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If I was forced to pick between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, it would be Trump all day long. In a straight race between him and Clinton I genuinely couldn't care less, both are poison.

^^^ never looked down the angry end of an UZI^^^

Any sane person that thinks Trump is suitable as a self proclaimed leader of the free world is a twat, at least Clinton will have the liberal side to keep her in check, Trump is a liability in his own kitchen.

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If I was forced to pick between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, it would be Trump all day long. In a straight race between him and Clinton I genuinely couldn't care less, both are poison.

You seriously think Clinton would be as bad as Trump?

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If I was forced to pick between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, it would be Trump all day long. In a straight race between him and Clinton I genuinely couldn't care less, both are poison.

This. You have to feel for the American people, likely having to chose between someone who represents the interests of Wall St and someone who represents the interests of himself.

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If I was forced to pick between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, it would be Trump all day long. In a straight race between him and Clinton I genuinely couldn't care less, both are poison.

As much as I detest Clinton, there's a level of stupidity in that statement that takes it beyond rational debate.

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If I was forced to pick between Trump, Cruz and Rubio, it would be Trump all day long. In a straight race between him and Clinton I genuinely couldn't care less, both are poison.

Out of interest, what is your reasoning behind preferring Trump to Rubio? I can just about comprehend Trump over Cruz, but certainly not Rubio. 

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Out of interest, what is your reasoning behind preferring Trump to Rubio? I can just about comprehend Trump over Cruz, but certainly not Rubio. 


I'm not sure if 'prefer' is the right word, but Rubio looks zipped up the back and has had a very weak campaign. I'm very much not a Republican, but I figure if you were then you may aswell go baws oot.

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This. You have to feel for the American people, likely having to chose between someone who represents the interests of Wall St and someone who represents the interests of himself.

Uh, the people are choosing. There was everybody from a Southern Baptist preacher, to a libertarian, to a war hawk, etc on the Republican side to start. There was everybody from a socialist, to a centrist Wall St candidate, to an old school white working class Confederate flag defender in the Democrat race. The folks with the most support keep going on.


And speaking from this side of the ocean I could say that Scottish people have to choose between a guy who supports about 50% of the terrorist organizations in the world as long as they said something bad about the UK government at some point, a guy who's qualifications to be Prime Minister are that . . . he's an empty suit who was born to do it?, and a lady who's goal is to piss off the rest of the country enough that they tell you to f**k off.



Out of interest, what is your reasoning behind preferring Trump to Rubio? I can just about comprehend Trump over Cruz, but certainly not Rubio. 

Rubio is George W Bush, except with a history of corruption and willing to run for office based on false intentions.

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And speaking from this side of the ocean I could say that Scottish people have to choose between a guy who supports about 50% of the terrorist organizations in the world as long as they said something bad about the UK government at some point, a guy who's qualifications to be Prime Minister are that . . . he's an empty suit who was born to do it?, and a lady who's goal is to piss off the rest of the country enough that they tell you to f**k off.



Our next elections are in a few months and neither of the men that you have described will have anything to do with the Scottish Elections.


As someone that is currently on your side of the pond, your politics are so far to the right of the UK that any comparison between the countries is really not valid.  That together with my drive through hick country yesterday where only trump banners where on display shows that there is a real herd mentality to the voting.

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Our next elections are in a few months and neither of the men that you have described will have anything to do with the Scottish Elections.


As someone that is currently on your side of the pond, your politics are so far to the right of the UK that any comparison between the countries is really not valid.  That together with my drive through hick country yesterday where only trump banners where on display shows that there is a real herd mentality to the voting.

Obviously I was referring to the UK government. Don't know enough about the Scottish government to offer a comment.

But my point was to contest the idea that original poster should feel sorry for people. There are plenty of choices in the US, but only one person can be President. We are deciding that democratically and will get the President people want.

And isn't democratic politics about creating a herd to vote for you through persuasion? Unless you want to be the only guy marking a candidates name on the ballot.

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Our next elections are in a few months and neither of the men that you have described will have anything to do with the Scottish Elections.


As someone that is currently on your side of the pond, your politics are so far to the right of the UK that any comparison between the countries is really not valid.  That together with my drive through hick country yesterday where only trump banners where on display shows that there is a real herd mentality to the voting.


Did you not follow the referendum then?


You seem an angry fellow when it comes to American voting patterns.

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Did you not follow the referendum then?

You seem an angry fellow when it comes to American voting patterns.

I am not angry, surprised and dissapointed. For a country that spends so much and puts such an emphasis on higher education to then back a racist, fraudster and financial simpleton is beyond my comprehension.

I sat in my hotel yesterday and listened to him speak about free trade. I genuinely could not understand what his policy was as he contradicts himself in the space of two sentences. It went something like this -

Take free trade, it isn't free. Michegan workers know that I am on their side. Ford are building a factory in Mexico for $2.5bln. We have to makes sure that our trade agreements work for America, American companies. I am in favour of free trade but not when we run, look at China and now Vietnam.

Can you even understand what this means, let alone determine a policy?

In the South where I am, racism is still rife and the "blame the coloured for stealing my money and increasing my taxes to fund their welfare checks" is a common theme amongst white working class and surprisingly very common in the church going populance. So voting for someone who puts the blame for the deficit on the foreigners that come to the country and just take, take, take (another area where his "policies" are based on fiction) is not surprising down here.

He is aldo planning to save $300bln from a spend of $68bln. He appears to think that private healthcare costs are contributing to the government deficit!

The reason that I comment on Trump more than the others is that, other than debates, I only see the others on TV when they are in their own ads. A subject that I have also commented on previously.

