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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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31 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

You can't argue with one guy's logic 'who was there' but others might see it differently, that piece just seems agenda driven to me, I enjoyed it and the dad's back story, certainly you couldn't tell him he was 'wrong' as it was how he felt, others might see it from another perspective though. 

There's no doubt (in my mind anyway) that the whole poppy thing has grown arms and legs and there does seem to be a smug element to it, saying that, its the same for other charities, we live in a culture where we need to show how much we care about things, this is just one vulgar aspect of it, it does sadden me that as a charity, its one that seems to take a lot of kickings about it though. Although an ex serviceman, and its a cause I have some sympathy with, if I could only give to one charity it wouldn't be any Armed Forces charity, but its a bit crass to give a charity pelters because its become politicised through no fault of its own (although I'm sure they enjoy the coverage by the media bandwagon jumpers).

Give or don't give, go to a remembrance or don't, I don't bother my arse about Pudsey Bear, at the end of the day its just another charidee and there are gazillions of them, it will all be over tomorrow, at least for another year.


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At primary school in the lead up to Armistice we went to an old folks home with some WW1 veterans to sing them songs and listen to their stories. After half a song a few of them were telling us to piss off and asking the nurses when we were going away. 


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The 2 minute's silence was observed impeccably by everyone in Tesco today. Everyone, that is, except me - who didn't realise it was on and broke the solemn silence by requesting "Two lucky dips for tonight please". Oh, and the old guy behind me who, after about a minute of silence, blurted out "ARE THE COMPUTERS DOWN HEN?"

Last year In Edinburgh airport before flying to London for the football we got a laugh.

Everyone was sitting for the silence, one guy who’d been in the toilet came round...

“Where’s the fucking party boys....aww f**k sorry”

Must admit I was chuckling away
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The 2 minute's silence was observed impeccably by everyone in Tesco today. Everyone, that is, except me - who didn't realise it was on and broke the solemn silence by requesting "Two lucky dips for tonight please". Oh, and the old guy behind me who, after about a minute of silence, blurted out "ARE THE COMPUTERS DOWN HEN?"

Last year In Edinburgh airport before flying to London for the football we got a laugh.

Everyone was sitting for the silence, one guy who’d been in the toilet came round...

“Where’s the fucking party boys....aww f**k sorry”

Must admit I was chuckling away
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11 minutes ago, mizfit said:



Last year In Edinburgh airport before flying to London for the football we got a laugh.

Everyone was sitting for the silence, one guy who’d been in the toilet came round...

“Where’s the fucking party boys....aww f**k sorry”

Must admit I was chuckling away




9 minutes ago, mizfit said:



Last year In Edinburgh airport before flying to London for the football we got a laugh.

Everyone was sitting for the silence, one guy who’d been in the toilet came round...

“Where’s the fucking party boys....aww f**k sorry”

Must admit I was chuckling away



Doing it once would've been embarrassing enough.

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1 hour ago, chomp my root said:

You can't argue with one guy's logic 'who was there' but others might see it differently, that piece just seems agenda driven to me, I enjoyed it and the dad's back story, certainly you couldn't tell him he was 'wrong' as it was how he felt, others might see it from another perspective though. 

There's no doubt (in my mind anyway) that the whole poppy thing has grown arms and legs and there does seem to be a smug element to it, saying that, its the same for other charities, we live in a culture where we need to show how much we care about things, this is just one vulgar aspect of it, it does sadden me that as a charity, its one that seems to take a lot of kickings about it though. Although an ex serviceman, and its a cause I have some sympathy with, if I could only give to one charity it wouldn't be any Armed Forces charity, but its a bit crass to give a charity pelters because its become politicised through no fault of its own (although I'm sure they enjoy the coverage by the media bandwagon jumpers).

Give or don't give, go to a remembrance or don't, I don't bother my arse about Pudsey Bear, at the end of the day its just another charidee and there are gazillions of them, it will all be over tomorrow, at least for another year nine months.



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So while all you c***s are furiously trying to not forget, Aw c**t here gets shit faced by mid morning. Literally true in some cases, train at half ten had some absolute steam boats. And it's all in fancy dress.
Reminds me for no reason of this Family Guy moment. a3a883f1842b61aaadae40ee9bbd7ffa.jpg

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5 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

At primary school in the lead up to Armistice we went to an old folks home with some WW1 veterans to sing them songs and listen to their stories. After half a song a few of them were telling us to piss off and asking the nurses when we were going away. 

Imagine surviving WW1, only to end up with a bunch of singing weans to look forward to as your big treat for the year.

Surely coke & hookers would have been a more appropriate display of gratitude. Poor old b*****ds.

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