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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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So some here are not fans of the board - fair enough.
Some here not fans of the manager - fair enough.
How many on here feel we have the playing squad capable of at the least consolidating a play offs spot?
I suspect, a few - so if some cant support the board, or some cant support the manager - can we not show the team on Saturday we support them?

It's a nice sentiment but as you can see over the seasons quite a few have reached the tipping point
I'm on holiday abroad but I doubt I would go to Stirling my two boys have all but jacked it in for the season

No point in labouring the point but it's diehards who have followed the team all over the place that are packing it in

Unfortunately there is an air of Nero on the balcony with his fiddle eminating from the club

I will be back for Montrose at home basically cause it's a habit and I've nothing else to do on Saturday ( which is an indication of my lack of a social life ha ha )

Last away game will be cup tie v stirling ( not expecting to get through that one )
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So let me get this straight, you support Clyde "come hail or shine" but apparently five straight league defeats in a row means you have "had enough"?

Your statement is both contradictory and irrational. The team needs you now more than ever, stop buying into all the negative pish currently being sprayed around here!

Nah. Over 30yr home and away every Saturday. Thanks...
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No enjoyment for me no more, even a goal is hardly cheered by myself when before it was sheer ecstasy the way it should be for most of us, When my late dad stopping going and more recently my friends i couldnt understand why but now i know..

Clyde FC massive part of my life but mid 30 games a season for past 25/30years has taken its toll...

Hope others make their own decision like i'm sure they will, im just stating mine,Perhaps bit o time away might recharge the batteries but as another friend n fellow fan put in a text "Its hard to chuck it,Even harder to come back" so who knows

There you go. Just had enough and its gradually been getting more n more fed up with several things from current location to current league status. Might be back one day in my own time, Regards other posters see them direct through here or met them for a chat i really dont care but dont doubt my attendence over the bad , the bad and the odd good seasons

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16 minutes ago, AndyCameron88 said:

So what has changed this season then? I understand that the club is in a bit of a rut at the moment, hardly revolutionary though and the fear-mongering currently being banded about on here is highly concerning and frankly embarrassing

You think someone like SSB makes a decision based on what he reads on P&B, you serious?

Tell you what's frankly embarrassing, describing the last 6 years as a "bit of a rut". But OK, put the counter argument, tell us about all the positives surrounding our club right now - the platform's yours, go for it.

To answer MDC's post.  When we've made the playoffs previously, we just about scraped into them.  This season the midfield's improved, even the one available to him now.  Before Lowdon & Easton were injured we were shipping too many goals.  That tightened up for a while but it's gone backwards.  Unless that improves and quickly, it'll be a major task trying to scrape in again.  We'll also need to hope Peaso stays fit & in form, because if something happens to him, don't know where all the goals are going to come from.

So of course it's possible, but not if the form stays as it is.  There's plenty effort but it doesn't help when the manager plays people out of position or singles them out for public criticism.  f**k's he thinking?     


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I really do think the club is at a breaking point just now, it has been dying a slow death for a number of years now. I suspect the manager will quit this month as we will fall out of the play off places and out of the cup.

As many on here have said in the past the club has no vision and no direction.

I do honestly feel that we could easily fall out of the league this year. 

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5 minutes ago, BrigtonClyde said:

You think someone like SSB makes a decision based on what he reads on P&B, you serious?

Tell you what's frankly embarrassing, describing the last 6 years as a "bit of a rut". But OK, put the counter argument, tell us about all the positives surrounding our club right now - the platform's yours, go for it.

To answer MDC's post.  When we've made the playoffs previously, we just about scraped into them.  This season the midfield's improved, even the one available to him now.  Before Lowdon & Easton were injured we were shipping too many goals.  That tightened up for a while but it's gone backwards.  Unless that improves and quickly, it'll be a major task trying to scrape in again.  We'll also need to hope Peaso stays fit & in form, because if something happens to him, don't know where all the goals are going to come from.

So of course it's possible, but not if the form stays as it is.  There's plenty effort but it doesn't help when the manager plays people out of position or singles them out for public criticism.  f**k's he thinking?     


no need for bad language

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I really hope we win on Saturday, not to keep us in the playoff places, just to quiet down the doom-mongers who only pop up when we’re on a bad run. This place is unbearable to read when it’s like this.

