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Bombing Syria


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Why didn't we carpet bomb Belfast when the IRA were actually SUCCEEDING in attacking brits on British soil ?

Oh that's right, the citizens of Belfast are the correct colour.

We aren't carpet bombing Syria either ffs!
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Is there a particular reason folk keep saying "what would you do about ISIS, nuffin??!!" when critics of this decision on here have repetitively said what they would do?

What I'd like to see is pretty similar to many on here (i.e what the aforementioned thickos have failed to read). I'd like to see this "coalition" (rofl) sit down, share intelligence and draw up a diplomatic, political, economic, humanitarian and yes military solution that they can put before their respective electorates. If that involved British military intervention, I would support it.

This aimless, brutal, dick waving, overly-emotional idiot pandering, arms merchandising shambles on the other hand, can get right to f**k.

Now that we're in there dropping bombs, perhaps the "but we gotta do sumfin" brigade could tell me what something actually ought to be from this point forward.

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If you voted no don't fucking complain or be upset about the actions of the government you wanted.

So if yes had won, nobody who voted yes could complain about the actions of any future Scottish government?

Where are all these idiots coming from? Not just on here but all over social media. It's almost like they've gained confidence because they're able to latch something as simple 'do or don't bomb' and that confidence has led them to talk some absolute shite without any consideration for what is the reality.

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So if yes had won, nobody who voted yes could complain about the actions of any future Scottish government?

Where are all these idiots coming from? Not just on here but all over social media. It's almost like they've gained confidence because they're able to latch something as simple 'do or don't bomb' and that confidence has led them to talk some absolute shite without any consideration for what is the reality.

A future government without trident etc wouldn't be launching full scale bombing runs. You thick half English half Scottish mutant c**t.
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On the airstrikes.. It's a lot more complicated than being for or against them in total.

I have no problem with this oil field being bombed. I'd have voted for that. Its a wider campaign that risks civilian lives too much I don't like.

For those vehemently against the decision, is that also true for attacks against for example the oil field? I don't see a downside to that.

I was reading earlier that one of the oil refineries that was bombed by the Russians a couple of months back had civilians inside, including women and children. I'd guess they were probably being used as human shields. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out this one had some too. It's the only reason I can think of for why it hadn't been bombed yet when our allies have been struggling to find targets.

So if yes had won, nobody who voted yes could complain about the actions of any future Scottish government?

Where are all these idiots coming from? Not just on here but all over social media. It's almost like they've gained confidence because they're able to latch something as simple 'do or don't bomb' and that confidence has led them to talk some absolute shite without any consideration for what is the reality.

Well, during the campaign the idea of being dragged into another war in the Middle East was brought up fairly often. The usual reply was that we had learned our lesson and we wouldn't be foolish enough to go down that road again.

I guess the EU exit is all but assured. The Yes side have been more accurate than the Brahan Seer with their predictions.

Edited by Mr.Bojangles
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I was reading earlier that one of the oil refineries that was bombed by the Russians a couple of months back had civilians inside, including women and children. I'd guess they were probably being used as human shields. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out this one had some too. It's the only reason I can think of for why it hadn't been bombed yet when our allies have been struggling to find targets.

It has been bombed previously.

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I was afraid I'd crawl out of bed hearing of air strikes. Okay. So, those of you who support it, do you actually think this will end anything? Are you so fucking thick that you can't see this would at best be a band aid, and at worst multiply things?

No it wont end anything,what it will do however is to kill as many isis scumbags as possible who would happily come to europe to kill us and our families.

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No it wont end anything,what it will do however is to kill as many isis scumbags as possible who would happily come to europe to kill us and our families.

No it won't. It's gesture politics. Joining in the bombing of Syria was the easy thing to do. It's what you do when you don't have any better ideas. The number of ISIS scumbags who'll be killed by British bombs will be negligible.

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I'm on the right side cheers. Just not going to have that shite. It's bordering on John Lambie Doos levels of idiocy.

I get your point. That's your opinion.

But to suggest those that are nodding back at the referendum are AS BAD as those supporting the strikes is pure, unadulterated monkey shite.

Which is, of course, my opinion.

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Well, during the campaign the idea of being dragged into another war in the Middle East was brought up fairly often. The usual reply was that we had learned our lesson and we wouldn't be foolish enough to go down that road again.

I guess the EU exit is all but assured. The Yes side have been more accurate than the Brahan Seer with their predictions.

I wasn't arguing the merits of a yes or a no vote, more the ridiculousness of basically saying that voting one way or another means you can't complain about any future policy decisions if your side wins. I thought that was obvious.
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I wasn't arguing the merits of a yes or a no vote, more the ridiculousness of basically saying that voting one way or another means you can't complain about any future policy decisions if your side wins. I thought that was obvious.

To be honest, I quoted the wrong person. I should have been quoting Randy Giles stating that nobody should hark back to the Referendum on anything.

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