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27 minutes ago, kilbowie2002 said:

It certainly doesn't come across that way. The closer we get to independence the better.

Well 'independence' is binary rather than a road trip.  'You' had the chance and cunted it.  You're now stewing in the same juices as the rest of the UK, however much Wee Nicola squeals.

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1 minute ago, The_Kincardine said:

Well 'independence' is binary rather than a road trip.  'You' had the chance and cunted it.  You're now stewing in the same juices as the rest of the UK, however much Wee Nicola squeals.

Try try and try again wee spider,how can any party calm victory with 38% of voters it should be null and void apathy wins

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2 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Everyone is looking at the copeland result because of the history but for me the stoke-on-trent central result is more interesting with a labour remainer against the UKIP leader with stoke the capital of brexit.

Wasn't Stoke fairly predictable, though?  Wasn't it just he UKIP morons who thought it was winnable?

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Theresa May said something along the lines of the success in Copeland shows the Conservatives appeal in England, shes not even pretending to represent the whole of the 'UK'. what a fucking joke.

England does exist you know. It isn't a dirty word. I'm sure when the Tories win more seats in Scotland, which unfortunately they probably will, she'll talk about Conservative appeal in Scotland.
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2 minutes ago, BerwickMad said:

England does exist you know. It isn't a dirty word. I'm sure when the Tories win more seats in Scotland, which unfortunately they probably will, she'll talk about Conservative appeal in Scotland.

Love having a fellow optimist on the thread ;)

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5 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Everyone is looking at the copeland result because of the history but for me the stoke-on-trent central result is more interesting with a labour remainer against the UKIP leader with stoke the capital of brexit.

Labour polled 37% against a combined Tory/UKIP vote of 49%. Labour could have been helped by Corbyn using a 3-line whip to force his MPs to vote for the Brexit Bill.

The hapless Nuttall Hibs'd it and the Tories must be kicking themselves that they did not field a stronger candidate.

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4 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

Wasn't Stoke fairly predictable, though?  Wasn't it just he UKIP morons who thought it was winnable?

In stoke 70% voted to leave the EU so not only UKIP morons but the tories tae could have split the vote but labour winning with a remainer tells us that brexit hasn't made much for a difference.

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14 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

Labour polled 37% against a combined Tory/UKIP vote of 49%. Labour could have been helped by Corbyn using a 3-line whip to force his MPs to vote for the Brexit Bill.

The hapless Nuttall Hibs'd it and the Tories must be kicking themselves that they did not field a stronger candidate.

the Tories may have wanted Nuttall to win but is far as Corbyn goes he was always in a lose lose scenario.

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Love having a fellow optimist on the thread [emoji6]


Talking about England isn't just slip of the tongue by May. They'll know voters want to hear it in places like Copeland and Stoke. Snell used the St George's cross on his leaflets too. I'm not a nationalist myself so it isn't important to me, but I can understand why it appeals to some and people are sick of their 'identity' constantly being attacked or noses being turned up at it.
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Labour polled 37% against a combined Tory/UKIP vote of 49%. Labour could have been helped by Corbyn using a 3-line whip to force his MPs to vote for the Brexit Bill.
The hapless Nuttall Hibs'd it and the Tories must be kicking themselves that they did not field a stronger candidate.

Tories deliberately ran a weak campaign - they clearly felt a narrow Labour win was less damaging to them than a UKIP win to start their bandwagon rolling again.
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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Tories deliberately ran a weak campaign - they clearly felt a narrow Labour win was less damaging to them than a UKIP win to start their bandwagon rolling again.

The Tories put all their effort and money into Copeland. A Labour win in Stoke suited the Tories because it would allow Corbyn to hang on whilst being attacked by his own MPs.

Even if UKIP had won in Stoke, Nuttall does not have the leadership qualities to take on the Tories, especially after Brexit. UKIP is a busted a flush. The only questions are when will Farage leave for a new career and when will Carswell rejoin the Tories. 

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10 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

Everyone is looking at the copeland result because of the history but for me the stoke-on-trent central result is more interesting with a labour remainer against the UKIP leader with stoke the capital of brexit.

Votes in referendums are seldom a good indication of how people will vote in parliamentary elections, any more than votes in European elections/council elections are good indicators of how people will vote in parliamentary elections. Witness the way Scotland rejected independence, yet only three seats failed to go SNP (in some cases with massive majorities) at the GE a few months later - one of those only failing to go SNP because Hearts fans voted for the Federation of Hearts member candidate (which of course will not be replicated come the next GE).

10 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Wasn't Stoke fairly predictable, though?  Wasn't it just he UKIP morons who thought it was winnable?

No matter how the Kippers spin it, Stoke Central was their best chance of winning a seat in a routine by-election - if they can't win there, highly unlikely they can win anywhere.

That said, there were some extraordinary circumstances - for one the entire left wing press (or would like to think itself as left wing) in the UK were running articles of increasing hysteria over the prospect of Nuttall winning, the right wing press meanwhile were split.

Secondly, the complete shitgibbon UKIP had as a candidate, whom they must now accept is a complete liability wherever they stand him, no matter how much Farage & Banks think he's the dog's bollocks.

Thirdly, Labour's habit of throwing every resource (& pulling every dirty trick) they have into seats where there's the threat of some other Opposition party winning the seat (see SNP 1945 to infinity). Fourthly, HQ Tories coming in at the last (& against the local branch wishes who saw UKIP taking the seat as a long term investment when that party inevitably collapses post-Brexit) to split the anti-Snell vote & keep Corbyn in his job ensuring Tinfoil Theresa walks the next GE. It's highly unlikely we will see another double set of by-elections this term, so any future losses by Labour aren't as likely to result in triggering discontent into action.

Come a general election, where Labour can't be all places at once & the party is shedding real activists daily (as opposed to buckled leftie infiltrators who piss off the moment any real dull plodding constituency work is to be done), if the Kippers put Tariq Mahmood up (& from his showing where he was the one that kept them in the race right up until the close of poll) Snell may find himself back on the dole - that of course depends on UKIP lasting that long...


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2 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Tories deliberately ran a weak campaign - they clearly felt a narrow Labour win was less damaging to them than a UKIP win to start their bandwagon rolling again.


36 minutes ago, Bishop Briggs said:

The Tories put all their effort and money into Copeland. A Labour win in Stoke suited the Tories because it would allow Corbyn to hang on whilst being attacked by his own MPs.

Even if UKIP had won in Stoke, Nuttall does not have the leadership qualities to take on the Tories, especially after Brexit. UKIP is a busted a flush. The only questions are when will Farage leave for a new career and when will Carswell rejoin the Tories. 

With the 38% turnout apathy wins but the question mark is still with UKIP having longevity and the obvious concern from the Tories.
labour winning with a remainer still splits the party not good for Corbyn.
The confused masses keeps the parties in turmoil over policies maybe a form of anarchy.

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33 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

With the 38% turnout apathy wins but the question mark is still with UKIP having longevity and the obvious concern from the Tories.
labour winning with a remainer still splits the party not good for Corbyn.
The confused masses keeps the parties in turmoil over policies maybe a form of anarchy.

UKIP will be finished after Brexit. It depends on European Parliamentary funding to finance its operations and campaigning. It would need a wealthy donor to put in £ millions to survive. Banks is not going to fund a party led by Nuttall, especially after the recent fall-out over Hillsborough. 

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