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Worst album you've ever listened to

Francesc Fabregas

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Construction for the Modern Idiot - The Wonder Stuff

Wonderland - The Charlatans

ETA: Misread the title and put down the worst albums I've bought and listened to.

I've listened to some right dross in the quest to get my hole when I was younger.

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I liked it! It had some cracking tunes on it. "Tap Out" and "Happy Ending" are really good.


I didn't really like it a first but it was a proper grower, Angles is their worst album imo.


I'd like to nominate any album by the Foo Fighters this century.


Another fan of REM's Monster, they dialled up the distortion on that record.

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Some strange shouts in this thread.

I had a look through my iTunes to see if there was any other junk in there and I'd also give Everything is Borrowed by The Streets. I thought the Streets' first two albums were incredible, the second one especially but Mike Skinner really started to go off the rails by the time A Hardest Way to Make an Easy Living came around (it was probably all the cocaine). He cleaned himself up for their fourth effort, Everything is Borrowed but all the goodness had been sucked out of the band. Whether it was the fact it was recorded using live instruments or he stopped singing about "real life", the whole thing was crap. The title track and The Escapist are solid bookends but everything else in between is really poor - "The Way of the Dodo", "The Sherry End" and "Alleged Legends" are particularly rubbish.

Good call. I feel by that point he'd done the Geezer stuff, and the Famous Geezer stuff so totally lost his edge. Computers and Blues wasn't too bad though.

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Another big fan of Monster here. 


Sticking with the theme of "most disappointing" rather than just outright worst the ones that spring to mind are "let the dominoes fall" by Rancid and "Eyes Open" by Snow Patrol. Rancid are one of my favourite bands but I've only managed to listen to that record about three times and the Snow Patrol one is just utterly shite. Their first two albums are awesome lo-fi indie and the third one is OK but they really did turn shite when they got famous. 

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Round about the turn of the century I would go out and buy anything that got a half decent write up in the NME and probably 95% of the albums I bought were just horrible and were taken down to Grouchos to sell within a week. The worst offenders were probably Get Born by Jet and a self titled effort by a mob called The Others. Both were incredibly lazy, boorish efforts that were offensive to the ears. Even now "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" gives me the boak.

Edit - Probably 2 poor examples as I was never fans of either band but more of the general "new rock" scene at the time which these 2 were part of.

For an artist that I really like, Neil Young has quite a few stinkers but Everybody's Rocking is probably his trump card in this instance. It takes a huge amount of effort to get through without either laughing, crying or cringing. A real turd of an album.

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Looked through my iTunes and the worst album there is probably FROOT by Marina and the Diamonds. Was a massive fan of the offbeat pop in her first record but that second one was just boring and lifeless. Saw her live at T in the Park just after she released it and the difference between the new and older stuff was huge. 


Obviously there's stuff that I've deleted, I agree with St Anger, but it is so shit, I dunno, I quite like it. Having seen Some Kind Of Monster, it kinda works for me in a way that makes sense. I guess it reminds me of that film, which I like. I never got through Lulu so that can't count. I think I bought an Iron Maiden live album which was utterly gash when I had my two week Iron Maiden phase in high school. Live at Donnington or something. Bruce's vocals don't really stand up on a live album. On record, yes, live in person, mabye, live album, no way. 


I love Kid A and all the later Strokes stuff. 

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Nirvana - Bleach.

Terribly produced and all the songs sound the same(shite) bar About A Girl

You're a Negative Creep!

Some crappy songs on Bleach but a few belters too!

On the neil young front, what about Trans?

In his book he even admits he made it shite on purpose to spite his record label.

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Another big fan of Monster here.

Sticking with the theme of "most disappointing" rather than just outright worst the ones that spring to mind are "let the dominoes fall" by Rancid and "Eyes Open" by Snow Patrol. Rancid are one of my favourite bands but I've only managed to listen to that record about three times and the Snow Patrol one is just utterly shite. Their first two albums are awesome lo-fi indie and the third one is OK but they really did turn shite when they got famous.

Was also a big fan of rancid, seen them live in chicago last year and was still a good show as i think they only played one off this album. Also ive started using my old phone as an ipod as it has more music on, including this album. Whilst it is by no means there finest work theres a few ok efforts on, lots of by the numbers stuff though. A poets life was goood but havent listened to latest rancid album. The interrupters supported them last year id been to a festival all day and thought they weren't bad as i fancied the singer, bought the album, its ok again pretty by the numbers stuff.

My personal choice has to be when i was born for the 9th time by cornershop, back in my young days of establishing a cd collection in britannia music club i bought this on the strength of brimful of asha 😂 you can see why they were one hit wonders. Also an unnamed beady eye album my mate played once was jobbytastic, cant remember if its on that album or a late oasis effort where they basically do a shit cover of all you need is love but with different words and another name.

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Bought Mercury Rev "Boces" in the days before the internet. It had a great review in Melody Maker and a pal of a pal said it was good. They were both wrong. It was shite.

For sheer disappointment then Radiohead's Kid A must be the worst. I was working in a Ski resort in Austria and paid well over the odds for it too. Got back to my flat and me and my boss were frenzied with anticipation both being big fans. We put it on, we listened, it finished. We looked at each other and thought "what the actual f**k was that??".

Worse was to follow as I attempted to dispose of that and a few other CDs I wanted shot of when I came back to the UK and stayed with my best mate in London. It was three quid for this and four for that in a shop in Inverness Street in Camden.

"Pound for Kid A squire"

"Eh? that's just out pal. Is it no' worth more than that??"

"Look over there mate"

I did and saw a rack of about twenty copies of Kid A!

Probably spent the pound on the good mixer's pool table. Happy days!

Boces is a great album that David Baker era was the best the band had imo.

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Money Mark - Push the button is probably the worst album I have ever owned. Would also say that despite liking them as a teenager, Mansun , attack of the grey lantern & Bluetones, Return to the last chance saloon are,in hindsight, atrocious.

Also once listened to a Turin Brakes album ~shudder~

Eta - special mention to Ian Brown The World is Yours , as much as I love the man, the record label should have dipped the master tapes in acid

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In recent years it is probably Sirens Charm by In Flames.



I remember listening to the album for the first time and reaching the song above, which is the 4th song on the album and I couldn't believe how incredibly boring this album was.  This was one of the bands that defined the melodic death metal sound and inspired an entire generation of bands yet here they were releasing an album that was so slow and tired sounding. 

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The Fratellis' second album. I was probably about thirteen when their first album came out which had some great fun tunes, although I've grown out of it now. The second album was just so dull and was very much a lesson in getting my hopes up about an album.


Would also say Angles by The Strokes, the second Joy Formidable album and every Weezer album after Pinkerton.

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Daft Punk - Random Access Memories. You wait about ten years for an album from one of the most exciting dance acts ever and they release a bloated, self indulgent disco album. Utter dross.

The superiority complex loads of journos developed from "appreciating" it more than the average listener adds to how disappointing and self-indulgent it was. Enjoyed Limmy saying Skrillex was much better in his album review as well.

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Exile On Main Street by The Rolling Stones

Skills In Pills by Lindemann (I love Rammstein but this is garbage)

Less Is More by Marillion

The Re-Up by Eminem and whatever no-marks were signed to his record label at the time.

The Cosmos Rocks by Queen + Paul Rodgers

I've got this somewhere  :lol:

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