Yes, we have off-the-field issues but so does just about every club in Scotland, let alone just at our level. When I’m at a game and the teams run out onto the park I honestly couldn’t give a damn about who’s on the board or what they have or haven’t done.

No one can force anyone to go to games and, yes, our current results are poor but in recent times we’ve had runs where you honestly couldn’t see where the next win was coming from, and that includes a large part of the time under Jim Duffy, not just Millar/Brown etc. We are nowhere near that bad just now.

Since our last league win (against Berwick) we’ve humped Arbroath in the cup, drew with an in form Edinburgh City side and had four defeats by a single goal (three away from home). In the last two games we twice took the lead away to the league leaders and, took the lead and later equalised against Annan. Should we have lost these games after putting ourselves into good positions? Obviously not, but we are at least being competitive and start every game with a good chance of winning it.

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It is the same folk who start posting again every time we are on a bad run. Results have been extremely poor recently but I don't think it is anywhere as bleak as the bad days under Millar, Brown and part of Duffy's reign.

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So what has changed this season then? I understand that the club is in a bit of a rut at the moment, hardly revolutionary though and the fear-mongering currently being banded about on here is highly concerning and frankly embarrassing

A bit of a rut?

The club is in a coma and a lack of any clear direction or leadership coupled with pish to mediocre fare on the park means we are getting closer to switching off the life support than coming round.

The longer we languish in this pish league the less people give a f**k. The fact we only have the 4th highest average attendance in this league says it all.

It's not too much to expect better. Our only season objective should be promotion and if we fail to achieve that again then heads should roll, starting with Ferguson.
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I really hope we win on Saturday, not to keep us in the playoff places, just to quiet down the doom-mongers who only pop up when we’re on a bad run. This place is unbearable to read when it’s like this.
Yes, we have off-the-field issues but so does just about every club in Scotland, let alone just at our level. When I’m at a game and the teams run out onto the park I honestly couldn’t give a damn about who’s on the board or what they have or haven’t done.
No one can force anyone to go to games and, yes, our current results are poor but in recent times we’ve had runs where you honestly couldn’t see where the next win was coming from, and that includes a large part of the time under Jim Duffy, not just Millar/Brown etc. We are nowhere near that bad just now.
Since our last league win (against Berwick) we’ve humped Arbroath in the cup, drew with an in form Edinburgh City side and had four defeats by a single goal (three away from home). In the last two games we twice took the lead away to the league leaders and, took the lead and later equalised against Annan. Should we have lost these games after putting ourselves into good positions? Obviously not, but we are at least being competitive and start every game with a good chance of winning it.

We can't even muster 500 for a home game you really think the club is in a healthy state ?

As said before if we keep going in the same vein will end up in the lowland league at some point with at best couple of hundred at games If fans want to go along to watch that fair enough

Don't really get this idea that fans aren't allowed to be critical I am concerned about the long term future as are quiete a few on hear

Doesn't it worry you that guys who have done tons for the club can't take it anymore crowds are dropping we can't even compete with teams in the 4th teir of Scottish football

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51 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

We can't even muster 500 for a home game you really think the club is in a healthy state ?

Our (and most team's) attendances always drop slightly over Christmas. Most of this season they've been above 500 but either way, our attendance is roughly in line with what most teams in this league get. The only way that will change in a sustained period in higher divisions, and even when we were in the first division we had one of the smaller supports.


51 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

As said before if we keep going in the same vein will end up in the lowland league at some point with at best couple of hundred at games If fans want to go along to watch that fair enough
Doesn't it worry you that guys who have done tons for the club can't take it anymore crowds are dropping we can't even compete with teams in the 4th teir of Scottish football

You've posted this umpteen times and it's a ridiculous statement. In the last three years we've been nowhere near the bottom of the table and twice qualified for the promotion playoffs. In this division it probably doesn't even take a whole season, just half of a good season to qualify for the playoffs then you've got a fair chance of promotion.

