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Save Scottish Badges - We need your help!

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Hi guys,

Invading your forum here but I hope you guys can spare two minutes to help out my club.

As I am sure you are aware, we were recently shopped to the Procurator Fiscal to the Court of the Lord Lyon by an Airdrie supporter for sporting a badge that is in breach of heraldic law for having 1) a Saltire within an enclosed shape and 2) having lettering within an enclosed shape.

The law dates back to the 1600s and is one of those ridiculous old laws that has no place in society any more. We are looking to petition our local MP, Corri Wilson and MSP, John Scott to raise this law with the Secretary of State for Culture, John Whittingdale MP.

In order to do this we need the backing of as many Scottish football fans as possible, if you are reading this then please take two minutes to sign our petition and help Save The Badge!

If you are thinking "why would I help Ayr United?" I can fully understand, however please be aware that over 20 Scottish clubs could be forced to change their badge unless we can get this law changed (I'm looking at you, East Fife, Arbroath and Annan!)

Thank you all!


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