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Scottish Greens


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3 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

aye this completely reinforces the reason why you and certain others dislike him 🤣

I've a multitude of reasons why I dislike him. Can't say I'm surprised to see him coming across like the sly wee dishonest p***k that he is. 

Didn't know anything about Wightman until I started frequently posting here but you really have to feel sorry for him, seems like a man of integrity that's been thrown to the wolves. 

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At least Wightman has the integrity to bail from a party that is clearly at odds with his personal beliefs. 

I mean, I'm generally in favour of parties permitting variance wherever and whenever possible, but when it's something pretty fundamental and a stated policy of the party itself, I don't know why you would plod on causing nothing but strife for both yourself and the party. Fine, it's sad that you should feel forced out of what you may well genuinely believe is your political home, but when it's clear that you are diametrically opposed to the party line and the party is not, at any point, likely to do a complete 180 and start seeing things from your perspective?

Difficult to gauge where headstrong surety stops, and cynical troughing becomes the prime motivation.

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15 hours ago, SANTAN said:

Interesting read. Always knew that bald wee freak Harvie was an odious piece of work. 

Wightman is a complete piece of shit.

He blogs about how there was no real difference between using the words sex and gender but then he got so worked up about it he lost his seat in parliament.  Just completely lost his mind.

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1 hour ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Wightman is a complete piece of shit.

He blogs about how there was no real difference between using the words sex and gender but then he got so worked up about it he lost his seat in parliament.  Just completely lost his mind.

This is hysterical nonsense.

The Scottish "greens" appear not to give two hoots for the environment....otherwise they wouldn't be forcing out folk like Andy Wightman.

Scottish politics has lost one of its most capable and free thinking minds. Someone who has shown willing to take on the rich and powerful who have f@cked this country over for generations.

Another casualty of the small clique of identity warriors that has infested the left of Scottish politics......and the wider independence movement in the last few years.

Must admit, I find it amazing how this trans issue continues to cause absolutely no problems at UK govt level, yet has caused havoc in our independence movement. 🤔


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8 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

This is hysterical nonsense.

The Scottish "greens" appear not to give two hoots for the environment....otherwise they wouldn't be forcing out folk like Andy Wightman.

Scottish politics has lost one of its most capable and free thinking minds. Someone who has shown willing to take on the rich and powerful who have f@cked this country over for generations.

Another casualty of the small clique of identity warriors that has infested the left of Scottish politics......and the wider independence movement in the last few years.

Must admit, I find it amazing how this trans issue continues to cause absolutely no problems at UK govt level, yet has caused havoc in our independence movement. 🤔


Wightman resigned. did you even read his blog

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2 hours ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Wightman is a complete piece of shit.

He blogs about how there was no real difference between using the words sex and gender but then he got so worked up about it he lost his seat in parliament.  Just completely lost his mind.

That's a huge oversimplification of exactly what went on.

He made the point about 'no real difference' with regard to their use in a singular piece of legislation, as the intent behind the use of either was clearly the same thing. SGP then hit the roof when he indicated that he was leaning toward voting for JL's amendment to permit victims of sex crimes to be able to specify they wanted to be examined by a professional of their own sex. The SGP's issue with this wasn't the policy in itself, it's the fact the word 'sex' was used and not 'gender', so they informed Wightman that his support for the amendment was inherently transphobic, and he'd be binned from the party if he supported it.

Utter lunacy on the part of the SGP. Wightman has acted with complete integrity, no matter what you personally might believe about the issue of 'sex v gender'.

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17 hours ago, welshbairn said:

What's not to like?


This was tremendous viewing. Morgan and the other boy just resorted to personal jibes and tried to patronise Greer.

He gave them both a lesson here, can't see him being invited back.

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Piers - "Ok Mr Greer, tell us why Sir Winston Churchill was a white supremacist mass-murderer"

Greer does exactly that 

Piers - "You've just given a totally unbalanced view ignoring all the positives"

Yes Piers, because the first thing someone is going to do when you challenge them to explain why someone was a racist psychopath, is immediately start rattling off all their plus points. :1eye

Fucking cretin that man is.

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4 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

This is hysterical nonsense.

The Scottish "greens" appear not to give two hoots for the environment....otherwise they wouldn't be forcing out folk like Andy Wightman.

Scottish politics has lost one of its most capable and free thinking minds. Someone who has shown willing to take on the rich and powerful who have f@cked this country over for generations.

Another casualty of the small clique of identity warriors that has infested the left of Scottish politics......and the wider independence movement in the last few years.

Must admit, I find it amazing how this trans issue continues to cause absolutely no problems at UK govt level, yet has caused havoc in our independence movement. 🤔


Wightman is a shitebag and a vainglorious hypocrite in many ways but he is entirely correct in this case. It happens.

Edited by Thorongil
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Think Andy Wightman’s ego took a significant hit at the election when he realised most people who voted for him previously were voting for the party, not him.

I think most politicians get their feelings hurt by this. They get trapped in the bubble and overestimate their own importance when 95% could be replaced tomorrow and most people wouldn’t notice or care.

Edited by Cardle is Magic
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The collective insanity on both extremes of the trans rights issue that affects a tiny group of people is something to behold, and will destroy a few more promising political careers before everyone comes to their senses.. To think it all started with kids on 4chan trying to explode libtard feminazi's heads by pretending to be trans lesbians and saying if they didn't shag them they were bigots.

Edited by welshbairn
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21 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Main BBC news : Massive UN report warning about climate disaster

Scottish news: 'what will the climate change report mean for Patrick Harvie?'

The UN has been predicting disaster for over 60 years. About 20 years ago, they predicted the Maldives would be underwater in 10 - today they’re building new hotels. They said the glaciers, the Great Barrier Reef would be gone - they’re still here.

They said polar bears would be gone - they’re not.

Thats just for starters!

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