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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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Fifa added it could not pre-judge what symbols would constitute a breach of rules.

However, its secretary general, Fatma Samoura, told BBC Sport last week: "We have to apply uniformly and across the 211 member associations the laws of the game.

"Britain is not the only country that has been suffering from the result of war."


Sounds like FIFA using pesky facts to disrespect oor boys and the precious poppy to me. 

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Fifa added it could not pre-judge what symbols would constitute a breach of rules.

However, its secretary general, Fatma Samoura, told BBC Sport last week: "We have to apply uniformly and across the 211 member associations the laws of the game.

"Britain is not the only country that has been suffering from the result of war."


Sounds like FIFA using pesky facts to disrespect oor boys and the precious poppy to me. 

Can't even wear them because of Sharia Law IMO
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I genuinely hope that FIFA gives the SFA the dry shaft.
It's nothing to do with wearing the ridiculous poppy but for being the FA's bitches.

This. Absolutely embarrassing how the SFA followed the FA on this.
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1 hour ago, vikingTON said:

Sounds like FIFA using pesky facts to disrespect oor boys and the precious poppy to me. 

Said earlier re Fifa & Israels shoehorning into Europe, that they are the biggest breakers of their own 'no politics' rule.


Anyhoo , posted this in the sub forum but it  also has its place here.


If you are sevco , and poppy season is over, and one of your many Armed Forces Days is weeks away, how do you support the troops?


By getting Warbiola to present Army dugs with medals. Seriously.



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14 hours ago, dorlomin said:

There is no defending it. Had they allowed it they would have been under constant pressure from every regime to have its special day remembered.

And why would that be a problem? If it's on an armband then it's hardly 'in yer face' particularly when both teams have the same symbol. It would be different if it was specifically designed to wind up the opposition - for example if England played Argentina wearing 'Remember the Falklands' armbands then they would deserve everything they get.

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As funny as a 20pt deduction each would be, we would miss the chance to support 3 teams at the next world cup and laugh at another abject failure from the spirit of '66. It's all I get out of tounrnaments these days. Well, that and Zaza's penalty.

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2 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

FIFA looking at the whole build up to the game, not just the armbands - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/38024262



An excellent move. The laughable, two-bob 'falling poppies' animation on the big screen should merit a decade's expulsion on its own. 




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3 hours ago, GordonD said:

And why would that be a problem? If it's on an armband then it's hardly 'in yer face' particularly when both teams have the same symbol. It would be different if it was specifically designed to wind up the opposition - for example if England played Argentina wearing 'Remember the Falklands' armbands then they would deserve everything they get.

Every situation would be slightly different and there would be a million different opinions about it. Which is exactly why's better for FIFA to just ban all political shite from football.

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They could just allow it if both teams agree. If either objects, then the "no politics" rule gets invoked.

Not that I don't think this has been handled abysmally. The FA (and their accomplices the SFA) seemed to go about it by acting bolshy as f**k and reacting to the hysterical gutter press.

Had they just talked to FIFA like grownups, they may have come to some arrangement like they did last time.

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