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What's Behind You?

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I used to enjoy the Name That Toon thread, but given that basically every single settlement in Scotland has been posted now, I thought it was time to start a new quiz along similar lines.

This time, the aim is to identify a famous landmark based on Google Street View, but the catch is that the landmark shouldn't be in the photo. Instead, it should be behind you, so that the image actually shows what you'd see if you stood directly in front of the landmark. For some examples, take a look at this quiz I did a few years ago.

The rules are as follows:

1. Post an image taken from Google Street View, where a famous landmark is behind you. There should be at least some sort of clue in the image - if it's just a boring street or some houses then it will be far too difficult to guess. Make sure you cover up any street names etc which give the answer away, and make sure you don't use a filename which gives the answer.

2. Only one unidentified image should be on the go at any time. Whoever guesses the previous one correctly gets to post the next one (or can ask someone else to do it on their behalf).

3. Nobody likes a cheat, so don't do it. I mean it. If you do then I'll get very angry and might even make a post calling you bad names.

4. If a clue goes 24 hours without being answered, give a clue. If it goes 48 hours then post the answer and put up another one.

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