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Granny Danger

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Universal credit IT system 'broken', whistleblowers say
Service centre staff say glitches having harmful effect on huge number of claimants
Yup, pretty much reflects everything we've dealt with at work, other than the uploading of documents, which in the main has worked.

The problem with UC is that because the system is so shite it's constantly being updated, staff don't know what's going on, other staff don't even know the regulations then point blank refuse to accept they've got it wrong. There's no clear process yet for the terminally ill, and there are plenty of flaws with RTI. It's a disgrace and an utter shambles.

I think I'd actually celebrate Ian Duncan Smith being diagnosed with a life limiting illness. Absolute c***s the lot of them.
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36 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:


Universal credit IT system 'broken', whistleblowers say

Service centre staff say glitches having harmful effect on huge number of claimants

Anyone who has to deal with government websites know that they are appallingly bad.  The HMRC one looks like it has been designed by someone who knows nothing about interactive IT.

Yet they spend hundreds of millions on them; it’s a national scandal.


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They’re partially designed to be a pain in the arse to navigate particularly when it comes to jobseekers. The government don’t want anyone to have anything other than a torrid time claiming benefits. Death by a thousand clicks.

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Only if they are also being antisemitic.

Interesting interview on BBC news there, as one of corbyn's Jewish supporters explained the situation regarding labour and anti-Semitism.


Supposedly the guy who wrote the supposed 'internationally agreed' definition is also opposed to what his definition has grown into.


Arms and legs have been added to it to prevent any criticism of Israel as a Jewish state. Yet this kind of detail is completely ignored as most organisations obviously just want to accept the definition.



Edited to add the link to the original author's criticism. I'm hoping jmo responds to this because I don't think he realises the nature of the campaign against Corbyn.



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21 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The Tories are really going all out on sending the two IS guys to the USA to get executed.

Obviously need to win those fash votes back from UKIP.

Yeah the timing of this is not coincidental.  Obvious expecting a response from Labour that they can twist, but there are those in their own ranks who will object and make the divisions less partisan.


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39 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Yeah the timing of this is not coincidental.  Obvious expecting a response from Labour that they can twist, but there are those in their own ranks who will object and make the divisions less partisan.


Killing muslims is obviously a flagship Tory policy but Dianne Abbott opposing it will really get the gammons fired up.

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

The Tories are really going all out on sending the two IS guys to the USA to get executed.

Obviously need to win those fash votes back from UKIP.

They aren't being held by Britain and have had their citizenships revoked. The only question is whether British intelligence shares evidence against them, which I doubt is necessary as they've talked about what they did on the telly, and there are a few surviving witnesses. 

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Bit of a niche one this - working class spokesman Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey ‘liking’ a right-wing troll pretending to care about Mhairi Black’s well-being. Is this guy fuckin’ tone deaf?


Then again, he’s pals with Angela Haggerty who outed Mhairi’s partner...


I predict The Clymidia Kid and/or philyerboots follow Ron Kane tbh. These fannies get a lot of followers...






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Interesting interview on BBC news there, as one of corbyn's Jewish supporters explained the situation regarding labour and anti-Semitism.  
Supposedly the guy who wrote the supposed 'internationally agreed' definition is also opposed to what his definition has grown into.
Arms and legs have been added to it to prevent any criticism of Israel as a Jewish state. Yet this kind of detail is completely ignored as most organisations obviously just want to accept the definition.
Edited to add the link to the original author's criticism. I'm hoping jmo responds to this because I don't think he realises the nature of the campaign against Corbyn.

I have no problem with people criticising Israeli policy on multiple things, I think Netanyahu is a bad person who I disagree with strongly on many issues and I think he is a bad thing for Israel. There's nothing anti-Semitic about criticising things Israel do. However there are people who criticise Israel who are anti-Semitic. There are people whose hatred of anything relating to Israel leads them to saying anti-Semitic things, associating with anti-Semites and falling into perpetrating anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracies. It is easy and (in my opinion) right to criticise this right-wing Israeli government for what they are doing without resorting to anti-semitism. On the issue of what is or isn't anti-Semitism it seems instinctive to me that the definition Jewish people want to use is the one that should be adopted, and overwhelmingly this appears to be the case, and little of the definition as I read it appears controversial, whatever the original creator of the definition may or may not think about it. I don't think Corbyn is anti-Semitic for what it's worth, though I think he has associated with anti-Semites and hasn't taken the issue seriously or dealt with it at all well as leader. Judging by social media many of his supporters are anti-Semitic. That isn't his fault, but I don't believe he has done enough to fight it, or disassociate himself with it or call it out.

