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The Mattydfc Awards 2015


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Yes, we are certain.This alias only exists because my account was wrongly banned (as has been admitted by two seperate mods). I will be back on my original account once Div gets his arse in gear and shows up to unban it.I'm fed up of explaining this tbh. Please learn the facts.
We have certain tools that we can check,not calling any posters tools of course.
sure about that?
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Yes, we are certain.

This alias only exists because my account was wrongly banned (as has been admitted by two seperate mods). I will be back on my original account once Div gets his arse in gear and shows up to unban it.

I'm fed up of explaining this tbh. Please learn the facts.

Have you nothing better to do than create an alias to whinge about being unjustly banned?

What a loser. :lol:

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Yes, we are certain.

This alias only exists because my account was wrongly banned (as has been admitted by two seperate mods). I will be back on my original account once Div gets his arse in gear and shows up to unban it.

I'm fed up of explaining this tbh. Please learn the facts.


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:lol: Usually for a w**k you need a p***k, so which part of our new double act are you then?

You know when you try to think of a really good reply but struggle and just think fuckit, that'll do and click, and regret it later? That's you that is.

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