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Which bugs do you kill?

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Moths are beautiful IMO. I kinda think bluebottles are too, with that electric pink/green/blue oily sheen they have.

Bluebottles are fucking rank. They feast on dog shit. Absolute filth.

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Got love for all creatures great and small. I'll even let spiders run about on my hands and feed them dead flies I find on windowsills or whatever.

I wish there was a way of explaining the concept of windows to flying bugs though. Feel so bad watching them repeatedly bump into an invisible shield of glass.

Has anyone ever given any thought for wasps/bees that get stuck on buses and end up miles from home, with no idea where they are? :(

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I let spiders live generally. There was a spider living in my flat that had probably been there longer than I had. He generally came out at around half 9 every night, scuttled around the carpet for a few minutes then went under the other couch. As time went on I feel we built a bit of a rapport and he was feeling more comfortable being out in the open. However, one night I got up off my arse to quickly take the rubbish out and as I was putting my shoes on I accidentily crushed him under my heel - he must have been taking a disco nap next to my shoe. I genuinely felt quite bad about it.

Moths and daddy long legs don't bother me at all and neither do flies really (not in this country anyway). I've been stung countless times so wasps and bees die if I'm around. Also if anything goes in my bed then I have to kill it - it's overstepping a boundary.

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You did.

Rest assured, your suggestion of putting a multiple amputee in a pram and shagging them hasn't been forgotten, even if the thread is gone.


I never imagined shagging babies. My ides centred around adult, consenting amputees.

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Got love for all creatures great and small. I'll even let spiders run about on my hands and feed them dead flies I find on windowsills or whatever.

I wish there was a way of explaining the concept of windows to flying bugs though. Feel so bad watching them repeatedly bump into an invisible shield of glass.

Has anyone ever given any thought for wasps/bees that get stuck on buses and end up miles from home, with no idea where they are? :(

I genuinely have a bit of a freak out if I see/hear a wasp/bee on the bus. If it's busy, I can't fucking move anywhere and I have to sit and pray that it doesn't land on me; if it did I'd shriek in terror and probably get laughed at.

I fucking hate them. :(

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I'm not liking this, I like bees but hate wasps malarkey. Is it because bees are furry and cute and wasps look as if they mean business. It's like saying horses are cool but zebras are fucking vermin. It's nonsensical

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I'm not liking this, I like bees but hate wasps malarkey. Is it because bees are furry and cute and wasps look as if they mean business. It's like saying horses are cool but zebras are fucking vermin. It's nonsensical

This. Or another example would be setting a butterfly free out your window but swatting a fly, just because of how they look. They've both committed the same act.

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This. Or another example would be setting a butterfly free out your window but swatting a fly, just because of how they look. They've both committed the same act.

It's general hypocracy, something enountered every day. Can't kill a butterfly but feel fine about killing a cow...as long as someone else does it for you.

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I'm too scared to approach anything to kill it myself but will happily let others do it for me. Wasps and Bees are the fucking devil and I would love to live in a world without them! I've seen myself get off a bus if there is one on it and wait for the next bus. Nothing worse than being in an enclosed space with a wasp and nowhere to run.

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Can't believe that some folk are hen pecked in to murder

I ken, right? That's like having to be press-ganged into hot sex with Icelandic twins.

Sorry for bringing up the amputee pram thing again, BTW. You should start another thread up. I think it would be therapeutic both for yourself and the readers.

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I ken, right? That's like having to be press-ganged into hot sex with Icelandic twins.

Sorry for bringing up the amputee pram thing again, BTW. You should start another thread up. I think it would be therapeutic both for yourself and the readers.

Are you equating murder and sex?

I have no need to start up another thread. Besides, I'm worried that someone might nick the idea. I haven't been down to the patent offive yet

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