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The Apprentice 2015

The Minertaur

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Gutted Jenny's gone, very similar looking to an ex of mine.

You wish.

Is Sugar not a well known hater of students?

Shocking decision, though. How you can have the PM and sub-team leader of such a disastrous task in front of you and fire the other one, is beyond belief.

And accountants.

It is a shocker on the face of what we saw but of course he gets to see a lot more and as 19QOS19 says, he'll also be weighing it up against the business plans.

For me Sugar shouldn't be allowed to view the business plans until the very last task at the earliest. Say what you like but some candidate could win every task and be head and shoulders above the competition; if Sugar isn't keen on the business plan at the end, he won't let them win. Don't get me wrong, he's shelling out £250K so of course he's going to check the plans beforehand. But it takes a massive chunk of integrity away from the process IMO.

You thought there was ever integrity in the process? :huh:

It would be better if he didn't view them but it's inevitable that he does and you'll be right that it will be relevant. In theory of course it's not a problem someone with a dreadful plan getting through to the final as they can be eliminated in interview (guy last year who was just told to leave by Claude). If the candidate is truly outstanding they might be taken through anyway and effectively begged to change their plan last minute (see Neil Clough). However, he'll want to reduce his chances of being left with four hopeless plans in the final by getting rid of some early on I expect.

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That was a bit like Sol, Kate and Roisin who all excelled in the various tasks last series but there business plans were a fucking joke, Roisin wanted Sugar to put 250k into a fucking gluten free ready meal or some shite like that while Kate's awesome concept was to open a health food restaraunt in Sunderland :lol:

Best of the lot was poor Sol who was slaughtered by Claude for handing him a business plan which basically was a few pretty pictures of sailboats....absolutely roasted him and told him to leave straight away

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When they first changed it to the investment was there not a finalist who tried to change there business plan? I'm sure her original plan, was a concierge type service who could get you anything you needed while in London! Sugar said it was a shite idea and she said she had thought of something else.

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Just seen on Twitter that it's being reported that two of the candidates are now a couple and got together in the house. Not that this is a surprise or really newsworthy but who do we think it is? Ruth and Joseph?

Also read this -

Away from romance rumours, it’s recently been reported that Selina Waterman-Smith has been given a ‘verbal warning’ after apparently giving fellow candidate Charleine Wain a ‘quick, single push’ following a disagreement.

The incident reportedly happened off-screen after last week’s episode, which saw Lord Sugar fire Jenny Garbis.

A source close to The Apprentice said: “The incident was witnessed by several members of production. Selina pushed Charleine, and at no point did Charleine initiate physical contact with Selina or respond to Selina’s push.”

A spokesperson for The Apprentice added: “The incident, which resulted in Selina being given a verbal warning, was dealt with quickly and professionally. Both women decided to stay in the process after discussions with the production team.

Has there been an actual fight on the apprentice?

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Just seen on Twitter that it's being reported that two of the candidates are now a couple and got together in the house. Not that this is a surprise or really newsworthy but who do we think it is? Ruth and Joseph?

Also read this -

Has there been an actual fight on the apprentice?

Too early in the process, to know who they both are.

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