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The monarch in Spain survives because he refused to endorse a parliamentary coup in the 80s didn't he? Reckon he owes his continued position purely down to having the sense to let democracy win.

No that man, abdicated in 2014. Although he was the hand picked heir to Franco. He did though as you say in 1981 stop the Spain returning to Francoist Government type (which would have kept him as head of government).

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GSTQ btw long may she reign.

Well, her and her ilk have probably covered up for as many sex offenders as the vatican, so between them there's a good chance god might be on their side.


Lib Dem leader Tim Farron is recalling the two times he met the Queen. He says she gave him his only experience of dancing of around a maypole. “All of us here are new Elizabethans. Queen Elizabeth II has reigned over us all. The values she embodies are about service and stability. It’s all the more important we recognise that Her Majesty occupies the most senior position in our democracy. It’s on this great day that we pay tribute to her service and humility.”

U wot m8?

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Were I to design a modern British democracy I would certainly not have a heritable monarchy nor would I have an established church wherein the monarch was Supreme Governor. Nor would I have our Head of State crowned by The Archbishop of Canterbury.

The whole farrago is, of course, absolute bollocks and if you wanted to have a political settlement then the sensible one would be the polar opposite of what Britain has currently.

The fact that the diddies and Nats get their drawers fankled about such a simple issue is amusing, though. Thus, God bless you Lizzy ;)

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I can understand knowing something or someone is probably a wee bit wrong but admiring how they wind up folk.

That's how I feel about The Ra.

I'm sure you have the gist of a post here. Care to try again?

Up the Ra.

You've bettered yourself and I'm pleased that I gave you 20 minutes more to arrive at this insight.

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I hate the institution not so much the person, no one can help which family they are born in.

I won't be dancing in the streets but like others have said hopefully we will close the chapter on the royalty pish.


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I reckon if we had a vote for head of state, she'd win it.

Not so sure Charlie would win though. Maybe only if it was a choice between him and Katie Hopkins.

If we had a vote, I wouldn't want it to be to abolish the monarch right away, because as you said Lizzie might win it.

Id be more happy with something along the lines of no future successors after her or Charlie, gradually phase out royalty.

Or even no public funding for family members out with the immediate line of succession, cut off money to the likes of Beatrice

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