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Granny Danger

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Instead of congratulations to England for managing to win a penalty shoot out Theresa May should be getting things back in order in her own party.

Esther McVey had been accused of lying about the a very critical report by the National Audit Office on the Universal Credit Scheme.  The misrepresentation of the report was meant to show the scheme in a good light and make it look like it was working well when anything but the case.  A claim the head of the NAO said was not proven.  McVey also said that the scheme should continue and go forwards faster, which contradicts the NAO report.

McVey is clearly an evil nasty piece of work with no decency who will not resign wich is the decent thing to do.  

Theresa May is a cowardly headless chicken who does not have the courage to sack her which is also a correct course of action.

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21 minutes ago, CaspianChris said:

Instead of congratulations to England for managing to win a penalty shoot out Theresa May should be getting things back in order in her own party.

Esther McVey had been accused of lying about the a very critical report by the National Audit Office on the Universal Credit Scheme.  The misrepresentation of the report was meant to show the scheme in a good light and make it look like it was working well when anything but the case.  A claim the head of the NAO said was not proven.  McVey also said that the scheme should continue and go forwards faster, which contradicts the NAO report.

McVey is clearly an evil nasty piece of work with no decency who will not resign wich is the decent thing to do.  

Theresa May is a cowardly headless chicken who does not have the courage to sack her which is also a correct course of action.

May cannot sack anyone at the moment, though she probably wouldn't sack McVey anyway.

May has lost all control over her party and it is unlikely she will be able to regain it.  It is intertesting to see commentators from across the politcal spectrum increasingly accuse her of weak leadership.

With all that is going on,  a GE is forced and Labour cannot beat the Tories it will be an indication of just how useless Corbyn is; I reckon it could lead to huge divisions in Labour ranks at a time when there needs to be effective opposition to the Tories at a UK level.

In other news Tories in alliance with far right Swedish political group.  Hands up if you are surprised.  Anyone?


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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:


In other news Tories in alliance with far right Swedish political group.  Hands up if you are surprised.  Anyone?


That is no surprise as far as I am concerned sadly.  It is worrying that these sort of groups are on the rise again, not just in the UK but all around Europe.  It feels like we are heading back to darker days sadly.

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Not sure whether the Maybot was displaying general ignorance or a coded acceptance of Independence for Scotland when she followed up "When we leave the UK" with "these devastating fires in the north of Britain" at PMQs today. Last time I looked, Saddleworth was comfortably in the bottom half of the Island. 

She's beginning to look like a woman on the edge now - even her pre-scripted responses are being stuttered and mangled as she desperately tries to ignore the vultures around and behind her. 

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

With all that is going on,  a GE is forced and Labour cannot beat the Tories it will be an indication of just how useless Corbyn is; I reckon it could lead to huge divisions in Labour ranks at a time when there needs to be effective opposition to the Tories at a UK level.

If there was a forced GE in the next months you would think that someone would call for a rainbow coalition "Stop Brexit" party that had one line in their manifesto - stop Brexit. Encourage all non-tory candidates to step aside or join in under that banner & immediately resign their seats on success. The remain half of Labour stop Corbyn from getting the reigns/being humiliated (delete to taste). Stops the Daily Mail outrage from being directed at one party.


"aren't you undermining the will of the people?" "no, we believe the evidence wasn't there and as time has gone on the situation has changed, there's no point in throwing yourself into the abyss out of pride, we can stop this disaster from happening"


I doubt anyone would be brave enough to stick their head above the parapet & do it though.


That said, at one point I actually thought May might stand in front of the people & go "you know what, this is insane, we tried to negotiate and it became clear that the best course of action is to stay and reform from within, we tried to do what you ask but we're just to linked in to properly separate in a safe & efficient manner so I've informed the EU we've withdrawn article 50 & I've offered my resignation to my party in the knowledge that I've done the best thing for the country" so ... I'm a total fantasist, don't listen to me.



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11 hours ago, Blue-Toon said:

If this happens then the last 3 general elections have basically been the original Star Wars trilogy.

2015- Post losing Indy Ref, gain 56 SNP MP’s- A New Hope 

2017- SNP lose a third of their forces and the Scot Tories come thundering into the reckoning- The Empire Strikes Back.

2018/19???- Big Eck returns to frontline politics to slay the evil Tories- Return of the Jedi.

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10 hours ago, Londonwell said:

If this happens then the last 3 general elections have basically been the original Star Wars trilogy.

2015- Post losing Indy Ref, gain 56 SNP MP’s- A New Hope 

2017- SNP lose a third of their forces and the Scot Tories come thundering into the reckoning- The Empire Strikes Back.

2018/19???- Big Eck returns to frontline politics to slay the evil Tories- Return of the Jedi.

If the SNP are looking for someone to spearhead a campaign to stop the Scottish Tories, then unfortunately it isn't Salmond. He's too polarising a figure. 

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45 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

This is worth a read.  Brexit related but more about the Tory Party.



That article makes me think there must be a significant section of the Tory party who know they have no way out of the clusterfuck they've got into, and would gladly hand power over to Corbyn and let him take the blame. Maybe also hoping that remainers take over from Corbyn and reverse the whole debacle.

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