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Sunday weigh in club.

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Has anyone tried Huel meal replacements?

You'll lose at least 45 pounds a week on it.

Replacing one or two meals a day is hard going so I'd imagine drinking three meals a day would be torture.

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Don't think so. According to Huel it's the only meal replacement that has 100% of every single one of your vitamins and nutrients.

It's a meal replacement shake and therefore not real food. Maybe more nationally valid than Herbalife but it really is never going to be as decent as real food on a nutritional scale.

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Back from an all inclusive this morning just had my dinner there- 2 large dominos, a bottle of red wine and 6 mars bar ice creams. Will weigh myself tomorrow and see how much I've put on in just over a week. Be a stone easy.

Fat b*****d.

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Always find after a heavy week of drinking/eating shite the bodies carbed up and dehydrated both causing loads of bloatedness. You'll shift 5-6lbs of that in a couple of days if you go low carb and get back to the normal routine imo.

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