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Explosion in Paris


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Everybody, stop getting yourselves into a state while stating who you think is or isn't a state.

It's at times like these I'm just happy I live in a stable state like Tory.

Oh, and Wisbit - why do you stick around if you dislike P&B so much? There are other states you could be in.

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I would've hardly paid for a subscription if i thought this forum was terrible.

I didn't say you thought it was terrible, but that you dislike it. You seem utterly hacked off with the whole thing at the moment.

Div does refunds, by the way.

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Sent off for violent conduct in a World Cup final , following straight from one of Allahs most famous teachings I heard "he who slags aff yer maw deserves a heed to the chest " allegedly , although their is a bit of tension between the Sunni and Shiites over wether it is indeed a heed to the chest or a kick to the stones, different interpetations and all that
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I'll save everyone some bother.

Part 1:

ISIS is a place with bad people living in it. We need to massacre them.

ISIS isn't a place; it's an organization.

Aye it is, it's a place.

Part 2:

America and Britain bear some responsibility for the current situation.

Yeah right. America are entirely to blame. Typical leftist drivel.

Part 3:

It's all an elaborate plot by the corporations to control us. Open your eyes.


Part 4:

You won't be happy until we're all wearing headscarves and praying to Allah.

Don't talk rubbish.

See? Typical leftist censorship.

Part 5:

ISIS is a place with some bad people living in it. We need to massacre them.

ISIS isn't a place; it's an organization.

Aye it is, it's a place.

Repeat for 71 pages.

You forgot the occasional posts from people wanting to explode in Paris Hilton.

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That's certainly one Paris tunnel I wouldn't have minded drunkenly firing into at high speed without a seatbelt on.

TBF it would be almost impossible to hit the walls in there anyway

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