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Rate yourself out of 10

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10s all round for me, apart from driving which is an 11, purely because every c**t else on the road is a moron and I can drive a train. B)

Driving a train looks solid how do you turn without a steering wheel?

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Personality - 6. I'd score higher if I was less of a moany b*****d.
Appearance - 6.
Driving ability - 9
Footballing ability - 4. My shooting, passing and crossing is pretty good. Shame about almost everything else.
Cuntery - 3

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Personality - 4. Hmm not sure. I don't think Im that particularly interesting.
Appearance - 4. Marjory digs me. That's all I need.
Driving ability - 10 (I'm king of the road and better than anyone) Really a 6
Footballing ability - 1 (I am pretty good at letting Smurph run around like a blue arsed fly as I sit in the nets watching)
Cuntery - 7. I am pretty good at that.

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Personality - 7 very easy to get on with and don't have a problem talking to folk.

Appearance - 6 nothing spectacular and Never struggled for a bird!

Driving ability - 7, no accidents (touch wood)

Footballing ability - 3 used to be a decent boys club keeper, barring that, total sh**e outfield.

Cuntery - 7 I can be a total w@nk in work but dealing with the dregs of society on a daily basis so it's a must.

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