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Michelle Mone (again)


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More lining up to have a pop at her. Still no sign of legal action against individuals


My favourite quote

Mr Anderson has described Ms Mone as a "a small-time businesswoman with PR exposure far in excess of any success".

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It's come true.

Even the House of Lards is now dumbed down. There seem to be a few Tories who are also not happy.

Typical vacuous PR boolshoight from Dave C. What has she done?

Get rid off these spongers and erselickers.

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Is it Lord hunting season yet? I wouldn't mind chasing a few of the latest intake with a pack of hungry bears.

In all seriousness, I'm embarrassed about previously holding the UK up as a bastion of democracy, the hoopla that is the House of Lords makes Mugabe look like Abe Lincoln.

PS- Mone is the worst type of person to roam the earth- complete cuntress.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Boo and indeed hoo. The heart bleeds.

mjkPhV-K_normal.jpg Michelle Mone OBE 2h
How is this fair when all I'm trying to do is help other people achieve their dreams? I will continue to work hard & carry on with my work
View details · mjkPhV-K_normal.jpg Michelle Mone OBE 2h
I'm working so hard&giving over 50 FREE days for this review to give back.I got a lift in a car for 15 mins,dropped at the train station...
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