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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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45 minutes ago, haufdaft said:

Broadwood is sucking us dry financially. We start with a negative balance every season just paying rental for it with little control of what the money is spent on.

Just look at the broken seats, floodlight failure, leaking roofs, excessive stewarding, unable to park outside stadium, bmx cycling events et al?

This is is the elephant in the room that effects everything else within the club.
£35000 with relatively little income streams from it cannot be sustained. The CIC pales in comparison as a contributory factor to our demise.

Maybe other teams have maintenance costs but they also keep all income generated and decide their own priorities.

Should we keep paying for 7000 unused seats in two stands never used?

Incidently, it's like a morgue on a Saturday with respect to atmosphere.

So how far do you think £35k will go towards the cost of obtaining land and building a Stadium on it, or even upgrading a basic pre-existing stadium to even something as small as New Bayview, or maybe even sharing with someone like Airdrie, where again there would be no revenue stream.

I personally think we've now got a great deal at Broadwood, and that's not taking into account that these 7000 empty seats could generate two seasons rent with one lucky Cup draw..

Time to take the blinkers off

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Well, don't know if my intentions were misleading on my original post - but take it easy on the new guy eh?
The league position is down to the players and manager no? Be honest - were you happy with the squad at the start of the season - I know I was.
I'm not absolving anyone of blame - I'm looking to volunteer, so I need facts as to why it would be a waste of time, or if there are any other draconian forces at work which I am not aware of. Do you have any facts about the CIC not working or is it just an opinion?
Opinions are fine, but surely you would agree that they carry much more muster if backed up by facts?

Would never put anyone off volunteering there are a lot good work done in that area, why not try it can only benefit the club

As for facts Google our league record over last five years

Or maybe the reverse you tell me how great it has been for the club

Interesting concept you have that the people who recruit the manager of the club have no responsibility for his performance and results of the football club.
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16 minutes ago, cfcuk said:





Would never put anyone off volunteering there are a lot good work done in that area, why not try it can only benefit the club

As for facts Google our league record over last five years

Or maybe the reverse you tell me how great it has been for the club

Interesting concept you have that the people who recruit the manager of the club have no responsibility for his performance and results of the football club.



Of Course they have responsibility - but that's a board responsibility and it would be the same board if it was a LTD company rather than a CIC - or am I missing something.


I'm also not stating its been great or not - I am simply asking for facts to be put on display to suggest it's the absolute shambles it's been labelled as on here or what would be different if we had carried on under the previous regimes?


Genuine question.



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Good afternoon all Clyde fans,

A good friend and former player called me over the last couple of days to inform me that there is a line of discussion herein suggesting or at least speculating that I have been posting under a pseudonym. I would like to say that this is not the case. As everyone can see I am happy to post transparently and would not consider doing so under a veil of secrecy or indeed duplicity.

As for my opinions and position, it is a published fact that I have been active in discussions with the current Board, former Board members, members of the CIC, current and potential sponsors, season ticket holders, lifelong fans, potential partners, prospective backers and of course friends, many of whom are within the Clyde family. I have managed to gather a significant amount of information from each encounter and am hugely grateful to everyone involved for their time and energy. It is not incumbent upon me to publicly discuss any aspect of any conversation, including the meeting with the current Board as revealing such would be contrary to the nature of the meeting and the agreements therein. I am sure that in good time these conversations will be freely discussed .

If anyone has any questions or seeks my opinion then I am here freely and openly to respond. So long as you're willing to hear the answers. I must make it clear that due to family and business commitments it will not be possible for me to check this thread with any frequency so any communication may well be a while in being answered. I am also a member of one the Clyde FC Facebook pages, "Bully Wee Fans and Players" so happy to respond there too. Again don't expect immediate replies.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Tennent


ps - The events over the last couple of days have brought what seems to be an enormous challenge to the Club at a time when stability and surety are more welcome. The life of a football fan!!


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30 minutes ago, Stephen Tennent said:

Good afternoon all Clyde fans,

A good friend and former player called me over the last couple of days to inform me that there is a line of discussion herein suggesting or at least speculating that I have been posting under a pseudonym. I would like to say that this is not the case. As everyone can see I am happy to post transparently and would not consider doing so under a veil of secrecy or indeed duplicity.

