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2016 Scottish Cup Final - Hibernian FC v Rangers


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Sakes. Nearly 40 years on this planet and I've just found out my name is tainted. Thanks Dad.


^^^ Kevin  :lol:


Those fucking sneaky Catholics eh? Leaning stuff and doing their homework. All in a devious plan to overthrow the Sevco contingent. 

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Aye wullie that wings over Scotland nutters blog will be impartial....


Spot on Bennnet. 




I was born to be a Rangers supporter. I had no real choice in the matter. My father was a Ger, as was his father and his father’s father. I was accepted that as soon as I was old enough to be lifted over a turnstile I would attend Ibrox, faithfully.

From 1964 (aged 5) I worshipped at the shrine of Rangers for almost three decades. 

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Being a Ranger

I was born to be a Rangers supporter.

I had no real choice in the matter.

My father was a Ger, as was his father and his father’s father.

I was accepted that as soon as I was old enough to be lifted over a turnstile I would attend Ibrox, faithfully.

I worshipped at the shrine of Rangers for several decades.

Fortunately for me, my father was the least religious and the least bigoted man you could wish to meet. His religions were the trade unions…..and Rangers.

Because he was not bigoted our next door neighbour and dad’s friend used to take me to Parkhead to watch Celtic too. Something I enjoyed immensely as I felt convinced the ‘Tims’ could see right through me…..exciting!

This caused me a bit of confusion at school when I was supposed to hate the ‘Tims’….some of my family were ‘Tims’…in fact my favourite aunty was a convert to Catholicism and was as devout and decent a Catholic as you will ever meet. The conflation of football and religion was as normal as the smog filled air we breathed. It just was what it was. You were either Proddy Ranger or Timmy Celtic.

It wasn’t to be questioned. Only my dad questioned it…loudly and often. He tried to explain the wrongs of the situation to me many times. I remember asking him why he still was a Rangers man if he disliked the whole Proddy/Tim thing that went with it.

“They are my team son….the morons can’t change that†he told me.

I accepted this dichotomy for quite a few years or at least until I started attending Ibrox on my own and watched the rampant cretinism happening around me. My normal position in the Copeland was immersed in a sea of fuckwits some of whom came over on ferries from Northern Ireland to spew out unspeakable shite at anyone stupid enough not to be wearing a Rangers strip or scarf.

I grew increasingly uncomfortable with the songs, the chants and the bile. I had heard stuff at Parkhead of a similar type and my Celtic mates hate it too it seems…but it just seemed more…..intense…definite..meant…at Ibrox.

More than once I pulled up someone sitting next to me about the stuff they were spewing out…either they just looked at me and shut up or it got very unpleasant as they questioned my ’loyalty’. I spent more time listening to the chants and songs of utter hatred for ‘******s’ than I did watching my team play.

Eventually I just stopped going.

But even then I still supported Rangers as a couch potato supporter.

Then something happened that changed my attitude totally. I had a son.

At first, like my dad, I assumed the boy was going to be a Ranger…then I thought about it.

There was no way I was going to take him to a game and spend endless hours explaining to him that what his fellow fans were belting out was ‘just a bit of fun’ and some ‘tradition’ that they maybe really didn’t mean…or maybe did….or not…at least not the good ones.

“How can you tell the good ones dad?†was the future question that bounced around my head.

The answer “The ones not singing†just seemed more and more pathetic.

I resolved that he would grow up to be whatever form of football fan (or not) as took his fancy.

I also resolved that my half hidden hypocrisy and plainly turned blind eye was no use to either Rangers or me. I decided we would part company.

That was in 1992.

I have been back to Ibrox once since then. My wife and myself, along with all the other small band of supporters isolated in a corner were subjected to non-stop venom, bile, foul-mouthed abuse and threats for the entire 90 minutes.

My son’s girlfriend and her father came too but left at half-time…utterly disgusted at the things they saw and heard.