Out of interest why did you write 'Israel as a Jewish state' rather than just 'Israel'?
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Bit of a niche one this - working class spokesman Darren ‘Loki’ McGarvey ‘liking’ a right-wing troll pretending to care about Mhairi Black’s well-being. Is this guy fuckin’ tone deaf?
Then again, he’s pals with Angela Haggerty who outed Mhairi’s partner...
I predict The Clymidia Kid and/or philyerboots follow Ron Kane tbh. These fannies get a lot of followers...

See guys like ‘Loki’ and Jane Godley, all these wankers who put on accents and try and prove just how salt of the earth they are, reality is they’re all just luvvy arseholes who don’t have a clue. They constantly remind us just how ‘real’ they are but its all just a front to try and legitimise their own delusion. I fucking cringe when these fannies appear on tv as if they’re speaking for me as some kind of champion of the disenfranchised before they skip along to the fringe festival and talk about just how ‘random’ everything is. This is the problem I have with the far left in Scotland, its made up of arseholes who don’t know what it’s like to suffer at the hands of these tory c***s, the grants keep flying in for all their wee twee art projects and Godley lives off her ‘trumps a c**t’ sign forever, Cat boyd who can’t even be bothered to vote(i mean how is that any different to that tory w****r who did the same thing??), Johnathan Shafi (whom I was at uni with) has his rich upbringing, all these people have absolutely tainted the left and no wonder its so off putting to so many.
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I have no problem with people criticising Israeli policy on multiple things, I think Netanyahu is a bad person who I disagree with strongly on many issues and I think he is a bad thing for Israel. There's nothing anti-Semitic about criticising things Israel do. However there are people who criticise Israel who are anti-Semitic. There are people whose hatred of anything relating to Israel leads them to saying anti-Semitic things, associating with anti-Semites and falling into perpetrating anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracies. It is easy and (in my opinion) right to criticise this right-wing Israeli government for what they are doing without resorting to anti-semitism. On the issue of what is or isn't anti-Semitism it seems instinctive to me that the definition Jewish people want to use is the one that should be adopted, and overwhelmingly this appears to be the case, and little of the definition as I read it appears controversial, whatever the original creator of the definition may or may not think about it. I don't think Corbyn is anti-Semitic for what it's worth, though I think he has associated with anti-Semites and hasn't taken the issue seriously or dealt with it at all well as leader. Judging by social media many of his supporters are anti-Semitic. That isn't his fault, but I don't believe he has done enough to fight it, or disassociate himself with it or call it out.

Out of interest why did you write 'Israel as a Jewish state' rather than just 'Israel'?
I used the term Jewish state in light of the recent law passed by the Israeli government.

Thank you for the response.

Do you know who added the examples on to the original definition?
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There's plenty of Jewish people who don't want this definition, and I get the impression that the more people look into it, the more people will question the additional examples.


Which ones do you disagree with?
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Which ones do you disagree with?
The one relating to the state of Israel being a possible racist endeavour could be technically tricky if you're looking at the situation from the point of view of the Palestinians.

What examples do you think the party have not properly covered in their more detailed examples?
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The one relating to the state of Israel being a possible racist endeavour could be technically tricky if you're looking at the situation from the point of view of the Palestinians.

What examples do you think the party have not properly covered in their more detailed examples?

Calling Israel a racist endeavour is anti-Semitic. Saying it has done racist things is not.
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9 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Calling Israel a racist endeavour is anti-Semitic. Saying it has done racist things is not.


Saying that Israel did not have the right to evict Arabs and confiscate their lands to establish a Jewish run state is not anti semitic. 

Edited by welshbairn
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