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Raith Rovers v Morton

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If two of the bottom three start picking up results then half of the league will be in a relegation battle - that's normally how this league works, with 40 points the target. Morton have easily beaten the bottom two, and competed well against all but Sevco, but actually won none of those matches. Raith will be fine because they are organised enough to win a lot of close matches - Morton aren't doing that yet. Until they do so, they're not safe.

Now you're acting sensibly. Why couldn't you have acted like this before the game?
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Was actually quite impressed with Morton. Their goal was definitely coming, couldn't begrudge them it when it finally arrived.

But as I said earlier, we are just in the good habit of winning games at the moment, more so by sheer stubbornness than anything else. Great team spirit and positive attitude from the manager can do that. Great stuff.

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Now you're acting sensibly. Why couldn't you have acted like this before the game?

Don't recall me saying anything foolish about the home side before the game. They weren't comfortably better in the game though, so I'd be surprised if the home record doesn't slide a fair bit over the season. They're safe already though.

Greenock and Cappielow are still effortlessly superior comparison points though. Thanks for playing anyway.

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Can't believe we actually lost that game? Having said that, whilst we were better than Raith in some aspects they were

1). very tight at the back

2) more dangerous on the odd occasion they got near our box.

That was enough, in fact more than enough to win the game.

For Morton to have a decent season we really, really need to start converting outfield superiority to goals. If we cant't do that we will end up just above the bottom spots.

Raith will finish top half because they are hard to beat. They will neither score many or concede many but will certainly grind out draws and single goal victories.

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'Outfield superiority' is precisely the sort of utterly meaningless, happy-clapping terminology that ought to prevent you from ever darkening the door of a serious Cappielow boardroom. Roll on the Easedales' takeover then when you at least will be permanently hounded out of this once-proud football club.

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Today was probably the worst we've played all season in the league but part of that has to be down to Morton who I was impressed with. They pressed our backline all game and dominated the midfield but ultimately it was our ability from set pieces that won. Morton aren't the first and won't be the last to lose to us this season that way.

Although we're on 18 points I don't actually think we've been great the last few weeks. Normally that means the bubble bursts and we come back down into the pack or, and I'm hoping it's the later, we play a bit better, win games more comfortably and consolidate our position in the playoff spots. We've still got Callachan to come back in, Robertson will pick up his fitness and Daly is looking better each game. The atmosphere is fantastic at the club just now and the players and managements reaction just confirms what ever fan thinks about the team. I don't think fans of others clubs can even imagine the huge difference from the past few years for us.

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'Outfield superiority' is precisely the sort of utterly meaningless, happy-clapping terminology that ought to prevent you from ever darkening the door of a serious Cappielow boardroom. Roll on the Easedales' takeover then when you at least will be permanently hounded out of this once-proud football club.

Very erudite! Pity your opinion does not matter at all! Tell you what though, if you were possessed of even the tiniest bit of empathy or emotional intelligence, it could. Shame really!

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Do Raith fans still hate Wighton? How's he been getting on recently? I take it he's been sidelined for Daly?

He's been fine so far, albeit the Dundee hype train built him up a bit much before he arrived. He's been rotated along with Daly and Stewart so far, coming off the bench and playing important roles when he's played. I don't think it helped that some Dundee fans made him out to be a messiah prior to arriving. He'll be a good player in the future capable of playing at a higher level, no doubt, but he's been put on a pedestal by the Dees. I'd imagine if you gave our fans a choice between Wighton and Vaughan (who is only a year older), they'd choose Vaughan for technical ability every time.

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He's been fine so far, albeit the Dundee hype train built him up a bit much before he arrived. He's been rotated along with Daly and Stewart so far, coming off the bench and playing important roles when he's played. I don't think it helped that some Dundee fans made him out to be a messiah prior to arriving. He'll be a good player in the future capable of playing at a higher level, no doubt, but he's been put on a pedestal by the Dees. I'd imagine if you gave our fans a choice between Wighton and Vaughan (who is only a year older), they'd choose Vaughan for technical ability every time.

He's got a way to go before he's as good as Derek Carcary.

I've only noticed him playing well in the cup game with Accies.

He got under 10 minutes to make an impression yesterday, so it's difficult to see how he's doing.

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How any Morton fan can dare to suggest that they had the better of things is beyond me.

"Raith had fewer but clearer chances throughout the game." Utter pish! Try reading the BBC stats on the game chief and I think you'll find the home team had 15 attempts at goal to Mortons 11 and the double of Mortons attempts on target.

"All Morton this half, sucker punched. Similar story." Really? I'm willing to concede your boys shaded the possession but Cuthbert didn't have a save to make unlike Gaston who along with a defender kept Morton in it during the 1st half. In the second it was Raith who had the better of the possession and again the better chances though I must admit I thought you'd scored when Toshney somehow cleared off the line.

The ref was an absolute clown.

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I think Vikington has a psychiatric problem. How can any sane person think that Cappielow is better than San Starko. And as for Greenock WELL shit hole just doesn't do it justice

Love is blind or so they say.

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How any Morton fan can dare to suggest that they had the better of things is beyond me.

"Raith had fewer but clearer chances throughout the game." Utter pish! Try reading the BBC stats on the game chief and I think you'll find the home team had 15 attempts at goal to Mortons 11 and the double of Mortons attempts on target.

"All Morton this half, sucker punched. Similar story." Really? I'm willing to concede your boys shaded the possession but Cuthbert didn't have a save to make unlike Gaston who along with a defender kept Morton in it during the 1st half. In the second it was Raith who had the better of the possession and again the better chances though I must admit I thought you'd scored when Toshney somehow cleared off the line.

The ref was an absolute clown.

Very much this

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