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The Named Person Scheme


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IA, you seem to be extremely well informed on these matters and provide a good insight for those of us not completely understanding of the machinations of child protection/ assistance issues.

For that, thanks. If you don't mind me asking (in a non-stalkerish way), what is your job/link to this legislation?

I work for a Council in a team whose current main task is GIRFEC and named person implementation across all children's services.

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Is it untrue to say that every child will have a Named Person? My understanding is that that's exactly what every child gets in a bid to get it right for each of them. As you say though, only a small proportion will need access to the services that person can activate. Perhaps I'm splitting hairs. You're absolutely right in saying that this actually changes little. The idea of individuals having explicit responsibility in this regard is to be welcomed though.

You are correct, it's a wee bit of semantics.

The guidance has changed slightly. It now talks about having access to a named person service rather than every child will have a named person. It's about heading off at the pass accusations of state appointed guardians for all children.

However,the reality is unchanged any child that needs a named person will have access to one and that named person will be pre-determined.

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You are correct, it's a wee bit of semantics.

The guidance has changed slightly. It now talks about having access to a named person service rather than every child will have a named person. It's about heading off at the pass accusations of state appointed guardians for all children.

However,the reality is unchanged any child that needs a named person will have access to one and that named person will be pre-determined.

Smells like goverment interference on how we look after our kids.

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Shut the f**k up Kev.

Thats not a very nice attitude to have towards someone who as a parent has a right to express his views on this subject,and seeing as you state above you are part of a council team that is looking to implement this policy your attitude concerns me as well.

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Thats not a very nice attitude to have towards someone who as a parent has a right to express his views on this subject,and seeing as you state above you are part of a council team that is looking to implement this policy your attitude concerns me as well.

You do have a right to express your view, whether you're a parent or not.

However, people who work directly in this field will wish to treat your view as one which displays sufficient ignorance for it to be dismissed.

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Thats not a very nice attitude to have towards someone who as a parent has a right to express his views on this subject,and seeing as you state above you are part of a council team that is looking to implement this policy your attitude concerns me as well.

I'm sorry Kev you are absolutely correct.

If you can tell me specifically what it is about NP or GIRFEC that has changed from the previous system,or indeed any aspect of the new Children's Act that concerns you and I will do my best to answer those concerns.

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I'm sorry Kev you are absolutely correct.

If you can tell me specifically what it is about NP or GIRFEC that has changed from the previous system,or indeed any aspect of the new Children's Act that concerns you and I will do my best to answer those concerns.

You have no obligation to answer this on a public forum, however, if Kev approaches you in your professional capacity- please answer his concerns.

As it is- he appears to be a 12 year old schoolboy, so no worries about him being a parent of 2. Even given Dundee's teen parent rate- at 12, he doesn't qualify.

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You have no obligation to answer this on a public forum, however, if Kev approaches you in your professional capacity- please answer his concerns.

As it is- he appears to be a 12 year old schoolboy, so no worries about him being a parent of 2. Even given Dundee's teen parent rate- at 12, he doesn't qualify.

I wouldn't worry. If it isn't contained in the big black bold letters at the top of a story Kev won't know about it.

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IA, as someone with much more knowledge of the subject than most, how do you feel about Ruth Davidson's assertion that the Named Person scheme may increase the chances of cases of severe child neglect like Baby P or Victoria Climbie, due to work overload of the responsible people?

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IA, as someone with much more knowledge of the subject than most, how do you feel about Ruth Davidson's assertion that the Named Person scheme may increase the chances of cases of severe child neglect like Baby P or Victoria Climbie, due to work overload of the responsible people?

I'm pretty furious about it if I'm honest.

I think it's an unbelievable statement in its irresponsibility, sheer wrongheadedness and using dead kids names to score cheap political points.

NP is not about creating work, it is about coordinating existing work.

If you want to talk about under resourcing children's services and the pressure social services are under then that's fine. This uneducated ill informed shite from someone who should no better.

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I'm pretty furious about it if I'm honest.

I think it's an unbelievable statement in its irresponsibility, sheer wrongheadedness and using dead kids names to score cheap political points.

NP is not about creating work, it is about coordinating existing work.

If you want to talk about under resourcing children's services and the pressure social services are under then that's fine. This uneducated ill informed shite from someone who should no better.

Serious question for you,will the np scheme be better than whats in place just now.

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Serious question for you,will the np scheme be better than whats in place just now.

I'm 100% of the view it will be better. I can't say it won't be without teething problems. Health visiting especially seem to be struggling to get themselves ready for this but once established I'm convinced it will be better.

Not just for child safety and protection but as a system that any parent can approach to ask for additional support for any reason.

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I'm 100% of the view it will be better. I can't say it won't be without teething problems. Health visiting especially seem to be struggling to get themselves ready for this but once established I'm convinced it will be better.

Not just for child safety and protection but as a system that any parent can approach to ask for additional support for any reason.

Cheers for the reply.

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