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He seems to be trying to get them to play this possession style of football that is fancy on the eye but it just makes them look slow and pedestrian. It will be the same old story, look good in qualifying pumping everyone then come up against decent teams look years off the pace, rip up the 'blueprint' and start all over again. The difference between Spain, Germany, France, Italy compared to England is they are the trend setters, England spend years trying to implement other countries styles and by the time they think they have cracked it everyone else has moved on and they are left struggling to catch the big nations again.


Is that Roy's fault? No but he doesn't seem gallus enough to at least have a go. Remember the build up to the World Cup was all about this new attacking looking England blah blah....out after 2 games. Is he the best English candidate? Probably although it would have been interesting to see how Redknapp got on. They have to go down the foreign route again but like us, they have flashbacks to previous failures like Cappelo and Sven and shit themselves.


I'd say it's that they spend two years trying to implement a system that will take a decade to properly bed in, then shit the bed when it doesn't give them results.  Germany hit rock bottom in 2004 when they went out of the Euros at the Group Stage.  They then put into place a plan that led to them winning the World Cup 10 years later.  Would there have been certain elements in the German media and fans that would have hated their fallow periods in between?  Of course.  But the German FA had their plan and they stuck to it.  The English FA don't seem to have the balls to really go for it, and cave into pressure the moment they have a "poor" tournament.  It's probably good for us, because I think if the FA really screwed the nut on and decided to get serious about really revamping the national team, then they could really compete. 


I'm of the opinion that Hodgson was the best English manager for the job.  He's clearly a very good manager, and is perfectly suited for International football (unlike other failures).  But his case is also helped by how poor the English pool is.  Redknapp was up for it (I can't decide whether he would have been amazing or a disaster, probably both) but nowadays, who's the next in line?  Pardew probably, which is hilarious.  And like you say, "going foreign" is likely to give them the fear.

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Should also add that it's ridiculous that Drinkwater has been dropped, and I can only assume it's because he couldn't choose between Sturridge and Rashford, so Rooney took Drinkwater's place in midfield. 


Look forward to Sturridge getting injured in the first minute, and all the hand-wringing that will go with that.

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Someone on BBC also made a good point - not only are they extremely light on defenders (with the ones they've brought maybe not being up to much), they're also pretty light on defensive midfielders to shield them.


I can actually see England being pretty high-scoring this tournament, purely because they're going to have to be to win games.  Hart's in for a busy time.

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Got to love Roy Hodgson that squad is so unbalanced and has a fair number of out of form or unfit players in it. Think i might have a few quid on them tae fall at the first hurdle.

There's no way they are going out in the group stages.

But yet again, England is setting itself up for failure by pre determining the scapegoats.

Wilshire, Hodgson and, most likely, Hart.

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The Drinkwater omission is particularly poor. Townsend was also in much better form after January than Sterling had hit all season. Sturridge and Wilshere shouldn't be in the squad either. Michail Antonio had a much better season than most of the players in the squad, yet hasn't even had a sniff of a call-up AFAIK.

Also, Ross Barkley, why?

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Wilshire has hardly played all season.

Woy is only there because he will pick who he's told to.

He's also England's most creative player. If he gets injured, call up one of the standby guys. Seems an obvious pick.

Roy Hodgson is in his job because of the career he's had. He's nobody's fool.

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Told to by whom?

Good question. Do you think Arsene Wenger wanted Wilshire to be picked? Of course not.

Gordon Strachan didn't select Celtic or Aberdeen players because their clubs asked him not to. That's a case of a manager picking who he is told to.

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Rashford is miles better than iheanacho. His movement and link up play are tremendous and when you add that to his lethal scoring ability he is a superstar in the making. Usual media overhype is clouding folk's judgement on this.

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Rashford is miles better than iheanacho. His movement and link up play are tremendous and when you add that to his lethal scoring ability he is a superstar in the making. Usual media overhype is clouding folk's judgement on this.

Yes it really is, yours.

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Rashford is miles better than iheanacho. His movement and link up play are tremendous and when you add that to his lethal scoring ability he is a superstar in the making. Usual media overhype is clouding folk's judgement on this.



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Rashford is miles better than iheanacho. His movement and link up play are tremendous and when you add that to his lethal scoring ability he is a superstar in the making. Usual media overhype is clouding folk's judgement on this.


To believe my own eyes, or to believe what someone who thinks Gaulds too small to make it says?


Decisions, decisions..

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To believe my own eyes, or to believe what someone who thinks Gaulds too small to make it says?

Decisions, decisions..

Not what I said but carry on.

Anyone who thinks iheanacho has shown more promise doesn't have a clue tbh

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If Dier and the centre halfs stay fit Drinkwater won't be missed although it is incredibly harsh. Surely Rashford won't play much of a part?












In a diamond is what I would do if I was Mr Hodgson.

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