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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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7 hours ago, LiviClyde said:

Not in my book, regularly underperforming due to poor coaching/tactics.

This season, yeah hear what you're saying,  I'd have expected a fairly comfortable 2nd or 3rd at this stage, but never expected top spot even pre injuries. 

Otherwise I think we were in line with what we had. I expected nothing and it was duly delivered, albeit factoring in the "debt clearance years". Course we're not in them years now.....

When youve had key figures over the past decade repeating terms like " lower your expectations" and "we've been punching above our weight", what else can you expect? Bravo little people, mission more than accomplished. We don't expect anything anymore

Still think we'll probably just about make the promotional playoffs in this dire league...what an achievement...


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I think we will be ln a fight to secure a playoff spot.

4 pts from the last 5 games against the teams mostly below us in the table and by quite a distance as well simply is not good enough. The defence and goalkeeper are a shambles just now and don't look like anything is going to improve any time soon with the constant changes and players playing in positions that are alien to them.

I am afraid to say it but defeat in the cup next week should spell the end for BF which is disappointing as i had high hopes for him bringing some kind of success to the club,no doubts he works tirelessly behind the scenes and has been desperately unlucky with long term injuries to key players but here we are 3 years later and we are in much the same position as we were when he arrived.

Will be interesting to see what changes he makes in the transfer window.

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And a creative midfielder.

I think Flynn could do a decent job there if giving an extended run out in the team.

We've scored 3 goals away against the league leaders and then twice at home on Sat both should be enough to at least get some points on the board. The defence is clearly the big problem.

Gibson has been fairly solid this season but you are guaranteed a few games like the Annan one from him each season.

A centre back who is willing to run through brick walls and be a leader on the pitch should be our top priority. Perry should have done much better at the 3rd goal after McNeil's mistake. Smith has had a few bad games and wouldn't be surprised to see him move on. McNeil should be playing as right back not Johnston. Will also need another left back to move Linton further forward.

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On 01/01/2017 at 16:25, haufdaft said:


To be honest, I think the decline started before that.
The EK Clyde thing is no longer on the table. This, Broadwood and the board, I'm afraid to say, are being used as an excuse for fans that probably wouldn't attend anyway.

I've no issue with fans not going for any reason but to continually find excuses when none are required annoys me.

I go to the games because I support Clyde. I don't support the board, Broadwood or Cumbernauld.

I don't claim to be a better fan, I don't claim to be more loyal. I just enjoy watching Clyde.


Hd can't fault you for just wanting to go and watch Clyde and not bother about anything else but the name change and leaving /not leaving the ice station are not excuses but facts that happened and caused people to chuck it.

Many also see it as the only way they can register a protest against what they see as mismanagement by the Board. If you contually turn up and don't protest then you get the status quo, which at the moment is seriously woeful football, and no hope for the future. Alternatively you can turn up, protest and be ejected by the yellow jacket brigade on instructions of the Club ( essentially the Board).

The whole supporters owned club thing was also a sham designed to get the move EK ratified as quickly as possible. I was aware of EK before the initial meeting where they dissolved the shares and set up the Community club.

My contention has always been, had those setting up the Supporters owned club, truly wanted to engage with all fans, membership would have been included with a season ticket, as it is at other member clubs, or at least at £10 or £20.

The statement at New Year provides no further evidence of a Board with any clear direction or plan which, as I have already said is one step away from the END.

Sad but true.



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Tiffony does have good ability but seemed to find it difficult to find space even at this level, perhaps we couldn't get the ball to him quickly enough to be fair. Not the bravest but looks like given a chance could be a decent player, best of luck to him.

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Hd can't fault you for just wanting to go and watch Clyde and not bother about anything else but the name change and leaving /not leaving the ice station are not excuses but facts that happened and caused people to chuck it.
Many also see it as the only way they can register a protest against what they see as mismanagement by the Board. If you contually turn up and don't protest then you get the status quo, which at the moment is seriously woeful football, and no hope for the future. Alternatively you can turn up, protest and be ejected by the yellow jacket brigade on instructions of the Club ( essentially the Board).
The whole supporters owned club thing was also a sham designed to get the move EK ratified as quickly as possible. I was aware of EK before the initial meeting where they dissolved the shares and set up the Community club.
My contention has always been, had those setting up the Supporters owned club, truly wanted to engage with all fans, membership would have been included with a season ticket, as it is at other member clubs, or at least at £10 or £20.
The statement at New Year provides no further evidence of a Board with any clear direction or plan which, as I have already said is one step away from the END.
Sad but true.

Excellent post

That's me on the fans to get rid of list ha ha

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So some here are not fans of the board - fair enough.

Some here not fans of the manager - fair enough.

How many on here feel we have the playing squad capable of at the least consolidating a play offs spot?

I suspect, a few - so if some cant support the board, or some cant support the manager - can we not show the team on Saturday we support them?



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