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Trump bragging about the size of his cock in last night's Republican Presidential Candidate's debate has to be the most surreal moment so far. My guess is that he only thinks he's well hung because of his tiny hands.

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Trump bragging about the size of his cock in last night's Republican Presidential Candidate's debate has to be the most surreal moment so far. My guess is that he only thinks he's well hung because of his tiny hands.

He should be, lets start a posse.

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Here's how I rank recent US Presidents in terms of penis size, largest to smallest

Bill Clinton

Barack Obama

Ronald Reagan

George W Bush

George HW Bush

UK Prime MInisters over the same period, largest to smallest

Margaret Thatcher

John Major

Tony Blair

David Cameron

Gordon Brown

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Here's how I rank recent US Presidents in terms of penis size, largest to smallest

Bill Clinton

Barack Obama

Ronald Reagan

George W Bush

George HW Bush

UK Prime MInisters over the same period, largest to smallest

Margaret Thatcher

John Major

Tony Blair

David Cameron

Gordon Brown

Photos or GTF.

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I'm probably being extremely naive, but I still can't see Trump winning being as bad as is being made out.

The man is a self-publicist and salesman - he has no real policies other than self-promotion, he wants to be President so that he can say he was President. Any authority he would have would be used to make himself/the Trump organisation better off in the long run. As for all his mental proclamations, he is willing to say anything to get himself elected, just like any politician. I wouldn't be surprised to see him attend a white supremacist rally in the morning and a Black Panthers meeting in the afternoon, insisting to both that he is on their side.

Looking at the broader picture, at the very least he has engaged people in the process. Not just the gun-toting, immigrant hating nutjobs, but the sensible normal people (and there are some over there), who are now talking about politics and policies, even if it's just to say "we can't let that happen, it's mental". It's like the engagement of the Scottish people over the referendum, although on a lower intelligence scale. There are also other candidates who are far more dangerous in the long-run than he is.

Of course, none of this should be taken as an endorsement of Trump - I certainly don't think him winning would be a good thing, just not as bad as some seem to be making out.

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I'm probably being extremely naive, but I still can't see Trump winning being as bad as is being made out.

The man is a self-publicist and salesman - he has no real policies other than self-promotion, he wants to be President so that he can say he was President. Any authority he would have would be used to make himself/the Trump organisation better off in the long run. As for all his mental proclamations, he is willing to say anything to get himself elected, just like any politician. I wouldn't be surprised to see him attend a white supremacist rally in the morning and a Black Panthers meeting in the afternoon, insisting to both that he is on their side.

Looking at the broader picture, at the very least he has engaged people in the process. Not just the gun-toting, immigrant hating nutjobs, but the sensible normal people (and there are some over there), who are now talking about politics and policies, even if it's just to say "we can't let that happen, it's mental". It's like the engagement of the Scottish people over the referendum, although on a lower intelligence scale. There are also other candidates who are far more dangerous in the long-run than he is.

Of course, none of this should be taken as an endorsement of Trump - I certainly don't think him winning would be a good thing, just not as bad as some seem to be making out.

Agree with this. I think if he managed to win the presidency it would cause too much friction as people either like him or despise him with very few indifferent voters. This alone would be destabilising for the US before he'd even implemented any policies or built any giant walls. I happen to think he'd be good for the world as a whole, as despite his bluster about bombing terrorists' families he's unlikely to go steaming in to bomb sovereign states as Hillary so enjoys.

He's more interested in improving relations and trade with the likes of Russia and China, rather than buying into the neo-conservative fiction about needing to counter their military aggression. This is what has the political establishment so terrified of him, not his extreme views or statements. The US public should be a lot more worried about the neocons than they are about Trump.

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I'm probably being extremely naive, but I still can't see Trump winning being as bad as is being made out.

The man is a self-publicist and salesman - he has no real policies other than self-promotion, he wants to be President so that he can say he was President. Any authority he would have would be used to make himself/the Trump organisation better off in the long run. As for all his mental proclamations, he is willing to say anything to get himself elected, just like any politician. I wouldn't be surprised to see him attend a white supremacist rally in the morning and a Black Panthers meeting in the afternoon, insisting to both that he is on their side.

Looking at the broader picture, at the very least he has engaged people in the process. Not just the gun-toting, immigrant hating nutjobs, but the sensible normal people (and there are some over there), who are now talking about politics and policies, even if it's just to say "we can't let that happen, it's mental". It's like the engagement of the Scottish people over the referendum, although on a lower intelligence scale. There are also other candidates who are far more dangerous in the long-run than he is.

Of course, none of this should be taken as an endorsement of Trump - I certainly don't think him winning would be a good thing, just not as bad as some seem to be making out.

The dangerous thing about Trump, apart from stirring up division and hatred, is that we really don't have a clue what he would do when he got in power.

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A funnier video is MSNBC (the left tv station) letting a unvetted black person on tv to talk about this issue.


How dare they allow black people on TV to discuss issues with a CRB check and an overseer to make sure they aint be up to no misbehavin' up by in front of a' chillun!

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I'm probably being extremely naive, but I still can't see Trump winning being as bad as is being made out.

The man is a self-publicist and salesman - he has no real policies other than self-promotion, he wants to be President so that he can say he was President. Any authority he would have would be used to make himself/the Trump organisation better off in the long run. As for all his mental proclamations, he is willing to say anything to get himself elected, just like any politician. I wouldn't be surprised to see him attend a white supremacist rally in the morning and a Black Panthers meeting in the afternoon, insisting to both that he is on their side.

Looking at the broader picture, at the very least he has engaged people in the process. Not just the gun-toting, immigrant hating nutjobs, but the sensible normal people (and there are some over there), who are now talking about politics and policies, even if it's just to say "we can't let that happen, it's mental". It's like the engagement of the Scottish people over the referendum, although on a lower intelligence scale. There are also other candidates who are far more dangerous in the long-run than he is.

Of course, none of this should be taken as an endorsement of Trump - I certainly don't think him winning would be a good thing, just not as bad as some seem to be making out.

Interesting analysis but one I disagree with. Someone with Trump's ego and complete lack of knowledge of who government works is a dangerous combination, it would be made more dangerous by him winning. He strikes me as the sort of guy who would be reluctant to take advice fromanyoneone unless that advice simply reinforced his own position.

In terms of engagement with folk, the turnout at US presidential elections is historically very low. I doubt that will change with Trump's involvement.

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Apparently a poll was released admin British people who their first preference for American President would be. Unsurprisingly Clinton and Sanders are the top two, but Trump finished top of the Republicans (though only with 9%).

Rubio (my personal favourite non-Democrat) was ranked last.

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