As for my opinions and position, it is a published fact that I have been active in discussions with the current Board, former Board members, members of the CIC, current and potential sponsors, season ticket holders, lifelong fans, potential partners, prospective backers and of course friends, many of whom are within the Clyde family. I have managed to gather a significant amount of information from each encounter and am hugely grateful to everyone involved for their time and energy. It is not incumbent upon me to publicly discuss any aspect of any conversation, including the meeting with the current Board as revealing such would be contrary to the nature of the meeting and the agreements therein. I am sure that in good time these conversations will be freely discussed .

If anyone has any questions or seeks my opinion then I am here freely and openly to respond. So long as you're willing to hear the answers. I must make it clear that due to family and business commitments it will not be possible for me to check this thread with any frequency so any communication may well be a while in being answered. I am also a member of one the Clyde FC Facebook pages, "Bully Wee Fans and Players" so happy to respond there too. Again don't expect immediate replies.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Tennent


ps - The events over the last couple of days have brought what seems to be an enormous challenge to the Club at a time when stability and surety are more welcome. The life of a football fan!!


Sorry - I tried to do this on Facebook page, but says you're not in there 


Woukd it be be out of order to ask a couple if questions?

What current sponsors have you spoken to and were the discussions positive?


Why would you include Bobby Gracey in your group knowing his previous and well documented failures and the very low opinion he is widely held in?

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Keen to hear more however if Bobby DisGracey is anywhere involved then straight away you won't have my support. 

Tennent is the friendly face selected to give credibility to Gracey, Daizell, Smith, Ballantyne and the rest of their merry band of blazer chasers. He describes himself as "a visionary". I prefer to describe him as a "chancer" and not a very good one at that.


It's no surprise that he has decided to rear his head at this time.


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Tennent is the friendly face selected to give credibility to Gracey, Daizell, Smith, Ballantyne and the rest of their merry band of blazer chasers. He describes himself as "a visionary". I prefer to describe him as "chancer" and not a very good one at that.

So you ain't interested in even seeing the plan ?

I have no idea if it's good , bad or indifferent but would still like to see the proposal

Can't be any worse than project EKCLYDE [emoji23]

Sorry not allowed to mention that on orders of its architect [emoji6]
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4 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

To my point of a few days ago. 




Impossible to move the club forward whilst this continues.



If this poster is genuinely Stevie Tennant, what a strange way to go about things.

To use any open Internet forum, let alone one like this which is notorious for aliases and trolls, to further their cause just strikes me as bizarre.

As SLW points out, unity has to be the name of the game going forward.

Until everyone can get round a table in a civilised fashion, with the common interest of the Club's welfare and future no progress can be made.

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2 minutes ago, LiviClyde said:


If this poster is genuinely Stevie Tennant, what a strange way to go about things.

To use any open Internet forum, let alone one like this which is notorious for aliases and trolls, to further their cause just strikes me as bizarre.

As SLW points out, unity has to be the name of the game going forward.

Until everyone can get round a table in a civilised fashion, with the common interest of the Club's welfare and future no progress can be made.

Interesting as I seen no sign of him on this Facebook page or any pseudonym being used that prompted this post. 

May well be an alias 

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If this poster is genuinely Stevie Tennant, what a strange way to go about things.
To use any open Internet forum, let alone one like this which is notorious for aliases and trolls, to further their cause just strikes me as bizarre.
As SLW points out, unity has to be the name of the game going forward.
Until everyone can get round a table in a civilised fashion, with the common interest of the Club's welfare and future no progress can be made.

Unfortunately that is so true [emoji54]
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Man comes on here.

Man that many haven't even heard off.

Man may be an alias.

Man makes non specific statement that says nothing

Man invites Clyde fans to look at non existent Facebook page

Man invited questions but won't be answering as he can't be arsed logging in regularly.

Excuse me for being cynical.

This man may even be an attractive Russian woman who lives in my area and wants no strings sex.

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