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20 minutes ago, Cream Cheese said:

It won't have to be approved by Parliament if Heil May and her minions gets their way in court. If that happens, there will be no parliamentary scrutiny and complete control of the matter will fall into the hands of one person.

Do you even understand the current situation?

That whole post is moronic idiocy. Today's court action is purely about whether legislation or a Parliamentary approval is required to invoke article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union. 

Irrespective of the Supreme Court's ruling, the Brexit Bill will have to go through Parliament. The Bill will include the repeal of the relevant EU legislation, e.g. the 1972 European Communities Act. 

The big question is what happens if the Brexit Bill is rejected by Parliament. There is no provision in the the EU Treaties for the expulsion of a member state. 

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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1 minute ago, Cream Cheese said:

So when things go against the will of the Scottish people it's a "UK matter", but when it comes to cleaning up the mess it's a "devolved matter"...... aye, ok then.

More deflection.

Sturgeon has said repeatedly that she wants the Scottish Government to negotiate jointly with the British Government.

So what's her position on Scotland's future relationship with the EU - trade deal like Canada's or full Single Market membership and freedom of movement like Norway?

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Erm full membership of the eu,  as Scotland voted overwhelmingly for.  You idiot, I would have thought that was obvious,  you're still not quite getting this whole Scottish nationalism thing are you, she wants Scotland democratic decisions to be respected always in every scenario,  that's kind of the point.

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53 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

The BBC and other pro-EU media outlets are making their voices heard. Any attempt to shut them up is failing. If Remain had won, the Leavers would have been told to shut up. The Remainers can't accept the result and using every possible means to delay or stop Brexit.


Do you think in this situation that:

a) people have the right to appeal to the Courts if they think that the law is not being followed?; and

b) the Sumpreme Court will make a judgement based upon their interpretation of the law?


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6 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Erm full membership of the eu,  as Scotland voted overwhelmingly for.  You idiot, I would have thought that was obvious,  you're still not quite getting this whole Scottish nationalism thing are you, she wants Scotland democratic decisions to be respected always in every scenario,  that's kind of the point.

Full membership is not offer you idiot. The issue is the type of Single Market deal that Sturgeon wants post-Brexit. 

Btw, it's funny how you appear after Cream Cheese departs. You also have similar thick views.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Do you think in this situation that:

a) people have the right to appeal to the Courts if they think that the law is not being followed?; and

b) the Sumpreme Court will make a judgement based upon their interpretation of the law?


a) Of course. It's basic right under UK Law.

b) Yes. That's the legal duty of the Supreme Court as the final court of appeal.

Why do you think otherwise?

Or are you just trolling?

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Then more fool them. I'm suddenly reminded of that woman on QT ranting about what the Tories were up to and claiming, "I voted for you, why are you doing this?!"

I thoroughly enjoyed that.

Stupid sociopathic bitch votes Tory and is shocked to tears that they wanted to cut tax credits. Served her right [emoji23]
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Personally, I'm in the 'take your lumps' camp. Scotland voted to stay in the UK, the UK voted to leave the EU. I might not like either of those decisions but they happened. There's no point trying to change the past, you can only really look to help achieve the things you want to see happen in the future.

Despite what some Britnats incessantly say, I think Independence supporters have done this in the main, not so sure about some remainers (especially indy supporting remainers).

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Btw, it's funny how you appear after Cream Cheese departs. You also have similar thick views.

Not as funny as funny that time you had a meltdown and posted a picture of cock shaped cream cakes though.

Then you hid from the forum for a while .
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10 minutes ago, mjw said:

Not as funny as funny that time you had a meltdown and posted a picture of cock shaped cream cakes though.

Then you hid from the forum for a while .

I went on holiday so wrong again numpty.

Booked it three weeks previously.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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3 hours ago, Bishop Briggs said:

The BBC and other pro-EU media outlets are making their voices heard. Any attempt to shut them up is failing. If Remain had won, the Leavers would have been told to shut up. The Remainers can't accept the result and using every possible means to delay or stop Brexit.


Having watched Question Time - I find it hard to believe the BBC is pro-EU.

Every week it is the same - with some loudmouth angry Brexiter saying "We voted out - so grab your coat and let's go now." or something to that effect.  It seems to only visit places that are full of horrible people - although I suspect it just the audience and not the place as a whole.

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17 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Having watched Question Time - I find it hard to believe the BBC is pro-EU.

Every week it is the same - with some loudmouth angry Brexiter saying "We voted out - so grab your coat and let's go now." or something to that effect.  It seems to only visit places that are full of horrible people - although I suspect it just the audience and not the place as a whole.

Read the BBC website. It's full of anti-Brexit articles every day. 

Or listen to Radio 4, especially the Today programme.

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3 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Read the BBC website. It's full of anti-Brexit articles every day. 

Or listen to Radio 4, especially the Today programme.

Would that you had ever made even a ghost of a whimper about the dreaded "BBC bias" towards UK nationalism and against Scottish nationalism in the past four years.

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1 minute ago, Antlion said:

Would that you had ever made even a ghost of a whimper about the dreaded "BBC bias" towards UK nationalism and against Scottish nationalism in the past four years.

I have always attacked the BBC as the mouthpiece of the Unionist and Europhile liberal establishment.  

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