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Mr Rational

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The big jump in the Tory %?

Bingo. One of the reasons Labour think they lost the election down south was that they never reached out to pensioners. Up here, it's all they have now as Ruth is harvesting the 'staunch' unionist and the middle class labour vote back to the Tories.

I can't see a way back for labour now. Truly and totally FUBAR.

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However Labour retook Thanet from Ukip last night aswell

Even there I think it was probably due to a UKIP to Tory swing and they were well back of the combined right wing vote.

UKIP mostly lost cause they made a promise which will take longer + the fact the labour candidate stood in May , Low turn out

Wasn't Thanet a home game for Farage?

it still is they have 25 councilors

Edited by wotad
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UKIP mostly lost cause they made a promise which will take longer + the fact the labour candidate stood in May , Low turn out

it still is they have 25 councilors

So Scotland wasn't the only place Labour took a hammering.

Thanet District Council

2011 Labour Councillors 26 Ukip 0

2015 Labour Councillors 4 Ukip 33

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My parents live in said "glorified village tuck shop".

UKIP are an absolute joke. Big promises re : Manston which they had no chance of keeping, and of course the Tories in Westminster wouldn't give them any succour by helping out. Then a Trot-style sries of splits and factions and back into irrelevance.

UKIP really aren't much changed since the 1990s when policy was decided by who was left standing, after the leadership punch-up at annual conference. The only difference is the profile they have. UKIP people would claim they now have influence through a bloc of MEPs, but as all the MEPs seem to actually do over there is be jailed for nicking money and make friends with racist cranks from the old Soviet bloc, its debatable what purpose they actually serve.

give it two or three years; if the "stay in" side wins in the referendum, the party will break apart. Farage will go on to become a full time media figure and / or jakey, Carswell will quietly return to the Tories, and the rest will slowly vanish.

UKIP might actually have a long term future if Farage could be persuaded to stand down, and with an image make over. But he won't; and even the deepest of steam cleans won't get rid of all the oddballs, loons, Rhodesia-nostalgiacs and "gay marriage caused the floods" types.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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So Scotland wasn't the only place Labour took a hammering.

Thanet District Council

2011 Labour Councillors 26 Ukip 0

2015 Labour Councillors 4 Ukip 33

Labour lost england during the general election as well, UKIP came second in 200 labour seats im pretty sure .

My parents live in said "glorified village tuck shop".

UKIP are an absolute joke. Big promises re : Manston which they had no chance of keeping, and of course the Tories in Westminster wouldn't give them any succour by helping out. Then a Trot-style sries of splits and factions and back into irrelevance. Losing to the Red Tories in such a true-blue area is a real minter for them.

UKIP really aren't much changed since the 1990s when policy was decided by who was left standing, after the leadership punch-up at annual conference. The only difference is the profile they have. UKIP people would claim they now have influence through a bloc of MEPs, but as all the MEPs seem to actually do over there is be jailed for nicking money and make friends with racist cranks from the old Soviet bloc, its debatable what purpose they actually serve.

give it two or three years; if the "stay in" side wins in the referendum, the party will break apart. Farage will go on to become a full time media figure and / or jakey, Carswell will quietly return to the Tories, and the rest will slowly vanish.

UKIP might actually have a long term future if Farage could be persuaded to stand down, and with an image make over. But he won't; and even the deepest of steam cleans won't get rid of all the oddballs, loons, Rhodesia-nostalgiacs and "gay marriage caused the floods" types.

As someone who supports UKIPs Policies rather then person everyone wants farage gone after the referendum and replaced by Steven woolfe or Suzanne evans . UKIP will never be relevant in scotland if we oppose the Barnett formula though.

Even if we vote to leave or stay i would support UKIP cause i believe in

political reform

direct democracy

MP recall


no tax on minimum wage

remove bedroom tax

Free tuition for STEM subjects

grammar schools

these are not bad policy , Will never vote labour cause they believe in nothing and tories just copy every good policy UKIP make.

Unlike the Only Show In Town, 'kippers couldn't maintain control of a glorified village tuck-shop for six months before splitting:


People used the UKIP ticket to get elected then went independent but promising manston so soon was a dumb move.

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political reform

direct democracy

MP recall


no tax on minimum wage

remove bedroom tax

Free tuition for STEM subjects

grammar schools

yeah, so committed to "localism" and "direct democracy" that until very recently UKIP were publically shouting for the abolition of the Scottish parliament and Welsh assemblies. Although they seem to have gone a little bit quiet on that now as they look likely to do well in the Welsh assembly.

I think the shambles of Nigel's "resignation" followed by his swift re-appointment as leader shows how much store we can set by whatever UKIP imagine is "MP recall" and "direct democracy".

The rest of just an uncosted wish list pandering to what they imagine is the current mood music in public. Well, apart from the revelation that Farage still wants to privatise the NHS. Was that a policy UKIP nicked from the Tories, then?

People voting UKIP and expecting anything other than a hard-right agenda, delivered very incompetently, need their head examined.

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yeah, so committed to "localism" and "direct democracy" that until very recently UKIP were publically shouting for the abolition of the Scottish parliament and Welsh assemblies. Although they seem to have gone a little bit quiet on that now as they look likely to do well in the Welsh assembly.

I think the shambles of Nigel's "resignation" followed by his swift re-appointment as leader shows how much store we can set by whatever UKIP imagine is "MP recall" and "direct democracy".

The rest of just an uncosted wish list pandering to what they imagine is the current mood music in public. Well, apart from the revelation that Farage still wants to privatise the NHS. Was that a policy UKIP nicked from the Tories, then?

People voting UKIP and expecting anything other than a hard-right agenda, delivered very incompetently, need their head examined.

UKIP are not hard right they are right there polices are nothing hard right at all , but i agree that Nigel resignation was a shamble , and forgive me if i dont believe the mirror if people watched the video years ago he was asked other examples of health care he said privatization works in some countries and we would need to take another look at our NHS in the future. That is not the same as saying privatize it now. Also if your in favor of staying in the EU are you going to ignore TTIP until it takes over the NHS.

Ive been in UKIP a few years and have never heard of them getting rid of Scottish and welsh parliament considering we want a English that would make no sense.

I'm not on here often enough to keep track of sad sacks who cannot live without this place, despite being banned umpteen times...

Im not some other person you think i am maybe get a mod to check my IP then people can stop accusing me.

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Ive been in UKIP a few years and have never heard of them getting rid of Scottish and welsh parliament considering we want a English that would make no sense.

It was UKIP policy until very recently. It may still be, it's so vague and unclear.

are you one of those Kippers that goes out camapigning without bothering to check what the policies are first?

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Didn't Farage say the policies were made up as they went along other immigration and BritEx.

I dont know what this means.

He did say the 2011 manifesto was a pile of shite and disassociated himself from it. The policy on the future of devolutioon though is *very* ambiguous and unclear.

The only reason i raised it was the claim that UKIP were somehow in favour of "direct democracy" and "localism" when the track record suggests anything but. And, as we have seen in Thanet, as with all far right parties UKIP are actually calamitously bad when handed power, by any electorate foolish enough to give it to them.

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