"we can't even compete with teams in the 4th teir of Scottish football" - I hate to break it to you but we're in a playoff spot right now.

Yes but if our current form continues we won't be.... Then again if we recapture our good form we can catch Arbroath and Elgin again (I think we all accept barring a shocking collapse Forfar are outwith our reach now).

51 minutes ago, cfcuk said:

Don't really get this idea that fans aren't allowed to be critical I am concerned about the long term future as are quiete a few on hear

Of course fans can criticise as much as they want but there's next to nothing constructive in the last few pages of this thread (or the Annan match thread). Very few people are talking about tactics or team selection because they don't care. They are just using a bad run of results to moan about the board, the CIC or their own personal grievances.

Anyway, now I've been drawn into an argument I normally wonder why other people bother with.

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Of course fans can criticise as much as they want but there's next to nothing constructive in the last few pages of this thread (or the Annan match thread). Very few people are talking about tactics or team selection because they don't care. They are just using a bad run of results to moan about the board, the CIC or their own personal grievances.
Anyway, now I've been drawn into an argument I normally wonder why other people bother with.

Funnily enough didn't see you and the rest of the be positive brigade give the previous chairman dogs abuse when in his words " if the club stays at Broadwood the club dies "
So let me get this right it's ok for the the clubs hierarchy to put out a gloom and doom message but not "ordinary fans "

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Well now, Andy Cameron, you've picked an appropriate user name as you're clearly a comedian

You weren't speaking about the last six years? Well maybe you should be and that's a generous figure, it's more like 9. Many have consistently warned about the direction the club has taken in that time. Who said the club was "finished" ? I didnt

Debt free with the best..to correct you.... midfield in a few years to compete in the lowest senior tier of the game. Is that all you've got? Yes you do need to go on...and considerably

This has got nothing to do with a few bad results, we all expect that from time to time. It's got everything to do with fucking about in one of the worst leagues in Europe but having absolutely no future gameplan to buy into

You, Jaggy Snake and the rest of the cavalry put everything that's written on here to one side. When you sit at Broadwood on a Saturday and look around at the hundreds of seats that used to be filled but are empty now, are you seriously saying that the majority of those missing are doing so out of  "agendas" against one person or a small group of people?

It's your melodramatic nonsense that's not helping anyone, you clown

I think we'll beat Stirling on Saturday, beat them in the cup, and make the playoffs. The very least Clyde should expect. 



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Well now, Andy Cameron, you've picked an appropriate user name as you're clearly a comedian
You weren't speaking about the last six years? Well maybe you should be and that's a generous figure, it's more like 9. Many have consistently warned about the direction the club has taken in that time. Who said the club was "finished" ? I didnt
Debt free with the best..to correct you.... midfield in a few years to compete in the lowest senior tier of the game. Is that all you've got? Yes you do need to go on...and considerably
This has got nothing to do with a few bad results, we all expect that from time to time. It's got everything to do with fucking about in one of the worst leagues in Europe but having absolutely no future gameplan to buy into
You, Jaggy Snake and the rest of the cavalry put everything that's written on here to one side. When you sit at Broadwood on a Saturday and look around at the hundreds of seats that used to be filled but are empty now, are you seriously saying that the majority of those missing are doing so out of  "agendas" against one person or a small group of people?
It's your melodramatic nonsense that's not helping anyone, you clown
I think we'll beat Stirling on Saturday, beat them in the cup, and make the playoffs. The very least Clyde should expect. 

Having backed Ferguson from day one
I don't share your optimism I am desperate for him to succeed ( like every clyde manager ) but I still don't think he has grasped he is in the 4th tier of Scottish football I'm sorry ice baths and taking players away for the night doesn't get you out this league
Hope I'm wrong but doubt he will be at clyde come may

Ps a lot of the things he says it right but it's part time players he is dealing with not scottish internationalists
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Just got a text to say Darren milller has walked out and signed for colville park ams , Text came from a non clyde person but a senior person at another club so dont know full ins n outs. Leaves us well short tomorrow if Tiffnoey back at morton....Good luck to those travelling

Walked out?

He didn't look too happy when he was substituted on Saturday. Then again neither was I.

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