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Which bugs do you kill?

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Amazed by the amount of people who have said they try and kill wasps. If you miss surely things will quickly escalate?

Doesn't stop the Americans when they see efnicks wandering through their neighbourhood, and you'd think the stakes are a fair bit higher there.

People are stupid. We're all a bunch of morons.

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I tend to let any insect found in the house out a door or a window but if it scares one of my daughters I've got to kill it to stop them being upset.one exception to this rule was inside a dead bird one of our cats had thoughtfully left at the back door.I let it sit for longer than I should have and when I went to lift it yesterday it was a writhing mess of feeding maggots.I went at it like Shaun of the Dead battering a zombie,with my spade,until every one of the wee fuckers was squashed.felt good

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I thought about this yesterday when a rather large arachnid walked along the bedroom skirting, no way would I have killed it. We're all just trying to get by. Did have a wee look about before I went to ma bed later right enough.

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I thought about this yesterday when a rather large arachnid walked along the bedroom skirting, no way would I have killed it. We're all just trying to get by. Did have a wee look about before I went to ma bed later right enough.

It was probably on its way to pump a mrs arachnid and make a sweet little arachnid family who will set up home in your pillow

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I kill flies and things that want to bite me like mosquitos, midges, clegs, etc. Anything else I try and put outside so the cats don't torture and eat it.

Spiders I try and look after because they kill pests. And I like the way the run about. Daddylonglegs are cool too. I'm also fond of moths.

Once when I was on holiday I woke up to a buzzing whine in my ear. I jumped up realising it was a mosquito, fat on my blood. I tried to swat it, missed, but watched with massive satisfaction as it half-flew, half tumbled in the eddies of air caused by my thrashing straight into a big spider's web. The spider, which has stripey legs, and which I'd befriended on the first day there, came zooming out the corner and trussed the mosquito in webbing for eating later. Very pleasing indeed.

I'm not liking this, I like bees but hate wasps malarkey. Is it because bees are furry and cute and wasps look as if they mean business. It's like saying horses are cool but zebras are fucking vermin. It's nonsensical

I don't go out my way to kill wasps, but will do if they're annoying me. Your analogy is wrong though, as bees are useful, wasps are mainly arseholes.

Also, wasps will try and get into beehives, and if they get in the bees don't know what to do and the wasps kill all the bees. Bees need as much help as they can get, so I shed no tears for a dead wasp.

This. Or another example would be setting a butterfly free out your window but swatting a fly, just because of how they look. They've both committed the same act.

Not really. A fly or bluebottle has committed the act of landing on shit than attempting to come in and land on my food, spreading disease. A butterfly has committed the act of fluttering about looking pretty.

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It was probably on its way to pump a mrs arachnid and make a sweet little arachnid family who will set up home in your pillow

Not too worried but I've just swapped pillows with the wife, just in case.
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I squash everything stupid enough to cross my path and feel no sympathy. Wasps are the worst, just dicks.

I also have no sympathy for dead cats. None at all. Wouldn't deliberately harm one but wouldn't feel a bit of remorse if I ran one over. Would feel for the owner a bit I suppose but nothing for the disgusting cat.

That'll put the cat among the pigeons so to speak

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I squash everything stupid enough to cross my path and feel no sympathy. Wasps are the worst, just dicks.

I also have no sympathy for dead cats. None at all. Wouldn't deliberately harm one but wouldn't feel a bit of remorse if I ran one over. Would feel for the owner a bit I suppose but nothing for the disgusting cat.

That'll put the cat among the pigeons so to speak

Fair enough. They're dead; they aren't going to care.

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I once killed a wasp and put it in a spiders web. The spider toddled out, had a poke about, then fucked off. Went back a few days later and the wasp was untouched.

They prefer to do the killing themselves.

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If I can't get a fly or a wasp out the window I swat them.

Wasps are useful though. They pollenate plants and hunt insects that would otherwise damage crops.

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