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It strikes me that if Salmond, McAskill etc were looking to really shaft the SNP and more importantly the cause of independence, they would be standing folk in the constituency.
They are not. There was an olive branch vibe about the launch.
It's up to the SNP leadership to respond in turn. They need to show a bit of class, stop the personal attacks and snidey comments.....and put independence first.....
I said on the other thread that it looks someone has had a word with more high profile SNP MSPs - best leave Alba to their own devices.

If they get involved in petty sniping it really does not look good.
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On 27/03/2021 at 08:22, Stormzy said:

That's impressively special rhetoric, even for this place. 

Just noticed your objection.

Apologies, I agree it was quite flowery rhetoric.

Here, I'll be far more succinct for our one and only future interaction -

f**k off

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42 minutes ago, wirez said:

Just noticed your objection.

Apologies, I agree it was quite flowery rhetoric.

Here, I'll be far more succinct for our one and only future interaction -

f**k off

I'm definitely intimidated. 

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Any attempt to second guess which votes will make what difference is a hostage to fortune

I remember voting Lab-SNP on the basis that regional Labour votes and Constituency SNP votes had always been  a waste , only for an SNP landslide to render both votes meaningless

A few years back the Edinburgh Tories put a massive effort into David McLetchie taking Pentland which ultimately all their efforts just had the effect of putting a trotskyist into Holyrood by freeing up a list seat for Colin Fox of the  SSP




Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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12 hours ago, ayrmad said:

I think the only thing that could squeeze out a s30 is having 80+ msps, to deliver that the SNP would need to give up their list seats to someone, they'd rather have 60 of their own with no other Indy seats than 59 of their own and 25 other Indy seats. 

It literally amazes me that there are functional human beings who believe Boris Johnson cares how many seats pro-independence parties get.

There's an awful lot of wishful thinking in this thread.

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13 minutes ago, GordonS said:

It literally amazes me that there are functional human beings who believe Boris Johnson cares how many seats pro-independence parties get.

There's an awful lot of wishful thinking in this thread.

Aye, it’s all absolutely bizarre. Johnson is the ultimate opportunist, there’s not a single scenario in which he’ll grant a referendum, because he doesn’t care about democracy or mandates. If 100% of the Scottish electorate voted SNP/SNP, he’d say no.

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29 minutes ago, GordonS said:

It literally amazes me that there are functional human beings who believe Boris Johnson cares how many seats pro-independence parties get.

There's an awful lot of wishful thinking in this thread.

I've continually posted that I think indyref2 won't be happening anytime soon, if there is the slightest chance of me being wrong it won't be brought about by having a small pro Indy majority, it's only the weight of having 2/3's of the parliament that might bring about the pressure required for BoJo to find a shred of democratic decency. 

I'd rather have Alba in the game over the status quo, if nothing else it might give the SNP a kick up the arse, I'll not be holding my breath. 

Are you suggesting that we all do nothing and just accept being tied to the Union? 

Edited by ayrmad
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9 minutes ago, ayrmad said:

I've continually posted that I think indyref2 won't be happening anytime soon, if there is the slightest chance of me being wrong it won't be brought about by having a small pro Indy majority, it's only the weight of having 2/3's of the parliament that might bring about the pressure required for BoJo to find a shred of democratic decency. 

I'd rather have Alba in the game over the status quo, if nothing else it might give the SNP a kick up the arse, I'll not be holding my breath. 


Last year was the first time there has been a consistent lead for Yes in any independence polling and the only reason is because some previous No supporters now trust Nicola Sturgeon to run the big stuff, because of the SNP's handling of the pandemic. Despite the criticism on here, the clear majority of the Scottish public approve of it. I don't see any reason to believe that if she devotes even more of her time and energy to talking about independence itself it will do anything to make independence more likely, however much hardcore independence supporters wish it were so and would be happy to see her do it.

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16 minutes ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Aye, it’s all absolutely bizarre. Johnson is the ultimate opportunist, there’s not a single scenario in which he’ll grant a referendum, because he doesn’t care about democracy or mandates. If 100% of the Scottish electorate voted SNP/SNP, he’d say no.

Yup. When faced with a revolt by MPs looking for slightly softer form of Brexit, Johnson did something that no party leader has done in British democratic history - he simply evicted them from the party, then called a snap election which meant they all lost their seats.

He doesn't give a damn about democracy and he knows that his supporters want a strongman leader who's heavily into flegs.

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9 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Last year was the first time there has been a consistent lead for Yes in any independence polling and the only reason is because some previous No supporters now trust Nicola Sturgeon to run the big stuff, because of the SNP's handling of the pandemic. Despite the criticism on here, the clear majority of the Scottish public approve of it. I don't see any reason to believe that if she devotes even more of her time and energy to talking about independence itself it will do anything to make independence more likely, however much hardcore independence supporters wish it were so and would be happy to see her do it.

If you can't talk about independence how are you ever going to bring it about. 

Sounds like it's all about the power. 

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4 hours ago, GordonS said:

Yup. When faced with a revolt by MPs looking for slightly softer form of Brexit, Johnson did something that no party leader has done in British democratic history - he simply evicted them from the party, then called a snap election which meant they all lost their seats.

He doesn't give a damn about democracy and he knows that his supporters want a strongman leader who's heavily into flegs.

I agree on your take on Johnson he is an opportunist.

However while he will certainly so NO to any Indy Ref even if the SNP win a majority, i still think in long term it is crucial that they do and that support for Indy can stay above 50%.

The longer and more often he says No that will alienate even more Scottish voters, especially if expected England under his watch lurches more to the right and Brexit issues become more noticeable.

No one likes being told by someone else what they can and cannot have especially if that is what they have democratically chosen, we saw that with Brexit. We may have to wait but in the meantime resentment towards Westminster will build and hopefully will Indy vote over next few years.

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28 minutes ago, paolo2143 said:

I agree on your take on Johnson he is an opportunist.

However while he will certainly so NO to any Indy Ref even if the SNP win a majority, i still think in long term it is crucial that they do and that support for Indy can stay above 50%.

The longer and more often he says No that will alienate even more Scottish voters, especially if expected England under his watch lurches more to the right and Brexit issues become more noticeable.

No one likes being told by someone else what they can and cannot have especially if that is what they have democratically chosen, we saw that with Brexit. We may have to wait but in the meantime resentment towards Westminster will build and hopefully will Indy vote over next few years.

Yes, in the long term Johnson needs to be seen in Scotland to be unreasonable and for support for independence to be increased. I don't believe any party led by Alex Salmond is going to help achieve that and I worry about Scottish politics after the election.

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Anyone who votes for Alba is a fuckkng wrong yin. Just as morally reprehensible as the tories with the utter shite they are filling their list with. 

Snp fanboy tactics out in full force.
It literally amazes me that there are functional human beings who believe Boris Johnson cares how many seats pro-independence parties get.
There's an awful lot of wishful thinking in this thread.
I agree with your assessment of Johnson with the exception that he follows a populist narrative.

A big surge in pro-indy MSPs will massively influence how the story is discussed in the media, and it will also impact public opinion (two things that Johnson does care about). He certainly doesn't have principles, and isn't averse to a dramatic U-turn.

The idea that there's no chance of him changing his mind is nonsense.

I'm not saying it'll definitely happen. But I'm fed up with the way this snp govt do things. Their 'don't rock the boat' tactic has worn thin, and there's definitely a managerial class about many of them.

Anyone with genuinely radical ideas is labelled and ostracised by the snp fanboy like the poster I've quoted above.

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