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Doesn't matter - he was still the best British tennis player to come along in decades and inspired a generation. I find it slightly distasteful the way some sections of the media harp on about Henman's lack of trophies instead of admiring his undoubted talent.

And I find it distasteful how people, and some sections of the media, harp on about Andy Murray's personality rather than his undoubted talent. But that's the way the media are in the UK, total wanks. As are a lot of the people.

I like Murray, and can't really understand the venom towards him. I've never seen arrogance come from him, confidence yes, but not arrogance. He looks a bit scruffy, true - if you're moaning about a players appearance, you shouldn't be watching tennis. Who cares? And so what if he's serious in post match interviews? I'd rather see someone analyse a game properly rather than the Gordon Strachan way. He has a dull voice, that's about the only accusation that's been flung at him I totally agree with. But I've seen a few interviews with him that weren't about tennis, and while his voice is still dull, he cracked a few jokes and seemed like he'd be a good laugh.

None of this is aimed at centralparker by the way, just a few thoughts...

I can't see him winning tonight unfortunately, but I'll watch it all the same. Come on Andy!

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No one could have stayed with him over the weekend, can he recreate that form tonight? If he does, he will go very close.

I'll go The Boy Muzza in 5.

Who cares if hes arrogant, hes got the ability to back it up! :D

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I for one will be backing Federer.

Look at it this way:

Murray looks scruffy.

He has a really dull voice.

He dares to make anti English jokes.

He doesn't always smile.

He is really arrogant and isnt grateful just to be there.

Jim Pansy doesnt like him.

Did I mention his dull voice?

As you can see, sound tennis reasons to not support Murray. Federers flamboyant and jocular personality make him a much better tennis player.

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I for one will be backing Federer.

Look at it this way:

Murray looks scruffy.

He has a really dull voice.

He dares to make anti English jokes.

He doesn't always smile.

He is really arrogant and isnt grateful just to be there.

Jim Pansy doesnt like him.

Did I mention his dull voice?

As you can see, sound tennis reasons to not support Murray. Federers flamboyant and jocular personality make him a much better tennis player.

Why would you need tennis reasons to support Murray or not. If Arbroath were suddenly crap, would you stop supporting them because there is no football reason to support them.

Edited by bluetooner
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Why would you need tennis reasons to support Murray or not. If Arbroath were suddenly crap, would you stop supporting them because there is no football reason to support them.

Having stayed in America so long, it's maybe not so much of a surprise that sarcasm flies over your head so high. :P

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Guest Top Cat

I hope Murray does the business tonight. I'll be cheering him through every point!

And if he never smiles I don't care, I would rather he was a miserable winner than a cheery loser!!

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Whereas in Serbia they have many top of the range facilities available to the general public. ;)

One of the things Murray has been most vocal about is the attitude of promising British youngsters, saying they basically aren't prepared to put in the work required. He has been very honest about it in general and said that for the last few years he hadn't maybe been working as hard as he could but now he is getting his head down and really getting somewhere. Changing tennis here is less about improving facilities and infrastructure than it is improving attitudes, which is what is really needed.

If you're trying to make a point of Serbia having three of the best Tennis players in the world at the moment then you've missed something out. All three of Serbia's big stars, Ivanovic, Jankovic & Djokovic (Like Murray) had to go abroad to have any chance of making it as a professional tennis player. Djokovic went to Germany, Ivanovic to Spain and Jankovic to the USA IIRC. They were spotted at a young age, by a major feat of fortune, and hadn't they been I think it highly likely that they would be doing something else with their lives just now. Murray wasn't actually scouted or identified, instead conjured up a lot of his own or his family's devoted cash, whatever, to go and learn in Spain because he knew he had no chance of making it if he remained here.

It's not everybody that's in a position to come by a cash lump sum and hop over to the continent in a bid to make it pro. These are some pretty fortunate people we're talking about here.

Scottish tennis facilities (which are available to the general public) are awful. There can be no denying this. Murray's comments about 'attitudes' in this county toward tennis are regarding the exclusivity of the sport. It's always been the property of the middle classes in the UK. Now I don't like all this class generalisation stuff but it is the reality. There are a particular band or subdivision of society which establish these lawn tennis clubs and own the good facilities and what have you. Your everyday punter (generally) will find it difficult to get access to quality facilities. It's somewhat easier to get a hold of good footballing facilities these days. The introduction of astroturf surfaces etc. has helped; there's been an all round more considerable investment in the sport.

If we want more tennis players of Murray's calibre we're going to have to open up the sport to everyone and pump money into facilities. No two ways about it.

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If any of you guys are a fan of "top quality" sporting debate, you can do worse than tune into Talk Sport right now and listen to why Terry from Romford wants Federer to hammer him tonight. You can also shake your head in amazement at Stan Collymore bemoaning Murray's Paraguay shirt stunt and wonder why a wife beating, pervert can suddenly grab the moral high ground over a little joke. It's laughable stuff :D

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If any of you guys are a fan of "top quality" sporting debate, you can do worse than tune into Talk Sport right now and listen to why Terry from Romford wants Federer to hammer him tonight. You can also shake your head in amazement at Stan Collymore bemoaning Murray's Paraguay shirt stunt and wonder why a wife beating, pervert can suddenly grab the moral high ground over a little joke. It's laughable stuff :D

I'll listen if you promise to phone in and say that to the c**t.

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If any of you guys are a fan of "top quality" sporting debate, you can do worse than tune into Talk Sport right now and listen to why Terry from Romford wants Federer to hammer him tonight. You can also shake your head in amazement at Stan Collymore bemoaning Murray's Paraguay shirt stunt and wonder why a wife beating, pervert can suddenly grab the moral high ground over a little joke. It's laughable stuff :D

That's a terrible thing to say! It was his girlfriend he beat, he threatened to kill his wife. Allegedly.

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You can also shake your head in amazement at Stan Collymore bemoaning Murray's Paraguay shirt stunt and wonder why a wife beating, pervert can suddenly grab the moral high ground over a little joke. It's laughable stuff :D

I've always wondered if Murray actually said such a thing, and a quick bit of Googling has come up with this:

I am Scottish. I am also British. I am not anti-English, I never was... what happened was a little joke that went wrong.

It was the time of the 2006 World Cup and England were due to play Paraguay. Tim Henman and I were being interviewed and before we started the journalist asked Tim about England's chances in the World Cup and asked me who I would be supporting.

He was making the point that Scotland weren't there. I got the joke. I laughed. We did the interview and the last question was: "Who will you be supporting?" Remembering our previous banter, I just said: "Whoever England are playing, ha ha." I had a smile on my face.

It was obvious I was joking. It wasn't reported like that. They made up stories about me buying a Paraguay shirt, the whole thing was absolute nonsense.

The irony is that the very thing the media belittle Murray for, not having a sense of humour, is exactly where this 'misunderstanding' has come from. I don't think it was Murray who didn't have the sense of humour in this instance...

Edited by Paco
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