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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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Yeah, I don't quite know what he's talking about, but has seen fit to talk about my posts, without answering questions I've put on them.


For the record I didn't say I knew nothing about clyde - I was at the 55 and 58 cup final, and if you must know I got a kindle fire for my xmas, and it's taken me this long to figure out how to work it!

I thought it would be good to talk about the current goings on at Clyde as we have just lost our manager, and what was an encouraging season at the start of it has turned into a disaster.


So please, if all you want to do is cynically have a pop at every message I put on - don't bother.

I'm more than welcome to enter a debate about ALL things Clyde, with anyone.



I've no idea the details of the deal they propose but before it's even discussed or elaborated on its dismissed as a fairytail which it could be , but at least let's see it first , but as you see every thread on clyde is agenda driven ( I'm as guilty as most) reasoned debate is thin on the ground


Anyway biggest priority at the moment is winning football matches and that starts tonight


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To me, some people on this forum seem to know much more than others eg who's involved, proposals being made, monies available etc.

I've no idea about anything as I'm just a punter. However, can people "in the know" actually be open about the facts and stop using innuendo, hints and slurs and just be up front and explain to us ordinary folk what's happening.

I still don't know the point of Stephen Tennant's post. It's an island of randomness in an ocean of nothingness.

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To me, some people on this forum seem to know much more than others eg who's involved, proposals being made, monies available etc.

I've no idea about anything as I'm just a punter. However, can people "in the know" actually be open about the facts and stop using innuendo, hints and slurs and just be up front and explain to us ordinary folk what's happening.

I still don't know the point of Stephen Tennant's post. It's an island of randomness in an ocean of nothingness.

Good post
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1 hour ago, haufdaft said:

To me, some people on this forum seem to know much more than others eg who's involved, proposals being made, monies available etc.

I've no idea about anything as I'm just a punter. However, can people "in the know" actually be open about the facts and stop using innuendo, hints and slurs and just be up front and explain to us ordinary folk what's happening.

I still don't know the point of Stephen Tennant's post. It's an island of randomness in an ocean of nothingness.

This isn't and can't be a platform for openness and frank exchanges of facts because of the nature of the beast. Nobody knows whether posters are the real deal or aliases, well meaning or trouble makers.

It's a forum for exchanges of opinion and banter never to be taken seriously.

So Stevie, if it is you, think again about your tactics.

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Is anyone able to clear this up for me - 
seen on here that we will have the same budget for next year, i.e. able to sign same calibre of player.
Also seen we'll have to go back to basement signings. 

You mean will we have the budget to assemble a calibre of player to take us to 8th in the table and 30 points off the top by February almost certainly [emoji6]
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Is anyone able to clear this up for me - 
seen on here that we will have the same budget for next year, i.e. able to sign same calibre of player.
Also seen we'll have to go back to basement signings. 

Seriously seems the opinion is that it's bargain basement but will become clearer at the summer AGM
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This isn't and can't be a platform for openness and frank exchanges of facts because of the nature of the beast. Nobody knows whether posters are the real deal or aliases, well meaning or trouble makers.
It's a forum for exchanges of opinion and banter never to be taken seriously.

I've no problem your view. However, it's annoying when posters make continual references to internal club dealings.
If it's speculation say that. Don't state things as fact when it's not.
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53 minutes ago, cfcuk said:


You mean will we have the budget to assemble a calibre of player to take us to 8th in the table and 30 points off the top by February almost certainly emoji6.png


Would have to say with better coaching you'd think the current squad would be much higher. 

But had a laugh at your point as well!

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I believe this Tennant character is the face of the gracey brigade, if they have something cohesive to offer then it should be listened to but if agendas start appearing again then we should refute any advances from that party. Gracey is an arsehole and should stay clear of any discussions. 

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I believe this Tennant character is the face of the gracey brigade, if they have something cohesive to offer then it should be listened to but if agendas start appearing again then we should refute any advances from that party. Gracey is an arsehole and should stay clear of any discussions. 

Seriously we do need to see the proposal and we have to do something if as is being muted we are back scraping the bottom of the barrell player wise we would be as well packing it in ,

Personalities really don't bother me , main thing is that the club progresses that surely is the most important thing

Our biggest problem is the internecine fighting that starts as soon as any new structure is even muted

It's quite clear that the present structure isn't working certainly not in the form it is now
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I believe this Tennant character is the face of the gracey brigade, if they have something cohesive to offer then it should be listened to but if agendas start appearing again then we should refute any advances from that party. Gracey is an arsehole and should stay clear of any discussions. 

Just out of interest if and it's a big if the proposal was a great deal for the club would you dismiss it because of the involvement of one individual ?
It's an interesting dilemma for those who dislike those involved

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Tennant is part of Ballantyne/Gracey/Smith group. The board asked them to share their plans and do a presentation at a board meeting. They came and refused to disclose who their funders were/where the money was coming from/what their plans were etc. The board told them that the board had a duty to the club to undertake due diligence and indeed were legally obliged to so. Tennant refused. Board said they would welcome any approach that benefits the club. Tennant demanded all the board step down and he was to be made chair with Gracey and Ballatyne back on the board.

That's what I know in any of the proposal or actions to date.

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Tennant is part of Ballantyne/Gracey/Smith group. The board asked them to share their plans and do a presentation at a board meeting. They came and refused to disclose who their funders were/where the money was coming from/what their plans were etc. The board told them that the board had a duty to the club to undertake due diligence and indeed were legally obliged to so. Tennant refused. Board said they would welcome any approach that benefits the club. Tennant demanded all the board step down and he was to be made chair with Gracey and Ballatyne back on the board.

That's what I know in any of the proposal or actions to date.

Is this rumour or is it fact?
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