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Mr Rational

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Why would a UK wide electoral coalition have a position on independence published in their Westminster manifesto?

Anyway I can reassure you that TUSC activists were some the most active Yes campaigners in the referendum.


Haud oan, yer too quick for me.

I also found this website.

This is the English/UK TUSC.



Welshbairn says that the Scottish TUSC wants tae leave Europe.

Here is the English take on that.


Petition to Electoral Commission

Don’t give taxpayers’ money to UKIP and Tory EU campaigners!

Sign Now!


We the undersigned call on the Electoral Commission not to give taxpayers’ money and other public resources to either the Vote Leave or Leave.EU campaigns, or any amalgam of them, in the forthcoming EU referendum...

Surely they should be singing from the same song book.


This is the same page ‘Latest news’

…Because they are passing on the cuts a vote for the SNP or a so-called Yes Alliance in May next year, an idea put forward by a number of left organisations and individuals in Scotland cannot be supported. While all the organisations that take part in TUSC in Scotland, including the RMT, called for a Yes vote in the referendum, there can be no support given to candidates who are not prepared to call for non-implementation of Tory cuts..


I was unaware of that so fair play tae them.

You said

TUSC in Dundee are a coalition of all sorts. Democratic left, SWP, SSP, old Labourites, non affiliated trade union reps.

I would describe myself as Democratic left so I should join them.

But as I’ve said elsewhere wait until Indy then campaign (if you have to).

Let’s be really, really honest.

If a Tory government down in London cuts the money to Scotland there is nothing that we can do about it.

I can understand their sentiments but reality prevails.


If the Scottish TUSC is not a unionist organisation where is their commitment to Independence (as a body).

Are the Scottish TUSC completely separate from the one down south or are they a branch office.

And if you tell me that the STUSC is committed tae Independence then I will write them a strongly worded letter accusing them of splitting the Indy vote.

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This isn't northern Ireland. You dont have to hold a position for or against independence.

They also aren't a political party they are an electoral coalition that coalesces around a few key issues - anti free market EU, no cuts etc

I agree with you about the Westminster cuts. That's why I don't belong to,campaign, support or vote for TUSC. I just said I don't mind speaking to them now and again.

Talk of splitting the Indy vote is the mirror position to SNPout gimps. It's also the sort of disingenuous nonsense you see from Solidarity and Rise about why you shouldn't vote SNP on the list.

Personally I'm glad we have plurality in the Indy movement.

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The Democratic Left are what's left of the old Communist Party of Great Britain I believe.

TUSC are definitely pro-independence but I'm guessing it's not their priority at present. They stood as no2eu in the last European elections as they oppose the eu from the left.

Fair do's but the English TUSC are for the EU.


This isn't northern Ireland. You dont have to hold a position for or against independence.

They also aren't a political party they are an electoral coalition that coalesces around a few key issues - anti free market EU, no cuts etc

I agree with you about the Westminster cuts. That's why I don't belong to,campaign, support or vote for TUSC. I just said I don't mind speaking to them now and again.

Talk of splitting the Indy vote is the mirror position to SNPout gimps. It's also the sort of disingenuous nonsense you see from Solidarity and Rise about why you shouldn't vote SNP on the list.

Personally I'm glad we have plurality in the Indy movement.

That's a strange reply.

A Scottish political organisation doesn't need to have a position for or agin Indy?

I would suggest that in Scottish politics everybody has to have an opinion on Independence.


Personally I'm glad we have plurality in the Indy movement.

Me tae, provided everybody votes for the SNP at Westminster and Scottish elections.

Otherwise it's a split vote.

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They are definitely for getting out of the EU. Definitely. Virtually every party left of labour is. The SSP/Rise being the only exception I can immediately think of.


Then how dae ye explain this wot I posted earlier?


This is the English/UK TUSC.



Petition to Electoral Commission

Don’t give taxpayers’ money to UKIP and Tory EU campaigners!

Sign Now!

We the undersigned call on the Electoral Commission not to give taxpayers’ money and other public resources to either the Vote Leave or Leave.EU campaigns, or any amalgam of them, in the forthcoming EU referendum...

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Cos they are attacking the EU from the left so don't want taxpayers money to go to any right wing rabble.

Again fair do's but I've got tae be honest.

If a right-wing party (in Scotland) was pushing for Independence as well as the SNP, I certainly wouldn't be campaigning against them.

I would keep my heid doon then efter Indy get stuck in.

Ye ken it makes sense. :thumsup2


Edit: I just read that and it's no as sensible as I thought.

A couple of posts back I was saying that there should only be the one party that gets the Indy vote.

That still stands so I hope ye ken whit I mean.

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Again fair do's but I've got tae be honest.

If a right-wing party (in Scotland) was pushing for Independence as well as the SNP, I certainly wouldn't be campaigning against them.

I would keep my heid doon then efter Indy get stuck in.

