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Bombing Syria


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Corbyn is letting the MPs have a free vote.

Shame on him for chickening out. He could have prevented our involvement in another pointless bloody war. So what if half the old Blairites in his party had resigned? Most of them voted to go into Iraq and are still seeking justification for that calamitous decision.

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I suppose after humping them at Tennis yesterday, there is no need to bomb Belgium.

Bombing Syria is a pointless exercise beyond transferring more public money to the arms companies. Those quarterly dividends at Lockheed Martin won't pay for themselves you know.

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Shame on him for chickening out. He could have prevented our involvement in another pointless bloody war. So what if half the old Blairites in his party had resigned? Most of them voted to go into Iraq and are still seeking justification for that calamitous decision.

I'm not sure it's chickening out. It could also be viewed as giving many of the MP's enough rope to hang themselves with so he can rebuild the party from scratch.

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Rebuild on a solid foundation of military spending, interventionism, cowardice and a reasonably large pile of dead c***s.

That's British Values* for you.

*Annoying political soundbite phrases thread for this pish.

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Finally a definition of British Values that makes sense.

Looking at British history, I could have sworn British values were:

A belief in cultural superiority


A belief in religious superiority


A belief in rigid hierarchy and class/deference

A belief in military and naval superiority

Edited by Antlion
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