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Granny Danger

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:


Children stuff food into their pockets and turn up to school in dirty uniforms as poverty worsens, headteachers warn

Children living in poverty arrive at the school gates with 'grey skin, poor teeth, hair and nails'

"And?"  say Tories before trotting out the usual pish about living within our means, poverty is relative, etc.

I’m sure many of the good Tory voting Christians would have included these poor people in their prayers over the Easter weekend.


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Kind of amused by all the outraged Corbyn fans amazed that their political opponents in the right of the party, the Tory party and the tabloids are weaponising the anti-semitism stuff to 'discredit Corbyn' or whatever. I mean - isn't that literally what you should expect from your political opponents, that they'll use a bad story about you to try to discredit you?

To be fair to labour most of the prominent people have been saying all the right stuff - it's mainly just been nutcases on facebook/twitter and in local CLPs etc that have seemed to not accept it and believe it's all a conspiracy. If you were being charitable you could maybe put that down to political inexperience, a lack of political education and a desire to defend their guy to the hilt - all that stuff about anti-semitism being 'the socialism of fools' etc.

Of course, trawling facebook groups etc for cybernats or corbynistas saying offensive stuff isn't a great way to produce news - your hope would be that now labour have been on the receiving end of this after using it as a tactic during the independence referendum we could try to work towards a politics where we are a little bit less sensationalist about holding leaders/parties wholly responsible for everything random wackos say on social media. Of course, that's probably a pipedream.

Absolutely on the last part. There’s a clear vested interest in overstating these sort of things when it’s being said from a side that threatens the status quo. There’s two ways in combatting this. 1. Working as hard as possible to weed out the cranks and bigots from the movements and 2. not resorting to those same tactics when you’re on the side of the establishment, as Labour did in the run up to 2014.

Also noticed Ian Paisley, who turned out for the anti-racism rally last week, retweeted this from Katie Hopkins yesterday.


You couldn’t make that up.
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Ferret Fact Checking assess their first year:

"The SNP had the largest percentage of True and Mostly True claims, with 75 per cent of our fact-checks on the party concluding with one of these ratings.

Labour had a similar proportion of True verdicts, but around one in five of the claims we checked was either False or Mostly False.

The party with the most False claims was the Conservatives, with 70 per cent of claims checked either Mostly False, False or FFS."

Tories in lying shites shock (see: Strichner)

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6 hours ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

"Public confidence in the government" and "Public confidence in political parties" are two of the indicators  so that's probably part of it

As an aside, I was chatting with some folk about the lack of proper statesmen-like politicians across the board.

20 years ago, all the major parties had a few that you could reasonably say you could trust to run the country, regardless of whether you agreed with their politics.

Which of the current mob could you honestly describe in the same way?

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Just now, Mark Connolly said:

As an aside, I was chatting with some folk about the lack of proper statesmen-like politicians across the board.

20 years ago, all the major parties had a few that you could reasonably say you could trust to run the country, regardless of whether you agreed with their politics.

Which of the current mob could you honestly describe in the same way?

Erm Nicola sturgeon

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9 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:

As an aside, I was chatting with some folk about the lack of proper statesmen-like politicians across the board.

20 years ago, all the major parties had a few that you could reasonably say you could trust to run the country, regardless of whether you agreed with their politics.

Which of the current mob could you honestly describe in the same way?

Most of the current generation went straight from University into political work, and can barely speak normal English. The old heavyweights had some depth of experience, Dennis Healy was Beach Master for the Anzio attack for example. but admittedly went straight into politics after the war. Labour politicians used to work their way up through Trade Union ranks before trying for a constituency, now they finish their PPE at Oxbridge, spend a couple of years at Millbank or as a HOC researcher, then off for a safe seat.

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Literally could not give less of a shit over how statesmanlike someone comes across. The press give way too much leeway to people like Thatcher, Blair and Obama who oversaw quite abhorrent policies purely because they were viewed as credible heads of state or leaders. Utter bollocks.

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17 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Ireland better in everything yet we are too wee and stupid and unlike Eire we have oil. A fucking laughing stock



Everything?  What about their draconian abortion laws?


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Literally could not give less of a shit over how statesmanlike someone comes across. The press give way too much leeway to people like Thatcher, Blair and Obama who oversaw quite abhorrent policies purely because they were viewed as credible heads of state or leaders. Utter bollocks.

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4 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:


I believe the 8th amendment will be repealed by popular vote end May


It will be interesting to see if it's repealed or amended.  The ROI has made massive strides forward in social policy in recent years and I hope it will continue on this issue.  The influence of the Catholic Church is still pernicious.



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16 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

I strongly believe this yet we are shackled to a bigger country who is pulling us out of EU against our democratic will. Scotland the Brave, embarrassing

Aye that's pish.  Though tbf with the level of utter propaganda rammed down our throats for years and the hysterica of that campaign, I'm still quite proud that most scots didn't swallow it and voted yes.

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