Ye ken it makes sense. :thumsup2

Edit: I just read that and it's no as sensible as I thought.

A couple of posts back I was saying that there should only be the one party that gets the Indy vote.

That still stands so I hope ye ken whit I mean.

The thing about 'the left' in Scotland is that though the majority were in favour of yes at the referendum a good number would actually say that if 'socialism' could be achieved throughout the uk then they would not really be bothered about the Indy question at all.

The SSP were not in the mainstream of left of labour thinking in Scotland at the time when they were set up as an independence supporting party.

I know a couple of old Stalinists who literally argue that all nationalism leads to fascism and they associate Nicola Sturgeon with Hitler. Literally.

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They were branded as no2eu in the euro elections as is said, don't know what more I can say. I know one of their candidates in that election.

Here they are with Bob Crow who was heavily involved.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1459516661.678813.jpg

I cannae argue with that.

But a thought just occurred.

Why, in their petition that I posted did the English/UK TUSC no object to tax-payers money going to the pro EU lot?

 It specifically mentioned Vote Leave or Leave.EU campaigns but nothing regarding their Pro EU enemies.


Again I've got tae be honest.

If that is the logic of an organisation wanting out of the EU then there is no way I'd vote for them on that issue or any other.

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The thing about 'the left' in Scotland is that though the majority were in favour of yes at the referendum a good number would actually say that if 'socialism' could be achieved throughout the uk then they would not really be bothered about the Indy question at all.

The SSP were not in the mainstream of left of labour thinking in Scotland at the time when they were set up as an independence supporting party.

I know a couple of old Stalinists who literally argue that all nationalism leads to fascism and they associate Nicola Sturgeon with Hitler. Literally.

Whit! I wid stand them up against a wa' and shoot them.

Tell them that it's no only in Russia that there's a Lubyanka building :P

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Maryfield is a bit of a bellwether ward.

There was a time the actual Maryfield bit of Maryfield (the ward covers maryfield, stobbie, stannergate and town centre) could be expected to return a few Tory voters, Labour votes would have been weighed. Changed days.

I travelled a fair bit around Scotland and never saw such a concentration of Yes support as I saw in stobswell.

Morgan Street and Albert Street were a sea of Yes stuff in the referendum.

The area has changed though. Not do long a go it used to be one of the sought-after area to have a flat in - certainly outside of the Ferry/West Ferry/Riverside/Downfield areas.

I don't think you could say that now. I lived in Stobbie around 15 years ago and it had already started to change then.Not quite sure why it has changed so much - possibly buy to let and houses of multiple occupancy, a younger demographic, might be having an influence.

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The area has changed though. Not do long a go it used to be one of the sought-after area to have a flat in - certainly outside of the Ferry/West Ferry/Riverside/Downfield areas.

I don't think you could say that now. I lived in Stobbie around 15 years ago and it had already started to change then.Not quite sure why it has changed so much - possibly buy to let and houses of multiple occupancy, a younger demographic, might be having an influence.

Maryfield used to be a pretty Tory area, unless the boundaries have changed significantly.

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Haud oan, yer too quick for me.

I also found this website.

This is the English/UK TUSC.


Welshbairn says that the Scottish TUSC wants tae leave Europe.

Here is the English take on that.

Petition to Electoral Commission

Don’t give taxpayers’ money to UKIP and Tory EU campaigners!

Sign Now!

We the undersigned call on the Electoral Commission not to give taxpayers’ money and other public resources to either the Vote Leave or Leave.EU campaigns, or any amalgam of them, in the forthcoming EU referendum...

Surely they should be singing from the same song book.

This is the same page ‘Latest news’

…Because they are passing on the cuts a vote for the SNP or a so-called Yes Alliance in May next year, an idea put forward by a number of left organisations and individuals in Scotland cannot be supported. While all the organisations that take part in TUSC in Scotland, including the RMT, called for a Yes vote in the referendum, there can be no support given to candidates who are not prepared to call for non-implementation of Tory cuts..

I was unaware of that so fair play tae them.

You said

TUSC in Dundee are a coalition of all sorts. Democratic left, SWP, SSP, old Labourites, non affiliated trade union reps.

I would describe myself as Democratic left so I should join them.

But as I’ve said elsewhere wait until Indy then campaign (if you have to).

Let’s be really, really honest.

If a Tory government down in London cuts the money to Scotland there is nothing that we can do about it.

I can understand their sentiments but reality prevails.

If the Scottish TUSC is not a unionist organisation where is their commitment to Independence (as a body).

Are the Scottish TUSC completely separate from the one down south or are they a branch office.

And if you tell me that the STUSC is committed tae Independence then I will write them a strongly worded letter accusing them of splitting the Indy vote.

They think that all the mainstream parties are as bad as each other - hence they are as happy attacking the SNP as they are Labour. It's pretty typical of the SWP - the real enemy are not the Tories but those parties that follow a democratic progressive route not a revolutionary path.

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