We also had the distinct privilege of witnessing Armed Forces Day degenerate into a farce as some of those in uniform went to the Blue Order and danced and sang the same crap that had driven me away from Ibrox in the first place.

One particularly helpful RAF type came over to us to give us the benefit of his knowledge about how we were all ‘Bitter cunts’

Commendably, one Royal Navy Commander (who I believe was sent down from the stands) tried to break up this ‘celebration’ of all things blue….to little avail. The scenes were disgraceful and convinced me that my decision all those years ago had been 100% correct.

Those of a Rangers persuasion can call me a liar if they so choose. I don’t lie.

Recently and because of the troubles they have inflicted on themselves as a club, Rangers have decided to play the victim card. It would be funny were it not for the hypocrisy involved.

The recent press release regarding the idiotic actions of stupid Hibs fans is a case in point.

It is at once, hilarious and pathetic.

The great chant of “We are Rangers..super Rangers…no one likes us…we don’t care†rings a bit hollow these days.

Perhaps they should be asking themselves why they are indeed, almost universally disliked within the Scottish game. Are all those supporters of all those clubs just jealous bitter b*****ds? Is that it? Are they all just wrong?

I still have mates who attend Ibrox…they are good guys…they are just as ashamed of the crap as me.

But even though they are the majority, they feel intimidated into not challenging the shite….such is the brutal vehemence of the minority of Ranger’s ‘support’.

To my mind, the past few years have encouraged a problem that was an improving situation.

The bitter nasty b*****ds have the upper hand again and there seems to be no will at the top of either Rangers or the puerile SFA to change things.

So….that’s my wee rant. I expect to get the usual pelters for it…but I’m sick of the whole thing.

Good luck to the many, many decent Rangers men and women……you will need it.

The guy who wrote this has had some tasty replies from the people online.

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Being a Ranger

I was born to be a Rangers supporter.

I had no real choice in the matter.

My father was a Ger, as was his father and his father’s father.

I was accepted that as soon as I was old enough to be lifted over a turnstile I would attend Ibrox, faithfully.



Maybe if your dad had paid for you at the turnstile Rangers wouldn't have gone into liquidation...


(And mjw, I realise you only quoted this and didn't write it.)

Edited by GordonD
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Ahhhh the old I was raised as a Rangers fan, I'm sure I've heard that one before......

The guys a fud, see his Hillsborough blogs.

He's an Aberdeen fan.

The guy who wrote the piece was a Rangers fan.

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Ahhhh the old I was raised as a Rangers fan, I'm sure I've heard that one before......

The guys a fud, see his Hillsborough blogs.


Which guy? The guy who wrote the blog you haven't read or the guy who owns and runs the website which published the blog you haven't read? The only thing more stupid than stupidity is ignorance.



Uh huh, a Rangers fan you say...


I think he meant a "The Rangers" fan.


Actually no, Rangers is the correct term, started supporting in the 60's, did so for 3 decades. Well within the Rangers window. 

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Ahhhh the old I was raised as a Rangers fan, I'm sure I've heard that one before......

The guys a fud, see his Hillsborough blogs.

Without looking to have a pop, how can you justify not reading the stuff that you are opposed to in an argument?

That really is quite worrying, and quite extreme actually. A Celtic fan wrote it so I refuse to read it.

Do you allow similar issues to dictate your listening habits? Films? Comedy?

I never read the first blog but the wings one is absolutely spot on in my experience (as a wee boy I was a rangers fan cos my pals were but my dad and my home club won me round by the time I left school).

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A full week on and The Diddies are still in "Burn the Witch" mode?  Impressive.


Div, when's your, "Free pitchfork for every new Platinum member" deal being launched?  You have to monetise this feeding-frenzy!

Edited by The_Kincardine
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A full week on and The Diddies are still in "Burn the Witch" mode? Impressive.

Div, when's your, "Free pitchfork for every new Platinum member" deal being launched? You have to monetise this feeding-frenzy!

Do you defend those statements made by the club kincy?

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