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Granny Danger

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Ffs. Little girl shouldn't sell lemonade because I might get Food poisoning? If you are that worried about it don't buy from a lemonade stand. Reminds me of a guy I used to work with who would take paper plates in to work and his own cutlery as he didn't want to use cutlery and plates that other people had used. He also never took a shite at work because he didn't do public toilets.
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The government are planning on making it easier for people to 'change' gender. Apparently this could even include altering the sex on your birth certificate, which seems odd. I'm not really sure this move is needed.

On a similar theme, it's also been announced that the ban on gay men giving blood within 12 months of having sex is being reduced to three months in England and Scotland. Correct decision giving that they always appear to be struggling for blood donations and that being a vastly outdated law.
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On the blood transfusion point, I had a touch of cancer back in 1997, after successful treatment and 5 years of surveillance and checks I'm still kicking around but the blood transfusion won't touch me for donations, can't get on the organ transplant donation list, after all these years are the authorities being over cautious or ignoring a willing donor of blood, or if I was to pop my clogs not being willing to use my organs for people who are desperate for an organ? Thoughts anyone.

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On 22/07/2017 at 14:33, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Shocking events in Minnesota.


An unarmed Australian woman shot dead by police after she was shouting hysterically outside a house - it seems she may have approached the police car to report a suspected rape.


The Police Chief has resigned - I sincerely hope the b*****d who shot her gets locked up.


This is not the first and nor will it be the last time time that some trigger-happy cop will cause mayhem.


It's one of the reasons I don't want us going down the arm every police officer route. If we are arming the police then it should only be specialists who are trained to a high professional standard.




The difference in the official response when they murder an attractive white woman compared to a poor black man is quite something.

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On a similar theme, it's also been announced that the ban on gay men giving blood within 12 months of having sex is being reduced to three months in England and Scotland. Correct decision giving that they always appear to be struggling for blood donations and that being a vastly outdated law.

I can't give blood in Ireland due to being British. Anyone resident in Britain for 12 months during the BSE scare is banned
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11 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Point being it will have an effect on other people's lives, particularly women. Women only spaces are likely to be impacted if it is easier for man who have transformed to claim to be a woman and access them. This is concerning for rape survivors. I'm also at a loss as to why the state feels the need to record genders. Recording sex for health reasons etc makes sense but a 'woman' with a penis is biologically male so recording them as a women doesn't seem right.



The problem with this line of reasoning is it's used by TERFs to deny trans women access to vital services that they're entitled to. Remember trans women ARE women and face the same risks of assault and sexual abuse that cis women do. A few of my friends are involved in LGBT spaces in Scotland and some of them run Free Pride and other LGBT focused events. Having spoken to them and been to some of the events which practice trans inclusive spaces and gender neutral toilets etc they've had zero issues. 

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8 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:

I can't give blood in Ireland due to being British. Anyone resident in Britain for 12 months during the BSE scare is banned


I thought that was just down to the Irish's general dislike of the Brits.


10 hours ago, DrewDon said:


5 years and I still can't tell if he's at it or not.

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On the blood transfusion point, I had a touch of cancer back in 1997, after successful treatment and 5 years of surveillance and checks I'm still kicking around but the blood transfusion won't touch me for donations, can't get on the organ transplant donation list, after all these years are the authorities being over cautious or ignoring a willing donor of blood, or if I was to pop my clogs not being willing to use my organs for people who are desperate for an organ? Thoughts anyone.

I'm a regular blood donor and encouraged my sister in law to come with me to donate, but as she had IVF thirty five years ago she was refused as not being suitable too. Different medical treatments mean differing lengths of time when you are unable to give blood
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I can't give blood in Ireland due to being British. Anyone resident in Britain for 12 months during the BSE scare is banned

I tried to donate on holiday in San Diego, went through about 45 minutes of questions from five different people, then was rejected for the same reasons as you. At least I got pizza and a t shirt out of the experience
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It is financially viable unless you are actually trying to say that a country with higher growth than the UK, half the unemployment level of the UK,  a better educated population than the UK, more top unis per capita than the UK, more natural resources than the UK, more water, more space, more exports, a better balance of trade and the highest GDP per capita in the UK outwith London and the South East can't run their own country ? Is that what you are saying ? It's not the SNP or any other persons job to install some belief in you, that's up to you to wake up and smell the coffee and realise that the UK and especially the black hole which is London is holding us back. 
Independence has been rejected ONCE. There was a devolution referendum 40 years ago which was won but was fudged by Labour. Not surprised that you didn't know this to be honest.

Just catching up with thread.
Good post
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6 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


Scotland sets renewable energy record as wind power provides equivalent of 118% of nation's electricity


118% of the national household energy requirement.  57% of the nation's electricity. 

The path is encouraging but we really need to get using some of the more predictable renewables and then we can aim for 100%+ of demand.

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The problem with this line of reasoning is it's used by TERFs to deny trans women access to vital services that they're entitled to. Remember trans women ARE women and face the same risks of assault and sexual abuse that cis women do. A few of my friends are involved in LGBT spaces in Scotland and some of them run Free Pride and other LGBT focused events. Having spoken to them and been to some of the events which practice trans inclusive spaces and gender neutral toilets etc they've had zero issues. 

The problem with the transgender issue is there are people who are born into the wrong body and although it's something I obviously can't relate to, it must feel pretty horrific. However there now seems to be a large group of people who don't fit into classically defined gender roles and are describing themselves as trans. This is becoming particularly a problem for women who are finding feminine men describing themselves as women, even though they aren't. They are biological males who perhaps feel more comfortable with the traditionally defined female gender role who think, for whatever reason, that they must therefore be women. This seems regressive and incompatible with feminism and the whole notion that being a woman isn't about being a certain way.
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The problem with the transgender issue is there are people who are born into the wrong body and although it's something I obviously can't relate to, it must feel pretty horrific. However there now seems to be a large group of people who don't fit into classically defined gender roles and are describing themselves as trans. This is becoming particularly a problem for women who are finding feminine men describing themselves as women, even though they aren't. They are biological males who perhaps feel more comfortable with the traditionally defined female gender role who think, for whatever reason, that they must therefore be women. This seems regressive and incompatible with feminism and the whole notion that being a woman isn't about being a certain way.

Again this idea that trans people are somehow regressive because they wished to be described as women and are thus reinforcing gender stereotypes is something that TERFs deploy to keep trans people out of women only spaces. There isn't some magic forcefield that stops guys and women from entering the wrong bathroom, if someone wants to commit assault or harass someone then they will. That's a depressing fact of life. What isn't fair is to tell people who identify as women that they can't enter the bathroom that they're more comfortable in because they were born with the wrong genitalia.
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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

This could get messy. Could it be taken to the relevant thread? Or a new one?


1 hour ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Whatever happened to the Wings Over Scotland thread? You fearing another Strichener vs Baxter?



:lol: I know we're tedious lads but I like to think I'll call it quits well before it gets to that stage.

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