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Bombing Syria


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I'd rather have no political parties and people elected their representative based on campaign on their beliefs and vision for society. Those people would vote on matters they had in a personal manifesto as they claimed they would and for other matters consult their constituents.

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In all seriousness, if a whip system exists, what is the point in MP's? Why do we not just have the party leader of the party who has a majority making decisions without the need for a vote and then lower level local representatives doing the day to day constituency work?

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In all seriousness, if a whip system exists, what is the point in MP's? Why do we not just have the party leader of the party who has a majority making decisions without the need for a vote and then lower level local representatives doing the day to day constituency work?

I can understand a whip system when it comes to keeping MPs aligned with the general aims and objectives of the party, but for an issue like this where it isn't a left/right thing and parties don't generally go into elections campaigning on these kinds of issues, I think it's pretty pointless. For this, and some other issues it really should be a free vote.
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Also what's the point of MPs who are allowed to stand up with a so called question only to use it as a statement?

I must congratulate the prime minister on his strong stance on this matter. Aye f**k off you sycophantic gimp, way to represent your people.

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The devil is in the detail.

Its often the case that the best warmongering speeches ....

The clapping and cheering for Benn's oratory was a victory for just that, just oratory.

Oratory in an arcane debating chamber.

The Tory and Labour MPs joined together to congratulate delivery rather than content.

I see trouble, trouble a-coming

Can think of a leader and country at one point in history where oratory power was celebrated and the substance of what was said was largely forgotten but I can't quite remember.

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It was a disgraceful slur by Salmond, a cheap and nasty shot. Agree with him or not, Hilary Benn has his own conscience to follow, for Salmond to bring up his dead father to argue against his decision is pretty f*ckin low. A despicable smear by a thoroughly unpleasant man.

Seems Tony Benn's granddaughter thinks so too.

Cry me a river, Bobby.

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According to Channel 4 every day Syrians rely on the oil ISIS produces which we are now trying to prevent them producing?

Wonder what isis do with all the dosh they make from the oil,maybe give it away to people in need or use it to buy guns,bombs etc

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In all seriousness, if a whip system exists, what is the point in MP's? Why do we not just have the party leader of the party who has a majority making decisions without the need for a vote and then lower level local representatives doing the day to day constituency work?

Not every issue is a three line whip.

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Wonder what isis do with all the dosh they make from the oil,maybe give it away to people in need or use it to buy guns,bombs etc

Channel 4 said they are the richest militant group in the world. It's worth about £500 million a year to them. Even the current Syrian government relies on the oil being produced.


Found that on Instagram. Will we be seeing these kind of stories on our news channels anytime soon?

Seen a few hellish pictures that I wouldn't dare put up here.

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