pro-indy vote split between 3 parties. Who do Alba expect to take votes from - the Tories? The Willie Rennie Appreciation Society? 

Enough!  Folk are in danger of forgetting the lessons learned so painfully over decades by the Labour Party throughout the UK - 

1) it is hard enough for a united political party to do well in elections - just ask the LibDems. Divided political movements crash and burn in the heat of election campaigns - it can't be any different in the run-up to a referendum;

2) victory at the polling stations (in elections or referenda) CAN'T just arise from convincing members of political parties that their party's view is correct.  It is the electorate that needs to be brought along. 

There needs to more attention paid to making the case for independence in the minds of those who are presently neutral or even opposed to it and less attention paid to stropping up over who is "really" wanting independence.  There's F all point in holding a referendum unless reliable opinion polls show a sustained majority in favour of independence over a period of months. If it is called too early, without a much better than even chance of winning, that'll be it for my lifetime. I'm "only" in my early 60s.

Folk who want the same outcome need to grow the f up, stop arguing with each other, and start convincing their friends and family.  The Tories in Holyrood are a joke and will hopefully implode within a few months under Dross when they see how useless he is. I keep hearing about independence-supporting Labour voters - and I know some. They are the ones we need to convince to put their votes in the "Yes" box.  Labour in England are a spent force for at least the next 2 general elections, probably more - surely Scottish Labour voters can't put up with that. 


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