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Mr Rational

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Good to see the economy picking up..... well done the SNP

Yes, I'm sure the SNP are to be credited for jobs created by the British civil service in London and a confectionery manufacturer whose grad scheme is based in York.

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oh dear god is this a serious question?

these large companies are not intested in technical competent people.

they want to hire maleable mediocre achievers that they can mold into whateve job that company wants them to do.

they want sheep who wont fight them or be over demanding.

hiring top performers for that sort of company is a disaster because they generally dont tend to accept shite jobs.

seriously civil servant job? chocolate manufacturing job? For a graduate? Fucking kill me now lol.

heres a wee clue. if they job advert doesnt actually describe the specific job and asks for a 2:2 then its probably a shite job.

the fact that its highly competitive is neither here nor there. the job will still be shite.

mind you, if filling out tax returns or supervising chocolate production lines fires you up then by all means pile in.

mediocre jobs for a mediocre degree.

you al ost never get to the most exciting jobs with a 2:2. but by all means feel free to keep deluding yourself that its a realistic proposition.

you are arguing over something which you have no experience of. learn to recognise when something is out of your depth.

These are some of the best paid graduate jobs outside of London. My friend is earning more as a 2:2 graduate than many very gifted NQ lawyers. They are not nothing jobs. If they were they wouldn't be as sought-after as they are, with literally tens of thousands of applicants.

You might not think that jobs with flexible briefs are important, but graduate schemes like the civil service fast-stream get people to very high places. Once you are in the door most organisations couldn't care less if you got a Geoff Hurst or a Douglas Hurd: their perceptions of you and your abilities and what you contribute are almost completely unrelated to your degree manuscript.

Most of these organisations state that they will normally require a minimum of 2:1 to get to interview. They make some exceptions for candidates who display strengths in other areas. The important thing to take from that is that a 2:1 is absolutely not a "disaster" for anyone.

What the f**k have you even amounted to? You're belittling people who go into management or accountancy but they're probably still among the 20% highest earners in the country within 5 years, have excellent job security, and relatively social hours if that's what they want. Be snotty all you like; they're doing just fine.

4 years of effort and all you get to do is choose between either filling out spreadsheets or ensuring a chocolate coating machine stays powered on.

fucking hell. its genuinely horrific to think what some people consider a great job.

They're not operating the machines you moron. It was a management marketing programme. You're probably the sort of person who thinks a coal mine runs itself as long as you've got a man with a trowel.

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All 3 job offers were made when the SNP had fewer than 1% of Westminster's MPs you cretin.

Jackanory... shifting carpets with this story ad lib.

On another note referring to people as cretins and morons is not something one would expect from a budding politician. Although as you're a lib dem I use budding and politician in the loosesed possible sense.

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4 years of effort and all you get to do is choose between either filling out spreadsheets or ensuring a chocolate coating machine stays powered on.

fucking hell. its genuinely horrific to think what some people consider a great job.

Being a multi skilled engineer at a food manufacturer is a good job ya cretin.

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4 years of effort and all you get to do is choose between either filling out spreadsheets or ensuring a chocolate coating machine stays powered on.

fucking hell. its genuinely horrific to think what some people consider a great job.

Have to ask you oaksoft, what do you do?

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Thats all very interesting but my point is more aimed at fide and his disgust at people who vote for other parties than the SNP.

Not surprising to see a Labour drone cheering on a Tory win. Labour are beyond broken.

People still use terms like the '45' and '55'? Jesus.

You really are the most joyless of individuals. Sneering isn't a good trait.

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That's a total cop-out of an answer.

Real life doesn't have to be either/or.

It's entirely possible to have a job which is so good it's almost a hobby and a great home life.

Life is way too short to be spending 8-10 hours plus commuting doing a job which you don't love.

No amount of money will ever compensate for those lost years in that type of job.

Literally no one disputes that some well paid jobs are high stress and not enjoyable. This is not the point of the thread or the bone of contention.

You asked above what I've achieved in my life.

You asked it in your usual manner so I'll answer it in kind.

For a start, I've kissed another human being so straight away that puts me ahead of you.


Secondly, I've been through the graduate scheme and have worked for many companies over the years - both large and smalll.

I've been good enough to be involved in interviewing people for senior and principal/head engineer roles for one of the biggest companies in the world at that time.

TBH I'm not really interested in discussing what I'm involved in now because I'm not seeking the validation of a man who has not yet entered the world of full time permanent work.

I'm vastly more qualified than you when it comes to discussing what a graduate needs to be successful in the real world.

Come back to me when you graduate and find a proper job.

Maybe then your opinion will be based on something other than hubris and bullshit.


After years of graft, has wound up in an HR department :lol:

I'll leave you with one final piece of advice.

Everyone knows who you are.

Your photo is everywhere and people can easily find your online posting history.

All of those insults to fellow posters, comments about you believing it's OK to deliberately lie, the arrogance, the dmismissiveness and a myriad of other weird nonsense is freely available to anyone who was considering employing you.

Either you are a complete idiot, or you think employers are.

The only alternative would be for you to somehow be deluded enough to think a potential employer would see you as an asset and a team player.

Either way, think on.

If you are capable.

I have absolutely no problem with my digital footprint. I'm completely content for my current and future employers to do research into me.

If, however, they are sad and obsessive enough to take issue with anything I have said on this website in a personal capacity, I wouldn't want to work for them.

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I'll leave you with one final piece of advice.

Everyone knows who you are.

Your photo is everywhere and people can easily find your online posting history.

All of those insults to fellow posters, comments about you believing it's OK to deliberately lie, the arrogance, the dmismissiveness and a myriad of other weird nonsense is freely available to anyone who was considering employing you.

Either you are a complete idiot, or you think employers are.

The only alternative would be for you to somehow be deluded enough to think a potential employer would see you as an asset and a team player.

Either way, think on.

If you are capable.

Stalker IMO

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