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2016 Scottish Cup Final - Hibernian FC v Rangers


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OK the blogs correct and it's all sevcos fault.


You still haven't read it  :lol:


Heid's gone.


As I said on the day I retract my previous sentiments of it being the funnier result if Hibs lost, I hadn't accounted for it breaking Sevco so spectacularly, this has been utterly glorious.


Thank you Hibs.  :lol:

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I really thought we had broken the *** after our Scottish cup doings of them.

Boycotts including boycotting their own stadium, primary school assault on other players after being skinned, battle fever.

Fair play to hibs though, taken it right up to the next level.

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Shit's getting serious over on Rangers Media.  :lol: Maybe Hibs should just give them a wee look at the Cup to cheer them up..



I hear what you are saying, but marching is but only one strand of a well thought out strategy. It sends a nessage that people have the courage of the convictions to get up off there erse we will not be surpressed. The civil rights marches in the US were a success. Yes, some died, including their leader as a consequence, but the whole planet were made aware of their cause and the US government had no option to submit to what was actually right and just.

Leadership and organisation is what needed and the haters have succeeded in that as you say in militaristic form, but there is no reason why we cannot and I can only think the reason that we are not already, that most just haven't been affected enough. Stting in comfortable suburbia, giving it large, without the conviction to take real action. The current politics of division and oppression are not yet to big effect, but we can all see the drip drip effect of them thus far and only a minority will have suffered the effect. Losing the indy vote was a major blow for them, as we would have felt the adverse effect of constitutional change would be right there in our front rooms, but it would have been too late then, so let us learn the lesson and take the opportunity to turn all this around.
The *****s claimed in the sixties and seventies, the discrimination in the job market. Well it is happening to us now. They have taken foothold being in positions of power and influence in institutions accross the land. As the private sector has shrunk, the public sector is bursting at the seems with over staffing, providing as much non value adding support as they are ***** infested. Is it any wonder we bear witness to the largest budgetary deficits in modern times.
I wonder at many now jobless bears out there, with a good presbyterian work ethic, even get a response from prospective employers these days? I would advise changing at least your first name to Kevin, Shaun and the like and make sure you put Saint whatever as your schooling. You won't even need any fucking qualifications and I guarantee a much better response.
The fix was in as soon as the SNPIRA first took power and it has been a downward spiral ever since. Ever decreasing circles for us and milk and honey for them.
In one way we could say fine, they made their play and won the day, but the biggest and more sinister problem is, that they are not satisfied with victory and get on with it. No, they have to make sure we are continually demonised and dehumanised and that is borne out of fear of us, as they know their house is built on the sand of a corrupt minority that could be easily toppled. Only if we are smart enough of course and have the will to do so and thus far we do not, as it is still too comfortable in our front rooms in suburbia.



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It doesn't say that though, or anything close to it.

Genuine question: Have you read the article?

The reactions on here to it, say enough. Bloggers are self important fannies imo.

You've got a yokel blog, haven't you?

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That is fucking incredible.


Civil Rights movement?  :lol:


Catholics getting Jobs?  :lol:


SNPIRA?  :lol:


The guy who he was replying to has a cracking theory why it's all gone to pot, these fiendish immigrants have been encouraging their kids to work hard at school!


For decades and decades they have been organised, almost militaristic in fashion, with the emphasis on education, education, education!


Let's be honest here...mainly through their mosques and chapels...their separate schools and non inclusive organisations, they've made a concerted effort to ensure the next generation succeeds more than the previous one.

So, where their grandparents were selling clothes pegs, washing line and cloths round the doors...or, tarring roads....the current generation are now doctors, politicians, teachers, top cops,  judges and journalists!!
Edited by welshbairn
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