In terms of a similarities to a binary choice referendum, only a simpleton would compare the two. There are plenty of alternatives to each individual candidate in the presidential race.

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I am not angry, surprised and dissapointed. For a country that spends so much and puts such an emphasis on higher education to then back a racist, fraudster and financial simpleton is beyond my comprehension.

I sat in my hotel yesterday and listened to him speak about free trade. I genuinely could not understand what his policy was as he contradicts himself in the space of two sentences. It went something like this -

Take free trade, it isn't free. Michegan workers know that I am on their side. Ford are building a factory in Mexico for $2.5bln. We have to makes sure that our trade agreements work for America, American companies. I am in favour of free trade but not when we run, look at China and now Vietnam.

Can you even understand what this means, let alone determine a policy?

In the South where I am, racism is still rife and the "blame the coloured for stealing my money and increasing my taxes to fund their welfare checks" is a common theme amongst white working class and surprisingly very common in the church going populance. So voting for someone who puts the blame for the deficit on the foreigners that come to the country and just take, take, take (another area where his "policies" are based on fiction) is not surprising down here.

He is aldo planning to save $300bln from a spend of $68bln. He appears to think that private healthcare costs are contributing to the government deficit!

The reason that I comment on Trump more than the others is that, other than debates, I only see the others on TV when they are in their own ads. A subject that I have also commented on previously.

In terms of a similarities to a binary choice referendum, only a simpleton would compare the two. There are plenty of alternatives to each individual candidate in the presidential race.

Don't mean to detract from your other points but I do not find this surprising at all.

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Judging by that "Donald Gay Trump" video. I'd rather get busy with his wife; than his daughter.


I'd rather have a threesome (with his wife and daughter, not with his wife/daughter and you).

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I sat in my hotel yesterday and listened to him speak about free trade. I genuinely could not understand what his policy was as he contradicts himself in the space of two sentences. It went something like this -

Take free trade, it isn't free. Michegan workers know that I am on their side. Ford are building a factory in Mexico for $2.5bln. We have to makes sure that our trade agreements work for America, American companies. I am in favour of free trade but not when we run, look at China and now Vietnam.


Look, I came into this election more on the free trade side. I'm not an expert on economics, but I generally trusted the economists who would come on tv and say this and that about how free trade is beneficial. I did start to wonder about the Trans Pacific deal when I heard about the courts which were only available to corporations and would outweigh national law, and about all the little side deals which added up to managed trade more than free trade. But it was what Trump has said in this campaign that's really turned me around. One specific instance I remember was an early Republican debate where Jeb Bush was touting Chinese orders for Boeing planes as an example of productive trade with China. Trump interrupted him and said that China made the deal conditional on Boeing opening a factory in China, and China does this all the time. And he mentioned how China has a long history of corporate espionage against US companies which open factories in China. Our tech eventually makes it's way to the state owned companies which then compete against US companies in the global marketplace. In the months since I've read reports from US businessmen in Asia who talk about how what Trump says about the Asian governments laughing about the US government in private over drinks is true. Those folks are playing the long game. There's a lot of great things about the US and Western individualist culture and free market corporations outside state influence. One of the downsides is that they are bound to think short term. It's great for the Boeing CEO to get that Chinese order. Share prices will rise . . . Profits go up . . . It would be nice if American workers got some of the benefit, but that's not  the most important consideration . . . He's gonna be retired in 10-15 years anyways by the time Chinese companies are up and running with their new stolen tech . . . etc. etc. etc.


Trump says he's for free trade in theory, but that these so-called free trade agreements are really managed trade agreements. And we currently have a government full of social workers and university professors negotiating horrible deals for the US. He says our government fundamentally doesn't understand what the Chinese, Iranians, Japanese, etc are doing, and that those countries are killing us at the negotiating table. 


Negotiating with a country like Canada which shares our values and culture is one thing. Negotiating with China is another thing and I've come around to the Trump view on this. I could be wrong, but I think he's telling the truth about what's going on.

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I am not angry, surprised and dissapointed. For a country that spends so much and puts such an emphasis on higher education to then back a racist, fraudster and financial simpleton is beyond my comprehension.


Oh, and he's not a racist. It's not racism to decide that we don't want to share a country with Mexico. It's certainly not any more racist than the Scottish people who decided that they'd rather not share a country with the English. The only real difference is that Mexicans are a protected group by the PC left and the English aren't. And you could make a compelling case that Trump is less racist than the Scottish nationalists since he's just trying to enforce an existing border while the Scots want to create a new border to stop English influence. Of course neither is actually racism because nations are well within their democratic rights to discuss how strong borders should be, whether new borders need to be draw up, and whether old borders need to be taken down. Now, it would be racist if Trump said that whites shouldn't have to share the USA with black folks since we both have equal claim to this country, but of course Trump is openly trying to break Reagan's modern Republican record for black votes and I think he has a good chance. Real racism and bigotry is advocating few rights or the exclusion of a group within a country based on race/religion/ethnicity, and that is not what Trump is doing. This is of course anecdotal, but I've heard or been part of three conversations in the past few weeks where black folks were talking up Trump and the white liberals were trying to talk them out of it by playing the "racist" and "hatred" cards. They weren't buying it. For what it's worth, I've met one black person in my life who voted against Obama, and he was adopted by white parents. So this is quite a change from what I'm used to seeing.

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Oh, and he's not a racist. Real racism and bigotry is advocating few rights or the exclusion of a group within a country based on race/religion/ethnicity, and that is not what Trump is doing. 

were you asleep for the last few weeks as I believe the media may have mentioned a wee bit about Trump wanting to ban all Muslims from the USA. If you are going to troll you really do need to try harder 

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