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Explosion in Paris


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What a stupid post that is, of course we shouldn't have sent the Jewish immigrants back as they were actually fleeing the nazis who were out to kill every single one of them. These migrants on the other hand aren't in that situation, and all these folk that say It's the west that's killing them etc surely they wouldnt want to migrate to these countries if all that shite was true?

Aye, you say that now, but when there's fish to be hooked in a week or two's time...? :whistle

Nothing about Hitler though, I see ;)

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Comparisons with the holocaust are totally valid. In the mid 30s it wasn't clear to anyone over here that the Jewish migrants were 'all going to be killed'. They were fleeing persecution. By the time the genocide heats up the flow of refugees has well and truly ended.

Hindsight n all that.

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ISIS is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

I'm not suggesting the civilians of those places deserve to die but surely we can target areas where the caliphate operates. Civilian casualties are an unfortunate inevitability but accidentally killing a few civilians is surely still better than sitting back and letting or own people get slaughtered in these attacks.

It's never okay to kill civilians you cretin.

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How can you arrive at that sort of question from what he posted you glaikit, brain donating imbecile?

I suggested that it would be preferable for our army to kill a few civilians from the Islamic State in order to prevent ISIS killing more of our civilians, he disagreed with me.

I'm not suggesting our army go in and start scorching the earth over there. If I wanted that type of war I'd just suggest we fling a Trident at the middle east, but what I'm suggesting is we go over to ISIS and remove the current ruling islamic extremists from power by killing as many of their soldiers as we can, and that way the normal civilians over there can be put in power instead of having to flee to Europe on the back of fishing boats.

Like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan it's likely that civilians will be caught up in the conflict and that is regrettable, but a conflict will be worth it if we can get rid of these extremists who are ruling ISIS and performing terrorist acts against the West.

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I suggested that it would be preferable for our army to kill a few civilians from the Islamic State in order to prevent ISIS killing more of our civilians, he disagreed with me.

I'm not suggesting our army go in and start scorching the earth over there. If I wanted that type of war I'd just suggest we fling a Trident at the middle east, but what I'm suggesting is we go over to ISIS and remove the current ruling islamic extremists from power by killing as many of their soldiers as we can, and that way the normal civilians over there can be put in power instead of having to flee to Europe on the back of fishing boats.

Like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan it's likely that civilians will be caught up in the conflict and that is regrettable, but a conflict will be worth it if we can get rid of these extremists who are ruling ISIS and performing terrorist acts against the West.

So is your answer boots on the ground rather than just bombers and drones?

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I suggested that it would be preferable for our army to kill a few civilians from the Islamic State in order to prevent ISIS killing more of our civilians, he disagreed with me.

I'm not suggesting our army go in and start scorching the earth over there. If I wanted that type of war I'd just suggest we fling a Trident at the middle east, but what I'm suggesting is we go over to ISIS and remove the current ruling islamic extremists from power by killing as many of their soldiers as we can, and that way the normal civilians over there can be put in power instead of having to flee to Europe on the back of fishing boats.

Like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan it's likely that civilians will be caught up in the conflict and that is regrettable, but a conflict will be worth it if we can get rid of these extremists who are ruling ISIS and performing terrorist acts against the West.

Quite obviously taking the piss aye?

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So is your answer boots on the ground rather than just bombers and drones?

I'm no expert in armed conflict, but I do know that these Jihad John types need to be massacred in whatever way is the most efficient. Boots on the ground puts our soldiers at more risk, but they've signed up to the task and if that's the best way to install some kind of democratic regime within ISIS then so be it.

It's quite frankly embarrassing that a group of internet hackers with Guy Fawkes masks are doing more to destroy the caliphate than NATO right now. It's like we want to shy away for the sake of opposing Russia.

The worrying thing for NATO would be that it could get a bit ugly if we go in throwing our weight around and the extremists are removed from power only to see a power struggle between the Russian-backed Assad dictatorship and the NATO-backed democracy. We don't want to see a de facto cold war fought in the middle east, instead we should seek to ally with Russia in order to finish off the islamic extremists.

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It's quite frankly embarrassing that a group of internet hackers with Guy Fawkes masks are doing more to destroy the caliphate than NATO right now.

I thought it kindest just to quote this bit. Nuff said.

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It's never okay to kill civilians you cretin.

The mayor of Sinjar and local Yazidis who visited the site of the mass grave said on Saturday they saw clumps of hair, bones, money and keys which they believed belonged to older women from the village of Kocho whom the militants separated from younger women during their onslaught.

The younger women were taken into sexual slavery, but the older ones were led behind an institute in the Solagh area east of Sinjar and, a short while later, gunfire was heard, according to locals who survived.


They killed all the women they did not want to rape.

Do you think the Kurds and Yazidis who killed some civilians retaking this town are also cretins?

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ISIS is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

I'm not suggesting the civilians of those places deserve to die but surely we can target areas where the caliphate operates. Civilian casualties are an unfortunate inevitability but accidentally killing a few civilians is surely still better than sitting back and letting or own people get slaughtered in these attacks.

Not only thick, tedious to the extreme.

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